  • 她双腿仍有些弱无力, 但总的情况尚好.
    There is still some weakness in the legs, but her general condition is good.
  • 英国政府忧虑货币(较之其他货币)疲.
    The Governmentis worried about the weakness of the pound (against other currencies).
  • 放弃控制对方常常被视为弱。
    Giving up control is often confused with weakness.
  • 别把他的耐心看作弱的表示。
    Don't take his patience as a sign of weakness.
  • 貂几种貂属的主要栖居于树上的食肉哺乳动物的统称,与鼬类动物有亲缘关系,主要栖居在北部森林。体形细长,尾部毛浓密,皮毛柔
    Any of several principally arboreal carnivorous mammals of the genus Martes, related to the weasel, mainly inhabiting northern forests, and having a slender body, bushy tail, and soft fur.
  • 能够使土的顶层松的锋利钢楔。
    a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil.
  • 通过在两部分间产生电弧使变并连接起来的对接。
    butt welding by creating an electric arc between the two pieces which melts and joins them; used for joining segments of metal pipe.
  • 你可以看到,一切真正伟大的人物(无论是古人、今人,只要是其英名永铭于人类记忆中的),“没有一个是因爱情而发狂的人:因为伟大的事业抑制了这种弱的感憎。”
    You may observe, that amongst all the great and worthy persons(whereof the memory remaineth, either ancient or recent) there is not one, that hath been transported to the mad degree of love: which shows that great business, do keep out this weak passion.
  • 灯芯绒一种柔、厚重的棉线,类似于用来制造烛芯的棉线
    A soft, heavy cotton thread similar to that used to make wicks for candles.
  • 请用这块软布擦。
    Please use this soft cloth to wipe with.
  • 这就对无线件平台提出了两点要求:
    This drives two requirements on a wireless software platform:
  • 你流泪未免太弱了。
    Your tears are womanish.
  • 难道民族资产阶级的弱性是后来才得的新毛病,而不是他们从娘肚子里带出来的老毛病吗?
    Can one say that the weakness of the national bourgeoisie is a new disease, and not one that accompanies it from the very womb?
  • 驼丝锦一种紧密、滑毛织物
    A fine, soft, smooth woolen fabric.
  • 毛毯上经常带有柔的绒毛。
    Woolen blankets often have fluff on them.
  • 的用于衣料的毛纺纤维。
    a soft light woolen fabric; used for clothing.
  • 尤其是用于童装的柔的毛纺纤维。
    soft woolen fabric used especially for baby clothes.
  • (指植物)有丛生的像羊毛一样的毛。
    (of plants) having tufts of soft woolly hairs.
  • 基恩认为:“新的工作地点不是一个环境,而是一个生产力极强的地方。
    Kean:“ The new workplace isn't a soft environment.It's highly productive.
  • 有开的网眼的柔的棉布或精仿毛纱纤维;用于窗帘或衣服等。
    a soft cotton or worsted fabric with an open mesh; used for curtains or clothing etc..
  • 包装器有助于防止件盗版和保证可靠的电子邮件传送,这是当今有关因特网的两大关注点。
    Wrappers help prevent software piracy and guarantee delivery of secure e-mail, which are two major concerns about the Internet today.
  • 包装器通常是建在电子邮件程序中,附加在可以从因特网下载的演示件或者文件等项目中。
    Wrappers are most commonly built in to e-mail programs and attached to items like demonstration software or files downloaded from the Internet.
  • 各公司可以通过数字包装器确保安全地向远地分发件,以保护内部程序,需要用特殊的代码或口令才能打开程序。
    Companies can ensure safe software distribution to remote locations by using digital wrappers to protect the program inside, requiring special codes or passwords to open the programs.
  • 包装器是由件代码组成,其目标是利用与这些代码包装在一起的数据完成某些具体事情,如帮助搜索引擎定义查询。
    Wrappers are made up of software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data enclosed within them, such as helping to define queries for search engines.
  • 由于其操作系统具有统治地位,因此写件的公司或者个人更加倾向于为微的操作系统而不是其竞争对手比如说苹果公司的操作系统写件。
    Because its operating system is so dominant, companies or individuals writing software have tended to write for its system rather than for rivals such as Apple.
  • 英镑对美元保持稳定,但对日元则疲
    The pound remain firm against the dollar, but fall against the yen.
  • 不柔或者不向压力屈服。
    not soft or yielding to pressure.
  • 动物学家发现了体动物的新品种得对它进行再分类。
    The zoologists had to reclassify the mollusks after they found new species.
  • 我伤了膝关节的软骨.
    I've damaged a cartilage in my knee.
  • 岩石上形成许多深槽.
    Deep grooves channelled the soft rock.
  • 她的皮肤仍然十分柔、 光滑. take the rough with the smooth => rough3.
    Her skin is still as smooth as a baby's bottom.
  • 她喜欢枕头、 硬床垫. Cf 参看 hard1.
    She likes a soft pillow and a hard mattress.