  • 这懦夫贬低了那雄的勇救助。
    The cowards disparaged the hero 's brave rescue.
  • 他死得很英勇.
    He met his fate (ie died) bravely.
  • 勇地站在正义的立场上
    stand bravely on the side of justice
  • 每一个士兵都勇作战。
    Every soldier fight bravely.
  • 每一个士兵都勇作战。
    Every soldier fought bravely.
  • 工人进行了勇的回击。
    The workers fought back bravely.
  • 小号手勇地面对敌人。
    The little bugler bravely squared up to his enemy.
  • 在多次战役中他勇作战,从而赢得了大家的尊敬。
    He fought bravely in many battles and gained their respect.
  • 他们勇地和调来镇压他们的警察搏斗。
    They bravely fought the police called out to suppress them.
  • 一听到冲锋号,战士们勇地向敌人发起猛烈的攻击。
    Hearing the bagle call to charge, the soldiers waded into the enemy bravely.
  • 在革命战争年代,党号召全党同志不怕牺牲、前赴后继地为革命的胜利而勇斗争。
    During the revolutionary wartime, our Party called on all its members to fight bravely and fear no sacrifice, and advance wave upon wave for the victory of revolution.
  • 数名士兵因勇而受嘉奖。
    Several soldiers were decorated for bravery.
  • 他英勇无比。
    He is unrivaled in bravery.
  • 他的勇使我们得到鼓舞。
    His bravery inspired us.
  • 不真实的英勇故事
    False tales of bravery.
  • 因为英勇而被授勋
    Was decorated for bravery.
  • 因表现勇而获得勋章
    Win a distinction for bravery
  • 他英勇无比。
    He is unrivaled in bravery.
  • 授予在战斗中表现勇者的奖章
    A medal for bravery in battle
  • 在战斗中他们表现得无比勇。
    They showed unsurpassed bravery in battle.
  • 这些士兵因勇而获奖。
    These soldiers were decorated for bravery.
  • 这男孩的勇行为受到了高度赞扬。
    The boy was highly commended for his bravery.
  • 战斗雄获得许多勇敢勋章。
    The war hero received many medals for bravery.
  • 所有战士作战勇都受到表彰。
    All the soldiers were cited for bravery in battle.
  • 他因表现勇敢而得到100镑的奖赏。
    He was given £100 as a reward for his bravery.
  • 鲁迅是在文化战线上,代表全民族的大多数,向着敌人冲锋陷阵的最正确、最勇敢、最坚决、最忠实、最热忱的空前的民族雄。
    Representing the great majority of the nation, Lu Hsun breached and stormed the enemy citadel;on the cultural front he was the bravest and most correct, the firmest, the most loyal and the most ardent national hero, a hero without parallel in our history.
  • 产于新格兰到巴西的水域。
    from New England to Brazil.
  • 一种前葡萄牙或巴西金币,也曾是18世纪早期国的货币
    A former Portuguese or Brazilian gold coin that was also current in England in the early18th century.
  • 王平:有一次,他曾对巴西记者说;“在1995年,我当选为世界最佳守门员,推举我的是足球强国德国和格兰的体育记者。
    Wang Ping: Once, he said to a Brazilian journalist:"In 1995, I was elected best goalkeeper in the world. I was elected by the sports journalists of German and Scotland, which are great powers of football.
  • 王平:有一次,他曾对巴西记者说;“在1995年,我当选为世界最佳守门员,推举我的是足球强国德国和格兰的体育记者。
    Wang Ping: Once, he said to a Brazilian journalist: "In 1995, I was elected best goalkeeper in the world. I was elected by the sports journalists of German and Scotland, which are great powers of foot-ball.
  • 这房间长15尺,宽10尺。
    The room is15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.
  • 请参照14日我方去电,兹索赔漏损364镑另加检验费,有关文件航空寄去。
    Our claim reference ours 14th 364 for breakage plus actual survey fee airmail voucher