  • 在奥运场馆周围,80%~90%的路灯利用太阳光伏发电技术;奥运村90%的洗浴热水采用太阳集热技术。
    And around the Olympic Games' sports ground and gym or stadium 80 to 90 percent road lamps can use solar energy photovoltaic generating technology, and 90 percent bathing thermal water in the Olympic Village, can be supplied by use of solar energy heat concentrating technology.
  • 我可正要哭的时候,我最好的朋友,菲力斯,对我耳语道,“你啊!你真运气有这样的父母!”
    I probably would ha ve, but my best friend, phyllis, whispered, “Boy, you're lucky to have a father like that.
  • 金属物理性能分析
    physical examination of metals
  • 建筑材料的物理性能
    physical properties of building material
  • 工作得这样快是完全不可的。
    It's physically impossible to work so fast.
  • 看出他是一位医生。
    I can see that he is a physician.
  • 他不可是个物理学家。
    He can not be a physicist.
  • 卡斯特勒,艾尔弗雷德1902-1984法国物理学家,因研究原子的内部量获1966年诺贝尔奖
    French physicist. He won a1966 Nobel Prize for research on the interior energy of atoms.
  • 的由功方面的原因而不是心理或构造原因引起的
    Involving functions rather than a physiological or structural cause.
  • 施加或够施加强大的生理和化学影响力。
    exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects.
  • 生物机学生命物质和生理过程的力量和量的科学
    The science of the force or energy of living matter and physiological processes.
  • 精神起因一种由心理因素而不是生理因素引起的身体机失调或疾病
    Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.
  • 加尔瓦尼,路易吉1737-1798意大利生理学家和内科医生,他宣称动物组织产生电。虽然他的理论被证明是错的,但他的实验却促进了对电学的研究
    Italian physiologist and physician who asserted that animal tissues generate electricity. Although he was proved wrong, his experiments stimulated research on electricity.
  • (生理学)对刺激做出反应的。
    (physiology) capable of responding to stimuli.
  • 神经生理学生理学的分支,研究神经系统功的生理学
    The branch of physiology that deals with the functions of the nervous system.
  • 组织生理学生理学的一个分支,主要研究组织的结构与功
    The branch of physiology that deals with the structure and function of tissues.
  • (生理学)感官(例如眼睛)对变化的环境做出反映(例如光)。
    (physiology) the responsive adjustment of a sense organ (as the eye) to varying conditions (as of light).
  • 物理治疗、职业治疗和儿童体智力测验按节收费,每节44元。
    Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and child assessment services are also charged at $44 per session.
  • 2008年各区县建立一个设备完善、功先进的国民体质流动测试站。
    By 2008, each district or county under the Beijing Municipal Government will have a well-equipped mobile national physique monitoring and testing station with advanced functions.
  • 使他们具备坚强意志、奋斗精神、和应变力,并在德、智、体、群、美各方面获得充分发展。
    and to develop in them the strength of character, the spirit of enterprise, and the versatility to cope with vagaries in life. We will encourage our young people to have all-round development covering ethics, the intellect, the physique, social skills and aesthetics.
  • 为了改善红潮的预先警报系统,渔农处提高监察力,由肉眼监察红潮改为积极监察浮游植物,在红潮形成前预先加以防范。
    To improve early warning of red tide outbreaks, the department upgraded its monitoring capability from visible red tide monitoring to proactive phytoplankton monitoring before a red tide was formed.
  • 你站起来,就更清楚地看到那位钢琴家。
    You'll get a better view of the pianist if you stand up.
  • 钢琴手要天天练习才保持高水平。
    A pianist has to practice every day to keep up to scratch.
  • 他没打破她的缄默。
    He couldn't pierce her reserve.
  • 要是猪也够专心与某些事情的话,猪就不成为猪了。
    If a pig can give his mind to anything he will not be a pig.
  • 要是猪也够专心于某些事情的话,猪就不成为猪了。
    If a pig could give his mind to anything he would not be a pig.
  • 他所射击的不过是一个容易的非移动靶。
    All the can shoot is a clay pigeon.
  • 教会储蓄没有一个猪型扑满的儿童时代是不完美的。对那些才3岁的孩子来说,家庭银行帮他把存钱变成一种游戏。
    Teach saving No childhood is complete with-out a piggy bank: For children as young as three, home banks help make a game out of saving money.
  • 这种疾病引起面部色素斑沉着.
    The disease causes patches of pigmentation on the face.
  • 住在冰冷的猪窝里的小猪为了取暖,拼命依偎在母猪的身边。它们很有可被挤死,这也是造成幼猪死亡的常见的原因。德国科学家研究发现,水床可以代替猪窝让小猪更加安全地成长。
    Instead of snuggling up to their mothers for warmth in their cold pigsty and running the risk of being crushed -- a common cause of early porcine death -- German scientists said waterbeds could be a safer alternative.
  • 一个“不得入内”的大招牌,清清楚楚的,你一定看到。
    There's a big "No Entry" notice as plain as a pikestaff. You couldn't possibly avoid seeing it.
  • forrester研究公司认为,数据仓库提供了不解决很多最终用户需求,并且无目标的昂贵数据堆积。
    Forrester Research, said that data warehouses "provide expensive piles of untargeted data that fail to address many end users' needs."