Chinese English Sentence:
  • 洲江河中有斑点的鲑鱼;曾引殖入北美。
    speckled trout of European rivers; introduced in North America.
  • 开从粉红到绛紫色带香味的双生花的亚植物;拥有许多变种和颜色。
    Eurasian plant with pink to purple-red spice-scented usually double flowers; widely cultivated in many varieties and many colors.
  • 洲南部的大狼蛛,曾被认为是导致蜘蛛舞蹈症(无法控制的身体活动)的原因。
    large southern European spider once thought to be the cause of tarantism (uncontrollable bodily movement).
  • 洲的一种莎草,具有圆边的叶子、穗状红色花朵和芳香的根。
    European sedge having rough-edged leaves and spikelets of reddish flowers and aromatic roots.
  • 香根莎草一种莎草属莎草,尤指洲的长莎草,具有粗糙边缘的叶子、红色的小穗状花和芳香的根部
    Any of various sedges of the genus Cyperus, especially C. longus of Europe, having rough-edged leaves, reddish spikelets, and aromatic roots.
  • 分布于亚大陆和北美陡峭崖壁地带(如山墙或悬崖)的一种小型铁角蕨。
    small delicate spleenwort found on a steep slope (as a wall or cliff) of Eurasia and North America.
  • 遍及北美的繁殖性强的一种亚两年生植物。
    Eurasian annual sprawling plant naturalized throughout North America.
  • 她一时兴起动身去洲。
    She started for Europe on the spur of the moment.
  • 延胡索一种原产于亚大陆的草本植物(蓝堇蓝堇属),长着错落有致的叶子和开带刺的紫色小花
    An herb(Fumaria officinalis) native to Eurasia, having finely divided leaves and small, spurred, purplish flowers.
  • 具有各种花色(白、蓝、紫或红)的短花距的洲耧斗草;原产美国。
    common European columbine having variously colored (white or blue to purple or red) short-spurred flowers; naturalized in United States.
  • 柳穿鱼一种如杂草般蔓生的多年生草本植物(柳穿鱼),产于亚大陆,长有狭长叶,开有绚丽的长花距的黄色和橙色花朵的总状花序
    A weedy, perennial herb(Linaria vulgaris) native to Eurasia, having narrow leaves and racemes of showy, long-spurred yellow and orange flowers.
  • 主要生长于亚海岸的一个草本属;拟漆姑;海竹草。
    chiefly maritimes Eurasian herbs: sand spurry; sea spurry.
  • 亚大陆中部相当大的地松鼠。
    rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel.
  • 洲和部分亚洲地区常见的红褐色松鼠。
    common reddish-brown squirrel of Europe and parts of Asia.
  • 松鼠;黄鼠;土拨鼠;花栗鼠;美洲飞鼠;黄鼠。
    true squirrels; ground squirrels; marmots; chipmunks; flying squirrels; spermophiles.
  • 印度语支的属于、组成或与印语系在印度次大陆和斯里兰卡存在的语支有关的
    Of, relating to, or constituting the Indo-European languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.
  • 印度语支印语系的一支,由印度次大陆和斯里兰卡的一些语言组成
    A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri Lanka.
  • 水苏属一种广泛种植的唇形科植物水苏属,尤指厚朴主要原产于洲,有通常为浅红紫色的花穗。曾广泛用于草药
    Any of several plants of the widespread genus Stachys in the mint family, especially S. officinalis, native chiefly to Europe and having spikes of usually reddish-purple flowers. It was once popular in herbal medicine.
  • "这两位年轻人走过来站在我旁边,就在编辑的身后,"文说道。
    “ The two young men came over and stood alongside me standing behind the editor,” Owen says.
  • 对於盟在这方面继续给予香港的大力支持,我深表谢意。
    I am most grateful for the European Union's continued staunch support for Hong Kong in this regard.
  • 洲南部的多年生,星形的,多毛的杂草;花小呈黄色。
    perennial stellate and hairy herb with small yellow flowers of mountains of southern Europe; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium.
  • 多年生的在亚粘性的草本。
    sticky perennial Eurasian herbs.
  • 洲、非洲和亚洲的长脚鹬,身体大部分羽毛为白色,但翅膀为黑色。
    stilt of Europe and Africa and Asia having mostly white plumage but with black wings.
  • 洲和亚洲西部的草原和开阔的林地上的草本植物,开橙黄色的类似雏菊的花,花头干燥后可作为兴奋剂、或用作治疗擦伤和肿胀的搽剂。
    herb of pasture and open woodland throughout most of Europe and western Asia having orange-yellow daisylike flower heads that when dried are used as a stimulant and to treat bruises and swellings.
  • 普通的洲鹤;体白、黑翅、红嘴。
    the common stork of Europe; white with black wing feathers and a red bill.
  • 鹳科的模式属;洲鹳鸟。
    type genus of the Ciconiidae: European storks.
  • 矮的脱离的常青灌木,分布在洲西部,表现为几个品种,有从白到玫瑰紫色的花。
    low straggling evergreen shrub of western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple.
  • 连接地中海和黑海的一个海峡;分离洲和土耳其的亚洲部分;一个重要的海运通道。
    a strait connecting the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; separates the European and Asian parts of Turkey; an important shipping route.
  • 施特劳斯名传遗迹,并在西的大多数首都进行巡回演出。
    Strauss's reputation spread, and he toured most of the capital cities of western Europe.
  • 施特劳斯的乐队是洲最佳乐队之一,不但演奏他自己所作的曲子,也演奏音乐会乐曲。
    Strauss's orchestra, one of the finest in Europe, played not only his own music but Concert music, too.
  • 洲南部和北美西部大型常绿灌木和乔木的一个属;莓浆果鹃;浆果鹃。
    large evergreen shrubs and trees of southern Europe and western North America: strawberry tree; madrona.
  • 一种常见的洲捕食鸟,暗棕色,腹部有白条。
    a common European bird of prey; dull brown with white-streaked underparts.