  • 阿塞拜疆人土著的或阿塞拜疆
    A native or inhabitant of Azerbaijan.
  • 一个贝宁的本地人或住者。
    a native or inhabitant of Benin.
  • 比哈尔人比哈尔人民或
    A native or inhabitant of Bihar.
  • 一个文莱土著或者民。
    a native or inhabitant of Brunei.
  • 白俄罗斯的土著或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Byelorussia.
  • 北美洲加拿大的本地人或民。
    a native or inhabitant of Canada.
  • 加泰罗尼亚的本地人或者民。
    a native or inhabitant of Catalonia.
  • 中国人生长或住在中国的人
    A native or inhabitant of China.
  • 切尔卡西亚人出生于或住于切尔卡西亚的人
    A native or inhabitant of Circassia.
  • 科林斯土著科林斯的本地人或
    A native or inhabitant of Corinth.
  • 大都市由来自许多不同国家的人们共同住的大城市
    A large city inhabited by people from many different countries.
  • 无人住的没有民的;没有住的
    Having no residents; not inhabited.
  • 地球上有人住的地区。
    the inhabited regions of the earth.
  • 欧洲最北部的一地区,有拉普人住。
    a region in northmost Europe inhabited by Lapps.
  • 他有一个愚蠢的念头,认为月球有人住。
    He has a dippy notion that the moon is inhabited.
  • 古伊利里亚人古代伊利里亚住着的人群中的任意一员
    A member of one of the ancient peoples that inhabited Illyria.
  • 白人到达之前,澳大利亚仅有土著住。
    Before the arrival of the white man, australia is inhabited solely by aborigines.
  • 白人到达之前,澳大利亚仅有土著住。
    Before the arrival of the white man, Australia was inhabited solely by aborigines.
  • 白人到达之前,澳大利亚仅有土著
    Before the arrival of the white men, Australia was inhabited solely by aborigines
  • 唐人街主要由中国人住的街区或城市一部分
    A neighborhood or section of a city that is inhabited chiefly by Chinese people.
  • 小人住的神奇的小岛。
    an imaginary land inhabited by tiny people (in Swift's Gulliver's Travels).
  • 美国的大陆是一块住着许多能干的、受过过良好教育的人的富饶土地。
    The American continent is a wealthy land inhabited by many able and well-educated people.
  • 城市远郊富裕阶层住宅区城市远郊区,尤其主要为富人所
    A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city, especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people.
  • 古代地理学家们认为的世界上有人住的最北地区。
    the geographical region believed by ancient geographers to be the northernmost land in the inhabited world.
  • 墨西哥东南部的一座城市;瓦哈卡州的首府;主要是印第安人住。
    a city of southeastern Mexico; the provincial capital of the state of Oaxaca; inhabited chiefly by Indians.
  • 由若干南非城镇组成的一个大城市,位于南非约翰内斯堡西南;由南非黑人单独住。
    a large collection of African townships southwest of Johannesburg in South Africa; inhabited solely by Black Africans.
  • 包括西藏和各省藏族聚区的藏族人口,总共也没有600万人。
    The Tibetan population, including Tibetans in Tibet and Tibetan-inhabited areas of other provinces, fell short of 6 million.
  • 民国时期,西藏以外的藏族聚区仍分别由原属省管辖。
    During the period of the Republic of China, Tibetan-inhabited areas beyond Tibet remained under the jurisdiction of the provinces where they were located.
  • 用於指接近荒野的、无人烟的民区,尤指於北美白人定的初期。
    Frontier is used of an inhabited region close to wild, unsettled territory, especially in North America in the early days of white settlement.
  • 现在,全国凡有回族等习惯实行土葬的少数民族住的大、中、小城市,都建有公墓。
    Throughout the country, cemeteries can be found in large, medium and small cities where Hui and other minority peoples preferring inhumation live.
  • 旅行者向内地推进,寻找人类定点的遗迹。
    The travelers pushed inland, questing for signs of human settlement.
  • 中国古代的民建筑都是围绕一个庭院展开的。
    the house was built around an inner court.