  • 期六晚上我和史蒂夫有一些朋友要来参加庆贺乔迁之喜的晚宴。
    Steve and I are having some people over Saturday night - sort of a housewarming party for the new place.
  • 美国家庭主妇可能一期只购物一、二次。
    The American housewife probably goes shopping only once or twice a week.
  • 灰尘使家庭主妇一期内不知增加了多少小时的家务劳动。
    Dust causes housewife hours and hours of housework week.
  • 这位主妇忙得整整一期都抽不出时间驾车外游。
    The housewife was so busy that she couldn't find time, during a whole week, to take a ride.
  • 过不起“圣礼拜一”的人是家庭妇女,因为期一过去是,现在在某种程度上仍然是“洗衣服日”,是洗衣服合适的日子。
    Someone who can't afford to keep St. Monday is the housewife, for traditionally Monday was-and to some extent still is-- "wash day", the proper day for doing the laundry.
  • 家庭主妇们常常在期天一次性地买很多食物。
    On Sundays, the housewives often buy a lot of food all at once.
  • 直到期日才着手处理家务
    Didn't get to the housework until Sunday.
  • 现在,由哈勃拍摄的光线最清晰的图像正帮助天文学家们证实数十年来有关系形成和进化的基本过程的旧理论。
    Now, the sharpest-ever visible-light images taken by Hubble are also helping astronomers confirm decades-old theories behind the fundamental processes of galaxy formation and evolution.
  • “老鼠”系,因为有和啮齿动物明显相似的尾巴而得名。它们是由哈勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机以令人吃惊的细节捕捉到的。
    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 例如,观察一下哈勃拍下的“老鼠”系的新图像,天文学家们就能找出无数的蓝色块状区域,在这些区域中恒以一种相对多样化的速度突然出现——巴尼斯估计系中一年大约可以出现12颗新
    Looking at the new Hubble image of the Mice, for example, astronomers can pick out numerous regions of blue patches, areas in which stars are popping up at a relatively prolific rate -- Barnes estimates the galaxies are producing on the order of a dozen new stars a year.
  • ……上期美国与苏格兰调查人员在控诉书中指责两名利比亚情报员应对1988年苏格兰洛克比上空的爆炸负责后,总统说,“叙利亚人被错怪了。”调查人员说没有叙利亚牵连的证据。
    "…The Syrians took a hum rap on this," the President said last week after an indictment by U.S. and Scottish investigators blamed two Libyan intelligence agents for the 1988 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland. Investigators said there was no evidence of Syrian involvement.
  • 三星堆铜人像
    Bronze Human Figures from Sanxingdui
  • 星星之火,可焚城。
    By a humble spark a town is set on fire.
  • 以前,如果工人过度放任,还要把期一作为假日再休息一天,于是幽默地声称“再过一个圣礼拜一节”,希望期一能作为一个圣徒节日来过。
    and formerly if workmen over-indulged and needed Monday as holiday, this was humorously known as “keeping St. Monday” as Monday was hoped to be a saint's day to be observed.
  • 期我会很忙很忙。
    I'll be very very busy next week.
  • 期我会很忙很忙。
    I 'll be very very busy next week.
  • 而另一个不可忽视的因素则是全球定位系统信息接收芯片,它不但要能植入人体内,并且还应有足够的灵敏度,以接收来自几千英里外的太空定位卫群发来的信息。
    Another additional hurdle, developing tiny GPS receiver chips that could be embedded yet still be sensitive enough to receive signals from thousands of miles out in space.
  • 一个期以来,你在咱们的厨房里把一切搞得乱七八糟。
    Here you have been keeping up a perfect hurrah's nest in our kitchen for a week.
  • 康德和拉普拉斯云说
    Kant and Laplace nebular hypothesis
  • 然而如果更多的慧构成象c/linear一样,那么这一假设就需要修正。
    If more comets turn out to be like C/LINEAR, however, that hypothesis may require revision.
  • 人假想的金上的居民
    A hypothetical inhabitant of the planet Venus.
  • 的火的或假想的火人的,与其有关的
    Of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants.
  • 典型的现代文化偶像是已逝的电影明詹姆斯.汀和玛丽莲.梦露。
    Typical contemporary cultural icon are the late film stars James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.
  • 鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺是他那个时代使女性倾倒的男明
    Rudolph Valentino was the matinee idol of his day.
  • 歌迷们正争先恐后请自己的偶像歌签名。
    The fans were falling over one another to ask their idol singer for signature.
  • (打火机用的)电石一种由能产生火的、坚硬的合金小圆柱体,用于点燃打火机燃料
    A small solid cylinder of a spark-producing alloy, used in lighters to ignite the fuel.
  • 提前点火由内燃机中的火穿过燃料之前的燃烧,是因油缸热点过高或对燃料的过大压缩比造成的
    The ignition of fuel in an internal-combustion engine before the spark passes through the fuel, resulting from a hot spot in the cylinder or from too great a compression ratio for the fuel.
  • 基卡普人美国土著人,原居住于美国威斯康州南部和伊利诺斯州北部,现有的少量人口住在堪萨斯州、俄克拉荷马州和墨西哥北部
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois, with small present-day populations in Kansas, Oklahoma, and northern Mexico.
  • 这位中国明甚至连一场nba比赛还没打就上了《体育画刊》的封面,出现在nba的宣传材料上,甚至在美国体育网站espn上还有他的广告片。
    Before playing a single NBA game,the Chinese star appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated,on NBA promotional material and in his own series of ads for the U.S.sports network ESPN.
  • 美国根据它自己的卫图像几乎肯定知道萨达姆当时正利用化学武器袭击伊朗部队。
    The United States almost certainly knew from its own satellite imagery that Saddam was using chemical weapons against Iranian troops.
  • 例如,联合国参与了欧洲航天局、法国、国家空间研究中心和欧洲核研究组织的价值120万美元的项目,以便能为联合国机构和非政府组织进行人道主义援助或冲突后恢复与重建项目的所在地连续不断地提供上网可得的卫图像、图像处理服务、地图和其他地理资料。
    For instance, it participates in a $1.2 million venture with the European Space Agency, France, the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) to provide continuous web-accessed satellite imagery, image-processing services, maps and other geographic information for any place where UN agencies and non-governmental organizations are providing humanitarian assistance or carrying out post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction projects.
  • 假想住在火上的人。
    imaginary people who live on the planet Mars.