  • 当两个诚实的证人对同一件事做出了截然不同的解释时,人们怎样才能证明你给出的证据是有意捏造的呢?;这些画笔中有三个彼此分开有一百二十英尺的距,第四个和那三个中的一个处于完全相反的位置。
    when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?; three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three.
  • 除第二、第三、第五和第六乐音外有和整个音调分的乐音的全音阶音阶。
    a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 2nd and 3rd and 5th and 6th.
  • 除第三、第四、第七和第八乐音外有和整个音调分的乐音的全音阶音阶。
    a diatonic scale with notes separated by whole tones except for the 3rd and 4th and 7th and 8th.
  • "这个寡妇还在中年时,她的亲属就先后开了人世。"
    "As the window was still middle-aged, her relatives all died off."
  • 死亡使精神脱肉体。
    Death-dies the spirits of men.
  • 使偏引起偏或差异
    To cause to turn aside or differ.
  • 异,分变异一些微生物变异或经历突变的过程
    The process by which some microbes differentiate or mutate.
  • 溶液中离子的扩散
    ionic diffusion in solution
  • 如果我可以暂时开一下话题,我将讲一个有趣的故事给你听。
    I'll tell you a funny story, if I may digress for a moment.
  • 离开所讨论的主题
    digress from the subject under discussion
  • "老教授过去常常暂时开一下话题,给学生们讲一个有趣的故事。"
    The old professor used to digress from his subject for a moment to tell his students a funny story.
  • 不要题,要针对这一问题谈。
    Don't wander from the subject: stick to the point, ie Don't digress.
  • 插话,插曲,穿插与讨论的主题无关的看法;题话,
    A comment departing from the theme of discourse; a digression.
  • 从主要公路的一个转向;进入无关联细节的偏
    a diversion from the main highway; a digression into irrelevant details; a deflection from his goal.
  • 家人开伦敦后,汤姆便搬到宿舍去住了。
    When his family left London, Tom moved into digs.
  • 史蒂芬斯虽未嫁个好男人,但又憎恶婚,所以她觉得左右为难。
    Though badly married, Steffens hated divorce, and to she found herself on the horns of a dilemma.
  • 两方面的事实使政府左右为难:既希望缔造一个全民融洽无间的新加坡,又认识到,如果超越各族群的意愿而令其快速融合,则足以引发怨恨、抗拒而加深彼此的疏
    These realities create a dilemma for the Government. While the Government aspires for a more integrated Singaporean Singapore, it also realizes that attempts to bring communities together quicker than they are ready to will only generate resentment, resistance and further entrench divisions.
  • 我们的科学技术人员,为社会主义的科学事业辛勤劳动,怎么是脱政治呢?
    How can our scientists and technicians who work diligently at socialist scientific enterprises be accused of being divorced from politics?
  • 降下桁木横帆之外的横帆或旗的高度或垂直距
    The height or vertical dimension of a flag or of any square sail other than a course.
  • 然而被动总是不利的,必须力求脱它。
    Any passivity, however, is a disadvantage, and one must strive hard to shake it off.
  • 等他完全消失不见了,她充分感到了他的去给她带来的孤独。
    When he disappeared she felt his absence thoroughly.
  • 他悻悻然开了她,消失在茫茫黑夜之中。
    He flung from her and disappeared in the darkness.
  • 开之前他做了两个有趣的恶作剧,以免孩子们失望;他没有打电话,而是给她写了一封信;没有用拉丁术语而用英语术语。
    rather than disappoint the children, he did two quick tricks before he left; he didn't call; rather (or instead), he wrote her a letter; used English terms instead of Latin ones.
  • 她失望地开了赌桌。
    she left the gambling table disappointedly.
  • 开,通常当作一种不赞成的表情。
    leave, usually as an expression of disapproval.
  • (在某人处于困境或需要帮助时)开某人;遗弃某人,是一个贬义的表达。
    leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval.
  • 他满腹疑惑地听着这个奇的故事.
    He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.
  • 在电话上为每一个数字旋转固定的距的圆盘。
    a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for each number called.
  • 对于美国人来说,我们可以观察出4种主要距类别:亲密者之间的距、私人间的距、社交距和公共场所距
    For Americans we can discern four main categories of distance: intimate, personal, social and public.
  • 她虽然病体未愈,却自己开了医院。
    Although she was still ill, she discharged herself from hospital.
  • 精神科医院的社区工作和出院辅导组,为院病人提供多方面的协助,特别是精神科社康护理服务和家居职业治疗服务。
    Community work and after-care units of psychiatric hospitals help discharged patients.
  • 排泄从血液、组织或器官中分废物的动作或过程
    The act or process of discharging waste matter from the blood, tissues, or organs.