  • 请接受,否则其他竞者将取而代之。
    Please accept otherwise competitor take
  • 这家公司击败了主要的竞对手而垄断了整个小麦市场。
    By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market.
  • 那家公司成了我们在这个领域唯一的竞对手。
    That company constitutes our lone competitor in the field.
  • 有希望能赢的竞者。
    a competitor thought likely to win.
  • 客户纷纷拥向竞对手。
    Customers were flocking to the competitor.
  • 公司的销售额轻而易举地超过竞对手.
    The company easily outsold its competitor.
  • 1.不要讲竞对手的坏话。
    1. Never bad?mouth a competitor.
  • 拥有突出位置的竞者。
    a competitor who holds a preeminent position.
  • 有新的竞者加入夺吗?
    Has a new competitor entered the fray?
  • 因同行竞激烈,望尽快签订合同。
    Hurry for sign contract due competitor keen.
  • 该商号与其竞对手合并。
    The firm merged with its main competitor.
  • 者参加竞赛的人;竞
    One taking part in a contest; a competitor.
  • 领先者领先时有最佳表现的竞赛者
    A competitor who performs best when in the lead.
  • 他们和主要竞者签订了一项秘密交易协议。
    They signed a secret deal with their main competitor.
  • 我们把来自竞者的威胁看的很重(严重)。
    We take the threat from our competitor very seriously.
  • 但是最强有力的竞者是packetoversonet(同步光缆网上传送包)。
    But the most well-placed competitor is Packet over SONET.
  • 我们的产品仍领先我们的竞者很大距离。
    Our product has a good lead over our competitor's.
  • 智胜在谋略上胜过(如竞者)
    To gain a tactical advantage over(a competitor, for example).
  • 最有希望获胜的选手或竞
    A contestant or competitor regarded as most likely to win.
  • 他企图杀掉他的竞对手。
    He tried to put his competitor out of the way.
  • 为另一个国家或商业上的竞者雇用的作间谍的人。
    someone employed to spy on another country or business competitor.
  • 您的要价比您的竞对手至少要高5%,恐怕您得把价格降到一个有竞力的水平。
    You is asking for at least 5% more than your competitor do.
  • 我们的价格和竞者的相差悬殊。
    Our price is out of line with those of our competitor.
  • 他们应该能击败任何竞者。
    They should be able to wipe the floor with any competitor.
  • 这家公司通过打败主要的竞对手垄断了小麦市场。
    By defeating the main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market.
  • 这家公司由于击败了主要的竞对手,即将垄断整个小麦市场。
    By defeating their main competitor this firm will corner the wheat market.
  • 在这场竞中,处于领先地位并不够,仅仅满足了自己也不够,我们必须领先发展以保持领先地位。
    In this race it isn't enough to be ahead, it isn't enough simply to be complacent, we have to move ahead in order to stay ahead.
  • 在没有对手竞,缺少推动力的情况下,一直蝉联执政的人民行动党,不能因此而踌躇满志,应该使自己成为一个更好的政党。
    Lacking in synergistic partners in the political landscape, it is important then that the incumbent party should look towards bettering of the self so as to not appear complacent with the guarantee of continued return to power.
  • 他不跟命运抗,而是自满于服从命运的安排。
    He did not run counter to his fate, but yielded himself up to it quite complacently.
  • (iv)指定申诉方选择解决议的陪审团是由一个或三个成员组成,并且,如果申诉方选择三人的陪审团,应提供作为其中一个陪审员的三个候选人的名字和联络细节(这些候选人可从icann认可的服务提供方陪审员名单中挑选);
    (iv) Designate whether Complainant elects to have the dispute decided by a single-member or a three-member Panel and, in the event Complainant elects a three-member Panel, provide the names and contact details of three candidates to serve as one of the Panelists (these candidates may be drawn from any ICANN-approved Provider's list of panelists);
  • (iv)如果申诉方在申诉书中选择了一人陪审团,(见章节3(b)(iv)),声明被申诉方是否另外选择要由三人陪审团裁决议;
    (iv) If Complainant has elected a single-member panel in the Complaint (see Paragraph 3(b)(iv)), state whether Respondent elects instead to have the dispute decided by a three-member panel;
  • 若被申诉方依照章节5(b)(iv)选择议由三人陪审团裁决,而不是由申诉方选择的一人陪审团裁决时,被申诉方应向服务提供方支付三人陪审团固定费用的一半。
    A Respondent electing under Paragraph 5(b)(iv) to have the dispute decided by a three-member Panel, rather than the single-member Panel elected by the Complainant, shall pay the Provider one-half the fixed fee for a three-member Panel.