Chinese English Sentence:
  • 布里奇斯,哈丽1901-1990美国工领导人。他组织了国际码头工人和仓库工人联合会(ilwu),并任该组织的主席达40年
    American labor leader. He organized the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union(ILWU) and served as its president for40 years.
  • 当人类更会了解自己,知道反抗天赋给他的本能是徒无功时,他一定更会赏识这种简单的智慧。
    When man comes to understand himself better and realizes the futility of warring against his own instincts, with which nature has endowed him, man will appreciate more such simple wisdom.
  • 活下去的新动力尽管詹姆斯说自己的身体情况还可能出现反复,与拉陷入亲密关系有顾虑,但拉和詹姆斯互相被对方迷住了,他们的关系仍在发展。
    New motive to live The relationship progressed, though James says he was wary about getting involved with his nurse when his health could take another turn for the worse.But she was hooked.And so was James.
  • 我们必须避免无谓的重复动.
    We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
  • 现在把它拆卸开,就会浪费大量动力。
    To take it apart now would mean wasting a lot of labour.
  • 要把这座(反应)塔拆开,会浪费大量动。
    To take the tower apart would mean wasting a lot of labour.
  • 瓦特发明蒸汽机的动,同机械工建造蒸汽机或车工开动蒸汽机的动一样,都是生产必不可少的组成部分,而且前者同后者一样,都指望从产品那里获得报酬。
    The labour of Watt in contriving the steam-engine was as essential a part of production as that of the mechanics who buildor the engineers who work the instrument; and was undergone, no less than theirs, in the prospect of a remuneration from the produce.
  • 中国动力成本比东南亚低很多,周边国家的汇率变化不一定会削弱中国商品的竞争优势。
    the cost of China's labor force is much lower than Southeast Asian countries, and the change in exchange rates of neighboring countries is unlikely to weaken the competition of China's commodities.
  • 他们是和人民群众同甘共苦的普通动者。
    They are ordinary labourers, sharing weal and woe with the people.
  • 但几周或几个月后,衣服破损了,而穿上衣的人并未生产任何东西代替它。社会财富没有因这个裁缝的动而有所增加,其结果和用这笔钱到歌剧院去看戏一样。
    but in a few weeks or months the coat is worn out, while the wearer has not produced anything to replace it, and the community is then no richer by the labour of the tailor, than if the same sum had been paid for a stall at the opera.
  • 繁重或者被疲所压垮。
    made heavy or weighted down with weariness.
  • 由于费力而引起的身体或精神上的虚弱
    Physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion.
  • 以很大的心理负担为特点;特别是被悲伤、烦恼或者疲所压垮。
    marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness.
  • 他感到身心疲劳。
    He feels weary in body and mind.
  • 啊,那即将来临的夜色,给予累一天的人们多少希望和允诺!
    Ah, the promise of the night. What does it not hold for the weary!
  • 动是人类幸福之源。
    Work is the true source of human welfare.
  • 他一生都是把水桶投入空井,做了些徒无益的事情。
    He spent all his life in dropping buckets into empty wells.
  • 动力市场制度改革既保证了充分就业又可以增加动力市场的灵活性,同时还能维护处于英国政府政策中心的主要社会目标。
    Reforms of labour market regulations have ensured both high employment and increased labour market flexibility whilst retaining the key social inclusion goals that are at the heart of UK government policy.
  • 工人完全地或主要地以出卖动力为生。
    Workers make their living wholly or mainly by selling their labour power.
  • 然而,我认为拉·史彭斯事件对世界其他地方也同样有借鉴作用。
    But I think Laura Spence's story has lessons for the wider world as well.
  • 人口调查数据表明,在动力大军中,高中辍学者的平均收入是26207美元,而有专业本科学位的平均能挣127499美元。从统计数据可以看出,在多数的收入相差极其悬殊的州,其教育程度上的差异要比那些收入差距不大的州大得多。
    According to census data, high school dropouts in the work force earn an average of $ 26,207, while workers with a professional degree average $ 127,499. Census figures show that many of the states with the widest income gaps have greater diversity in education levels than states with smaller income gaps.
  • 第一任力部长是威廉姆威尔逊,他是被威尔逊任命。
    the first Labor Secretary was William B. Wilson who was appointed by President Wilson.
  • :我昨晚整个晚上都没有合过眼哪。
    I couldn't sleep a wink last night.
  • 想要得不到的事物是徒的。
    It's no use wishing for things you can't have.
  • 停工在工纠纷期间不让(雇佣工人)工作
    To withhold work from(employees) during a labor dispute.
  • 闭厂在工纠纷期间关闭工厂不让工人工作
    The withholding of work from employees and closing down of a workplace by an employer during a labor dispute.
  • 英国的首相夫人切莉·布莱尔和美国的第一夫人拉·布什可以说是两种截然不同的现代女性的代表。
    Cherie Blair and Laura Bush come from opposite ends of modern womanhood.
  • 夫权这种东西,自来在贫农中就比较地弱一点,因为经济上贫农妇女不能不较富有阶级的女子多参加动,所以她们取得对于家事的发言权以至决定权的是比较多些。
    As to the authority of the husband, this has always been weaker among the poor peasants because, out of economic necessity, their womenfolk have to do more manual labour than the women of the richer dasses and therefore have more say and greater power of decision in family matters.
  • [谚]庸人自扰;徒无功;喊得响,做得少。
    Great cry and little wool.
  • [谚]庸人自扰;徒无功;喊得响,做得少。
    Much cry and little wool.
  • 建一座房子得花许多动。
    It takes a lot of work to build a house.
  • 这个国家的力正在减少。
    The working population of the country (ie The proportion of the population that works or is available for work) is growing smaller.