  • 生活在秘魯的庫斯科海域的蓋丘亞人群,他們對鄰邦行霸權並建立了從1100年一直持續到十六世紀三十年代早期被西班牙徵服時為止的印加帝國。
    a member of the small group of Quechuan people living in the Cuzco valley in Peru who established hegemony over their neighbors to create the great Inca Empire that lasted from about 1100 until the Spanish conquest in the early 1530s.
  • 積極參與聯合國和其他國際事務,同世界各國人民一道,致力於和平、發展與進步的事業,反對霸權主義和強權政治,反對一切形式的恐怖主義,動建立公正合理的國際政治經濟新秩序,為維護世界和平,促進共同繁榮作出更大貢獻。
    China will play an active part in the affairs of the United Nations and other international affairs, stand with people of all other countries in the causes for peace, development and progress and against hegemony, power politics and terrorism in all its forms, promote the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order, and make even greater contributions to the maintenance of world peace and promotion of common prosperity.
  • 由於當天風嚮並不如人意,福塞將點火的時間遲了6個半小時。不過他還是在早晨7點鐘下令給氣球充上氦氣,趕在上午的沙漠熱浪到來之前啓程了。
    Fossett had delayed inflating the aircraft for six and a half hours due to unfavourable winds, but with time running out before the arrival of the morning's hot thermals, he gave the order to fill the balloon with helium for a dawn launch.
  • 在行程中結識的瑞士朋友都對自己的國傢感到自豪,談起瑞士政府行的政策,即使他們也不一定贊同,可是你不會感覺到那種有時新加坡人提起我國一些制度時會流露的無奈。
    Another thing that impressed me is that all the Swiss friends I met on the tour take pride in their motherland. Talking of their government's policies, even those they are not very happy about, they would not show any helplessness which Singaporeans sometimes would betray about certain systems of their island-state.
  • 這是解决目前世界經濟發展中存在問題的根本出路,也是動新經濟進一步發展的必要條件。
    Herein lies not only the fundamental solution to the problems in the world economic development, but also an essential condition for development of the New Economy in the new century.
  • 為履行對《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》的承諾,動《提高婦女地位內羅畢前瞻性戰略》的實現,在世婦會召開之際,中國政府依據國民經濟和社會發展規劃,結合婦女發展現狀,參照《行動綱領》草案,製定和頒布了《中國婦女發展綱要》(1995-2000年)(以下簡稱《婦女綱要》),確定了到本世紀末婦女在參政、就業、勞動保護、教育、衛生保艦脫貧、法律保護等方面的任務和11項目標,這標志着中國政府執行第四次世界婦女大會《北京宣言》和《行動綱領》後續行動的正式啓動。
    In order to fulfill the commitment to CEDAW and accelerate the implementation of the Nairobi Forward-looking Strategies, before the convening of FWCW, the Chinese government formulated and promulgated the Program for the Development of Chinese Women (1995-2000) (hereinafter referred to as the Program). The Program is worked out in light of the national plan for the economic and social development and the present situation of women's development, and by reference to the draft BPFA. It sets out tasks and 11 objectives in the field of women's political participation, employment, labor rights protection, education, health care, poverty alleviation and legal protection.
  • 榮幸地嚮貴方薦...隨函附上第...號報價單,供貴方考慮。
    We have pleasure in recommending to you.. and enclose herewith Quotation No... for your consideration.
  • 榮幸地嚮貴方薦我方電子産品,隨函附上第28號報價單供貴方參考。
    We have pleasure in recommend our electronic product to you and enclose herewith quotation No.28 for your consideration.
  • 為鼓勵市民參與文物保護工作,古物古跡辦事處行"文物之友"計劃,招募樂於參與志願工作的文物愛好者,協助該辦事處進行各方面的工作。
    To promote the community's commitment in heritage conservation work, the AMO set up a Friends of Heritage scheme to organise heritage lovers who were prepared to undertake voluntary work for the office.
  • 基金旨在動和資助本港文物的保存及復修工作。
    It aims to promote and help fund the preservation and conservation of Hong Kong's cultural heritage.
  • 這就需要我們和全國人民更大地發展抗日和民主的運動,進一步地批評、動和督促國民黨,團结國民黨內的主張和平、民主、抗日的分子,動動搖猶豫分子,排除親日分子,才能達到目的。
    In order to attain this goal our Party and the people throughout the country must develop the movement for resistance to Japan and for democracy still more extensively, must go a step further in criticizing the Kuomintang, pushing it into action and keeping up the pressure, must unite with all those within the Kuomintang who stand for peace, democracy and resistance to Japan, and must help the hesitant waverers forward and throw out the pro-Japanese elements.
  • 我很樂意嚮您薦這個品牌。
    One that I will not hesitate to recommend.
  • 我很樂意嚮您薦這個品牌。
    That I will not hesitate to recommend this brand.
  • 將在2002年可持續發展首腦會議出的環境規劃署《全球環境展望報告》將重點闡述區域和全球水資源狀況及如何應對水資源面臨的威脅。
    UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook Report, to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, will highlight the state of regional and global water resources, as well as the responses to the threats to them.
  • 米盧已經強力薦了幾名年輕的中國球員赴海外,主要是幾個歐洲足球俱樂部學習,為下一屆世界杯儲備人才。
    Milutinovic has highlighted several young players as candidates to go overseas, preferably to European clubs, to sow the seeds for the next World Cup squad.
  • 而廣之,不同宗教信仰的新加坡人,將不能在相互信任、尊敬和瞭解的基礎上,建立真正的友誼。
    This would in turn hinder the formation of genuine relationships built on solid trust, respect and understanding between Singaporeans of different faiths.
  • 修建青藏鐵路是西藏各族人民的夙願,不僅是加強西藏與祖國內地的聯繫、動西藏經濟和社會的發展、提高西藏人民物質文化生活水平的需要,而且對於促進民族團结和共同繁榮具有十分重要的意義。
    Building the Qinghai-Tibet Railway has been the long-cherished wish of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. It is not only essential for strengthening links between Tibet and the hinterland, accelerating the economic and social development of Tibet and improving the local people’s material and cultural well-being, but is also of great significance for enhancing ethnic unity and common prosperity.
  • 我們雇用了一傢廣告公司來銷我們的産品。
    We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product.
  • 我們委托一傢廣告公司替我們銷新軟件。
    We hired an advertising company to help us sell our new software.
  • 這次歷史性的罷工對整個美國的勞工運動起了很大的動作用。
    The historic strike gave an enormous impetus to the whole American labor movement.
  • 波珀,卡爾·雷芒德生於1902英國著名的哲學家,以其動人們對科學理的理解作出的貢獻和對歷史主義的批判而聞名。他的作品包括科學發現的邏輯(1931年)和開放社會及其敵人(1945年)
    British philosopher known for his contributions to the understanding of scientific reasoning and his attacks on historicism. His works include The Logic of Scientific Discovery(1931) and The Open Society and Its Enemies(1945).
  • 但是同時也可以想得到的是,原來專用於生産的新生力量同樣也可以為破壞性的戰爭服務,這一點將主要有利於取守勢的一方,特別是歐洲國傢,而英國原來以島國地位在防禦上所占有的優勢,或將由此喪失。
    But hence it follows that the same new forces which have hitherto served particularly for production will not withhold their services from destruction, and will principally favour the side of defence, and especially the European Continental nations,while they threaten the insular State with the loss of those advantages which have been gained by her insular position for her defence.
  • 這位銷員幹得非常成功,到後來,他脫離公司自行開業。
    The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.
  • 拉兼有使用的鋤頭。
    a hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling.
  • 我試探性地將鋤頭迎着蛇的正面嚮前去,就像一個拳擊手為了估量其對手的力量,在一開始的幾個回合嚮他打出刺拳一樣。
    I pushed the hoe in the snake's face, tentatively, the way a boxer jabs at his opponent in the early rounds to measure him.
  • 董事會將遲到下星期三纔作出决定。
    The board of directors will hold off making a decision until next Wednesday.
  • 他的兒子被舉為勤奮工作的榜樣。
    His son was held up as a model of hard work.
  • 他們出在蘇格蘭釣鮭魚的度假項目。
    They offer salmon fishing holidays in scotland.
  • 教育部花了許多時間並廣泛地咨詢各校長和教師之後,纔把綱領出。新教育綱領概述了邁嚮全面教育的要點。
    This document, the final version of which was arrived at only after extensive consultation with principals and teachers, outlines the aims of a holistic education.
  • 該局亦監察各項政策的行,以保障和促進市民的健康,為每位市民提供全面的終身醫護服務,並確保市民不會因缺乏金錢而無法獲得適當的醫療服務。
    It also oversees implementation of policies to protect and promote public health, to provide comprehensive and lifelong holistic care to each citizen, and to ensure that no one is denied adequate medical treatment due to lack of means.
  • 霍爾特-黑爾沒法把這個故事從記憶中抹去,它使她看透了反對者或者說冷漠者中的一些勢力----那是體育倡導者們在試圖動擴大體育課程中經常遇到的。
    And Holt-Hale never forgot the story. It gave her insight into the pockets of opposition--or indifference--that PE advocates often encounter in trying to push for expanded programmes.
  • 約翰-辛普森和他的同事們把衆多的例句中篩選出在現實生活中最禁得住敲的句子。
    Simpson (John, not Homer) and his colleagues whittle that list down to the few that seem to have gotten a solid foothold in popular usage.