| - 如果黨的領導幹部自己不嚴格要求自己,不遵守黨紀國法,違反黨的原則,鬧派性,搞特殊化,走後門,鋪張浪費,損公利私,不與群衆同甘苦,不實行吃苦在先、享受在後,不服從組織决定,不接受群衆監督,甚至對批評自己的人實行打擊報復,怎麽能指望他們改造社會風氣呢!
If leading cadres in the Party do not set strict standards for themselves and observe Party discipline and the laws of the state, how can they be expected to help reform the standards of social conduct?How can they do so if, in violation of Party principles, they engage in factionalism, use their positions to obtain personal privileges, seize advantages through connections or influence, indulge in extravagance and waste, and seek personal gain at the expense of the public interest?How can they do so if they fail to share the joys and sorrows of the masses, refuse to be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, disobey the decisions of the Party organization and reject supervision by the masses or even retaliate against those who criticize them? - 如果薩達姆公開拒絶最後通牒,兩年以前在海彎戰爭中與薩達姆作戰的反伊拉剋盟國可能轟炸他的導彈以為報復——或提高賭註攻擊伊拉剋空軍基地或戰機。
If Saddam defies the ultimatum, the anti-Iraq allies who fought Saddam in the Gulf War two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles –or up the ante and go after Iraqi air bases or was planes. - 在處理具體問題的時候,必須堅决保護群衆已經得到的果實,擊退可能發生的地富反攻。
When dealing with specific problems, we must resolutely defend the ground the masses have already gained and repulse any retaliation by landlords and rich peasants. - 事實上,由於蘇聯已經擁有了大量增加的核能力,我們依靠大規模報復戰略的可靠性和謹慎態度要讓位於我們的靈活反應戰略。
Indeed, as the Soviet Union acquired vastly increased nuclear capabilities, the credibility and prudence of relying on massive retaliation gave way to our flexible response posture. - 中國保持精幹有效的核反擊力量,是為了遏製他國對中國可能的核攻擊,任何此種行為都將導致中國的報復性核反擊。
China maintains a small but effective nuclear counterattacking force in order to deter possible nuclear attacks by other countries. Any such attack will inevitably result in a retaliatory nuclear counterstrike by China. - 它的通信係統經過強化,可抵抗核爆炸産生的大量電磁脈衝,因此通信網在遭到敵人核攻擊後仍繼續運行,使得國傢指揮當局能夠指揮反擊。
Its communications system is hardened to withstand the massive electromagnetic pulse of a nuclear burst,so that the communication network will function following an enemy attack and enable the NCA to direct a retaliatory strike. - 談到目前令人不愉快的主要問題之一——即美國無法打入日本建築市場——美國貿易代表尤特說竹下的提議未能達到(我們的)期望,因此裏根政府將考慮報復行動。
On one of the current major sore points, U.S. inability to penetrate Japan's construction market, U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeuter said a proposal brought by Takeshita falls short of expectations and that the Reagan Administration would consider retaliatory action. - 美版中,由亞歷剋·鮑德溫飾演的杜利德中核聲明,如果他在對東京的報復性空襲中被擊中,他打算在在戰機墜毀時“盡可能多地殺死那些雜種”;
In the U.S. version, Alec Baldwin, playing Lieut. Colonel James Doolittle, declares that if he's shot down during a retaliatory air raid on Tokyo, he plans to crash his plane in such a way as to “kill as many of those bastards as possible.” - 提拔幹部不能太急,但是太慢了也要誤現代化建設的大事。
We must not be too hasty in this matter, but if we are too slow we will retard our modernization programme. - 現在人們議論最多的是,如果香港不能繼續保持繁榮,就會影響中國的四化建設。
The main concern of people today is that if prosperity is not maintained in Hong Kong, it might retard China's drive for modernization. - 不能采取雙重標準,以防止核擴散為藉口限製和損害發展中國傢和平利用核能。
There must not be a double standard whereby anti-nuclear proliferation is used as a pretext to limit or retard the peaceful use of nuclear energy by developing nations. - 五、雖說高薪制度是引進或留住人才不二法門,但這個制度未必能使人才發揮創意,尤其當高薪達到最高頂限時,很容易使人自負自足,不敢冒更大的風險,而人的創意思維也緊跟環境安逸減退下來。
5. Although offering good renumeration packages is the best way to attract talents, it may not spur them on to become creative. In particular, when people draw top salaries, they can easily become conceited and lose the motivation to undertake bigger risks. Thus, a stable and comfortable environment may retard a person's creative thinking. - 中國同時認為,防止核擴散不能無視各國、特別是廣大發展中國傢和平利用核能的正當權益和要求,更不能采取雙重標準,以防止核擴散為藉口限製和損害發展中國傢和平利用核能。
At the same time, China holds that preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons should not proceed without due regard for the just rights and interests of all countries in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, particularly in the case of developing countries. There must not be a double standard whereby anti-nuclear proliferation is used as a pretext to limit or retard the peaceful use of nuclear energy by developing nations. - 低能,弱智低能、弱智的狀態或情況;中度或嚴重智力障礙
The state or condition of being an imbecile; moderate or severe mental retardation. - 愚侏儒病一種因在胎兒發育期間缺乏甲狀腺激素導致的先天性病癥,癥狀為在少兒時期體型矮小、智力遲鈍、骨骼營養不良以及基本的新陳代謝能力低下
A congenital condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormone during prenatal development and characterized in childhood by dwarfed stature, mental retardation, dystrophy of the bones, and a low basal metabolism. - 癡愚者一個人智能遲緩發展,僅具有7歲到12歲的智能,一般在一定程度的學術或職業教育後能夠進行交流和掌握社會技術。這個詞是一個集合概念,現在不再使用,並被視為帶有侮辱意味
A person of mild mental retardation having a mental age of from7 to12 years and generally having communication and social skills enabling some degree of academic or vocational education. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive. - 經核查,這位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫簡訓,入院前患有嚴重的精神發育遲滯等病狀,入院後在護理人員的精心救治照護下,一度體重有所增加,後因病情發展,病及嘔吐中樞,喂食後即頻繁嘔吐,人逐漸消瘦,醫生對其進行救治,喂食牛奶、靜脈補液,但終因其吸收功能出現嚴重障礙,救治無效而於1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment.Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 經核查,這位在1988年2月24日入院的病童由福利院取名叫簡訓,入院前患有嚴重的精神發育遲滯等病狀,入院後在護理人員的精心救治照護下,一度體重有所增加,後因病情發展,病及嘔吐中樞,喂食後即頻繁嘔吐,人逐漸消瘦,醫生對其進行救治,喂食牛奶、靜脈補液,但終因其吸收功能出現嚴重障礙,救治無效而於1992年7月17日病死。
It was learned, after investigation, that the child, given the name of Jianxun by the welfare home, suffered a serious illness caused by mental retardation; after he entered the welfare home, on February 24, 1988, he put on weight under meticulous care and medical treatment. Later, his illness deteriorated and affected the vomiting center, which caused frequent vomiting after feeding. As a result, the patient grew thinner and thinner, but the doctors still persevered in their efforts, feeding him milk and giving intravenous injections. However, because of the serious handicap in his assimilating function, the treatment ended in failure and he died on July 17, 1992. - 截止1995年底,共有36萬小兒麻痹後遺癥患者經矯治手術改善了功能,有效率達98%左右;完成6萬多名聾兒康復任務,使他們都能開口說話,其中10%的康復聾兒進入普通幼兒園、小學學習;為3萬名低視力兒童配用了助視器,提高了視力;使10萬智殘兒童增強了認知和自理能力
By the end of 1995, China had rectified 360,000 children of polio sequelae (a success rate of 98 percent), helped more than 60,000 deaf children recover their hearing and speech abilities (10 percent of which had entered regular kindergartens and elementary schools to receive regular education), had provided 30,000 poor-sighted children with sight aids and helped 100,000 mentally retarded children enhance their cognitive capacity and self-suciency. - 幹嘔劇烈的試圖嘔吐但不能把胃裏的東西帶出;反胃
Forceful attempts at vomiting without bringing up the contents of the stomach; retching. - 通過微小調整,優化係統功能的過程(或處理方法)。
The process of optimizing the performance of a system by fine adjustment. - 那些贊成死刑的人可能持有保留死刑的論據,
Those who believe in capital punishment may have arguments for its retention. - 患尿 留(不能排尿)
Er from retention of urine, ie failure to pass it out from the bladder - 為了使員工繼續留任,雀巢和其他公司正在加緊製定能滿足其雇員要求的穩定員工隊伍的計劃。
To keep staff, Nestle and other companies are hustling to install retention programs that meet employee demands. - 他努力想記起她的名字——但他卻驚慌地發現他竟想不起來了,儘管他以博聞強記能記住以前的事兒而自豪。
He tried to remember her name and he was surprised to find that he could not remember it, although he was proud of the retentiveness and reach of his memory and it had only been six months before. - 經過逾十年的持續發展,我們應該反思一下,並且重新檢討我們的競爭能力。
After more than a decade of uninterrupted growth, we should rethink and re-examine our competitive edge. - 如果驢能看到整幅圖像,它可能會重新想想是否還要去追求鬍蘿蔔。”
If the donkey could see the whole picture, it might rethink its choice to chase the carrot." - 問題是很多,但能進行反思就是一個最大的教育,比讀什麽書都重要。
They do have many problems, but it can be very educational for them to rethink what they did--that's more important than reading any books. - 問題是很多,但能進行反思就是一個最大的教育,比讀什麽書都重要。
They do have many problems, but it can be very educational for them to rethink what they did -- that's more important than reading any books. - 每一傢處在産品生産商和最終消費者之間的企業都必須重新思考他們的價值,因為網絡使得生産商和消費者的直接交易成為可能,尤其是當産品和服務濃縮成“字節”單位時。
Any institution that stands between the creator of a product and the consumer of the product is going to have to rethink its value because the Net is going to make direct connections between those parties possible, especially in cases where the product or service can be reduced to bits and bytes. - 該裝置微芯片裏的太陽能電池是用來替代視網膜感光細胞的功能的。
Solar cells in the device's microchip are supposed to replace the function of the retina's light-sensing cells. - 進一步的研究表明它還可降低糖尿病人尿中的白蛋白含量(尿中的蛋白含量多少是腎功能正常與否的標志),並推遲age對視網膜造成的損傷。
Further studies showed that aminoguanidine lowered diabetics' urine albumin -- an indicator of kidney malfunction -- and delayed AGE-related damage to the retina.