  • 第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克位于第聂伯河畔的苏联欧部分城市。哈尔科夫西,1787年在一个哥萨克村落上建城,有庞大钢铁工业。人口153,000
    A city of southern European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River south-southwest of Kharkov. Founded in1787 on the site of a Cossack village, it has a huge iron and steel industry. Population,1, 153, 000.
  • 米德,乔治·戈登1815-1872美国北战争时期联邦军队将军,曾指挥葛底斯堡战役并取得关键性胜利(1863年)
    American Union general who commanded the costly victory at Gettysburg(1863).
  • 法国东部以前的一个省;现在与达祖角组成一个行政区。
    a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur.
  • 美国西部的一种被白棉毛的多年生草本植物。
    perennial cottony-white herb of southwestern United States.
  • 斯拉夫联邦执行委员会
    Federal Executive Council of Yugoslavia
  • 美国中学顾问协会的行政主任希·佩里说:“20年前当我是中学顾问时,曾听许多家长说:‘我要我的女儿学家政,因为她只打算结婚后呆在家里。
    "When I was a high school counselor 20 years ago, I had many parents say, 'I want my daughter to take home economics because she's just going to get married,'"says Nancy Perry, executive director of the American School Counselor Association.
  • 外长和法国外长在日内瓦举行了一系列非正式会议。
    The vietnamese foreign minister have a series of off-the-record meetings with his french counterpart in Geneva.
  • 他在英格兰西部有一处房地产
    In the West Country.
  • 通电内容如下:“京国民政府军事委员会,全体海陆空军,全国各党、各派、各团体、各报馆,一切不愿意当亡国奴的同胞们:自从中国红军革命军事委员会组织中国人民红军抗日先锋军渡河东征以来,所向皆捷,全国响应。
    The text reads as follows: To the Military Council of the Nanking National Government;to all land, sea and air forces;to all parties, all political groups;all public bodies, all newspapers;and to all fellow-countrymen refusing to be slaves to a foreign nation: After crossing the Yellow River on its eastward expedition, the Anti-Japanese Vanguard of the Chinese People's Red Army, organized by the Revolutionary Military Commission of the Chinese Red Army, was everywhere victorious and won support from all over the country.
  • 英格兰西的一个丘陵地区。
    a hilly county in southwestern England.
  • 市平阴县洪范大理石厂
    Pingyin County Hongfan Marble Plant, Jinan
  • 南京电影放映训练班
    Nanjing Movie Projectors Special Course
  • 考文垂市英格兰中部城市,位于伯明翰东偏东。因是11世纪戈黛娃夫人的家乡而著名,二战中(1940年11月),考文垂受到空袭的极严重破坏。人口318,600
    A city of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. Famous as the home of Lady Godiva in the11th century, Coventry was severely damaged in air raids during World War II(November1940). Population,318, 600.
  • 产于美国部特别是佛罗里达的一种大的可食的螃蟹。
    large edible crab of S coat of United States especially Florida.
  • 这一时尚的确导致了某些例外,如“圣诞节越橘陈贮啤酒”或“瓜烈性黑啤酒”——但这是在美国。
    This trend does lead to occasional lapses such as Christmas Cranberry Lager or Pumpkin Stout - but this is America.
  • 可能是最早的人类,以在(非)德兰士瓦发现的头盖骨为代表;以前被认为是独立的种类。
    possible early Homo sapiens represented by a cranium found in the Transvaal; formerly considered a separate species.
  • 虽然外地佳肴在本地唾手可得,国人还是钟情于海鸡饭、马来椰浆饭和印度煎饼。
    Singaporeans, despite their exposure to a wider availability of foreign cuisines, still crave for their chicken rice, nasi lemak and roti prata.
  • 非小型树种,乳黄色香花,多生长于溪边。
    small South African tree having creamy yellow fragrant flowers usually growing on stream banks.
  • 美国西和墨西哥的一种丝兰,具有高的乳白色总状花序。
    yucca of southwestern United States and Mexico with a tall spike of creamy white flowers.
  • 澳大利亚东部的发出麝香的灌木或树,有含乳脂的黄色的花。
    musk-scented shrub or tree of southern and southeastern Australia having creamy-yellow flower heads.
  • 哥伦布美国佐治亚州西部城市,位于彻特胡奇河岸、亚特兰大西,1828年在柯瑞克镇的基础上建立,是一个内陆港和重要的工业中心。人口179,278
    A city of western Georgia on the Chattahoochee River south-southwest of Atlanta. Settled in1828 on the site of a Creek village, it is a port of entry and major industrial center. Population,179, 278.
  • 蔓性多年生禾草的一个属,产于热带非洲及非。
    creeping perennial grasses of tropical and southern Africa.
  • 我记得,潘先生曾经把当时的大形容为“一勾新月”。
    I recall Mr. Pan once described Nantah as a "crescent moon".
  • 不过,有一天大变成圆满时,这勾新月就不同了……”
    But the day when Nantah becomes full, this crescent moon will be different..."
  • 美洲北部的热带鸟,雄鸟的羽毛是鲜艳的红色或桔黄色并有直立的圆盘状羽冠。
    tropical bird of northern South America the male having brilliant red or orange plumage and an erectile disklike crest.
  • 背部有带刺状突起的大型食草性美洲热带的树栖蜥蜴;中美和美的人将其当作食物。
    large herbivorous tropical American arboreal lizards with a spiny crest along the back; used as human food in Central and South America.
  • 暗褐色带冠毛的东亚鸟。
    dark brown crested bird of southeastern Asia.
  • 产于美国西部以及墨西哥的有冠的雀鸟,长有灰色和红色的羽毛。
    crested gray-and-red bird of southwest United States and Mexico.
  • 欧亚大陆部和非洲东北部纯种白色有羽冠的琵鹭。
    pure white crested spoonbill of southern Eurasia and northeastern Africa.
  • 中美和美有羽冠的大型野鸭;广泛被家养。
    large crested wild duck of Central and South America; widely domesticated.
  • 美洲有羽冠并发出难闻味道的鸟,幼时翼的第一及第二趾上有爪。
    crested ill-smelling South American bird whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings.
  • 麝雉一种产于美赤道地区棕色有冠的鸟(麝雉),幼时翼的第一及第二趾上有爪
    A crested brownish bird(Opisthocomus hoazin) of tropical South America whose young have claws on the first and second digits of the wings.