  • 如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢放开手脚,结果是丧失时机,犹如逆水行舟,不进退。
    If we fail to analyse it properly and to understand it correctly, we shall become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely. Consequently, we shall lose opportunities. Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream.
  • 第十三条 开发利用水资源,应当服从防洪的总体安排,实行兴利与除害相结合的原,兼顾上下游、左右岸和地区之间的利益,充分发挥水资源的综合效益。
    Article 13: The development and utilization of water resources shall conform to the overall arrangement for flood control, follow the policy of deriving benefits while mitigating damages, and take into account the interests of both upstream and downstream, both left and right bank as well as all involved regions, so as to fully realize the comprehensive benefits of water resources.
  • 劳工收入及工资随着本港经营成本下降而持续向下调整。
    Labour earnings and wages continued to adjust downwards, in line with the easing cost trend in the economy.
  • 截至年底,国泰航空公司持牌经营定期航班往75个城市,港龙航空往79个城市,而香港华民航空往38个城市。
    At the end of 1997, CPA held licences to operate scheduled services to 75 cities, Dragon air to 79 cities and AHK to 38 cities.
  • 这个演戏的原也就是他进行戏剧创作的原
    This principle of dramatic performance is the principle of his dramatic composition.
  • 琼有点好空想,而她的妹妹玛格丽特很注重实际。
    Joan is a bit of a dreamer whereas her sister Margaret keeps her feet firmly on the ground.
  • 有些人生活中有一定的目标,有些听其自然。
    Some people have aims in their lives, some are just drifting along.
  • 如果遇到什么人在军事方面主张采取逐步推广的政策,在地方工作方面主张集中力量建立中心区域的坚实基础,以求自立于不败之地,谥之曰“保守主义”。
    If anyone advocated a policy of gradual advance in military operations or a policy of concentrating our effort in local work on laying a solid foundation in the central districts so as to secure an invincible position, they dubbed him a "conservative".
  • 对蒙古族和哈密、吐鲁番地区的维吾尔族实行“扎萨克(蒙古语音译,意为支配者)制”,即册封王、贝子、公等世袭爵位。
    It adopted the system of “Jasak” (a Mongolian term for governor) by conferring the hereditary titles of princes and dukes on Mongolians and the Uygurs in the Hami and Turpan regions.
  • 这几封信及时交了上去,副本分发给了新闻界代表。
    These letters were duly handed in, and copies given to the press representatives.
  • 结果她发现,在对雄狮10次测试里,它们有9次会选择短鬃毛的狮子模型,而母狮14次测试中有13次选择了长鬃毛的模型。
    Males chose the short-maned dummy nine out of 10 times, she found, while females approached the darker-maned dummy, 13 out of 14 times.
  • 除非没有其他在环境上可行的处置方法,而把废物倾入海中又无不良影响,否环保署并不容许把多余的挖出物料及其他建筑废料倾倒入海。
    Marine dumping of surplus excavated material and other construction wastes is not permitted unless there is no other environmentally feasible disposal option and the marine dumping of the waste has no undue adverse impact.
  • 欧洲部负责处理反倾销、产地来源规、贸易和竞争,以及贸易和投资等多边事宜。
    The Europe Division is also responsible for multilateral matters relating to anti-dumping, rules of origin, trade and competition as well as trade and investment.
  • 此外,欧洲部也负责处理有关反倾销、产地来源规、贸易和竞争以及贸易和投资等多边事务。
    The Europe Division, in addition, has the responsibility for multilateral matters relating to anti-dumping, rules of origin, trade and competition as well as trade and investment.
  • 积分算法的数学结果;如果df/dx=f(x)f(x)是f(x)的积分。
    the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x).
  • 新闻报导引起极大震动。
    That news story is dynamite.
  • 他则一无所知。
    He' d never know.
  • 各地农民自动组织的,往往不合合作社的原,因此做农民工作的同志,总是殷勤地问“章程”。
    As these spontaneously organized peasant co-operatives often fail to conform to co-operative principles, the comrades working among the peasants are always eagerly enquiring about "rules and regulations".
  • 除非你努力下功夫, 否你将永远打不好网球。
    You will never become good at tennis, unless you work at it earnestly.
  • 十日来电,务请认真考虑,否事情会越发严重。
    Your 10th special consideration earnestly request, as otherwise serious development fear
  • 要严格控制开支,否,一个人很快就会感到他家中入不敷出。
    Unless a tight hold is kept on the purse-strings, a man can soon find that his family is spending more than he is earning.
  • 最好的解决方案就是注意摊分原
    everyone got a cut of the earnings.
  • 他在18日的会议上向媒体代表说:"我们所谈论的是剔除一些最荒谬的广告,比如减肥耳环,减肥鞋垫,减肥药,在广告中宣称顾客可以想吃就吃,照样减肥,还有减肥产品号称"30天减掉30磅",按照自然法这是绝不可能实现的。
    "We are talking about screening out the most egregious examples - weight-loss earrings or shoe insoles, pills that tell consumers they can eat whatever they want and still lose weight, and products that make physically implausible promises like 'lose 30 pounds in 30 days,'" the chairman told media representatives at a meeting Tuesday.
  • 其中,最简单的规就是乘法和除法在加法和减法之前完成。
    The easiest one to remember is that multiplication and division happen before addition and subtraction.
  • 二野主力应迅速东进,接替三野留置部队的任务,担任歼灭芜湖地区之敌,并准备攻取南京。
    The main force of the Second Field Army should march quickly eastward to take over the tasks unfulfilled by the troops left behind by the Third Field Army, wipe out the enemy troops in the Wuhu area, and prepare to attack and seize Nanjing.
  • 不严格的老师;容易达到的标准;不严格的规
    an easy teacher; easy standards; lenient rules.
  • 教会主义教会的原、实践及活动
    Ecclesiastical principles, practices, and activities.
  • 适合于教堂、教会原和实践的宗教。
    religion appropriate to a church and to ecclesiastical principles and practices.
  • 一种电路,如果单独使用它,需要使用回波抑制设备。
    A circuit that needs to use an echo trap if the circuit is used alone.
  • ,电话的另一端只能通过vcr听到他们自已说话的回声
    Otherwise the other end of the call will hear an echo of themselves through the VCR
  • 这些声音一般通过口发出,但具有马蹄铁形和叶形鼻于的蝙蝠通过鼻孔发出它们的回声定位叫声,在那里它们具有非常适合放大器功能的基本的肉质马蹄铁或叶状结构。
    These sounds are generally emitted through the mouth, but Horseshoe and leaf-nosed bats emit their echolocation calls through their nostrils, there they have basal fleshy horseshoe or leaf-like structures that are well adapted to function as megaphones.
  • 税收经济原则
    economic principle of taxation