  • 可能会的。
    Yes, they may phone.
  • 能用用您的电话吗?
    May I use your phone?
  • 有人作出假设:不同的学生有不同的学习方式。有些学生倾向以语音学习语文,因此他们够很好地掌握以音节为主的语文如英文和德文,而面对华文时却如临大敌。
    It has been hypothesised that students learn in different ways : some students learn best phonetically, and would be excellent at phonetic languages like English and German but miserable with Chinese.
  • 否则你的劳动就没有对象,你就只做鲁迅在他的遗嘱里所谆谆嘱咐他的儿子万不可做的那种空头文学家,或空头艺术家⑹。
    Only then can they proceed to creative work. Otherwise, you will have nothing to work with and you will be nothing but a phoney writer or artist, the kind that Lu Hsun in his will so earnestly cautioned his son never to become.[5]
  • 是的。我来电话是因为我为一位外宾预订了房间,他现在不来了,所以我想取消。
    Yes, I'm phoning up because I booked a room for an overseas visitor. He won't be able to come now and so I'll have to cancel it, I'm afraid.
  • 1.对于将表演者的表演固定于录音制品的情况,表演者应有可制止未经其许可而为的下列行为:对其尚未固定的表演加以固定,以及将已经固定的内容加以复制。
    1. In respect of a fixation of their performance on a phonogram, performers shall have the possibility of preventing the following acts when undertaken without their authorization: the fixation of their unfixed performance and the reproduction of such fixation.
  • 留唱机播放时够让它转盘的一个圆形的水平的盘子。
    a circular horizontal platform that rotates a phonograph record while it is being played.
  • 我的六十位老师之中,不可以留声机来取代的,我看不到半打。
    I have, of my sixty teachers, a scant half dozen who can not have been supplanted by phonograph.
  • 场致发光交变电场作用于磷光粉层引起的电直接转变为光
    Direct conversion of electric energy to light by a solid phosphor subjected to an alternating electric field.
  • 因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才满足。
    Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can be met only by the basic process.
  • 因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才满足。
    Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur requires special conditions that can be met only by the basic process.
  • 因为除去钢中的磷和硫需要一些特殊的条件,这些条件只有碱性法才满足。
    Because the removal of phosphorus and sulfur require special condition that can is meet only by the basic process.
  • 例如有关钠的信息在评估肾功时很有用,而有关磷的数据有助于评估肌肉功及肿瘤活动。
    Information on sodium, for instance, should prove useful in evaluating kidney function, while data on phosphorus can help assess muscle function and tumor activity.
  • 肥料包括烘肥以及氮、磷和钾化合物等任何大量的自然或合成原料,撒于土壤上或翻入土壤中以增加其供给植物生长的
    Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials, including manure and nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds, spread on or worked into soil to increase its capacity to support plant growth.
  • 你可以买一部有内置影印功的传真机,价钱比一部影印机便宜得多。
    You can get a fax machine that has a built-in photocopier for a fraction of the price you would pay for just a photocopier.
  • 影印机只使用专用纸.
    The photocopier only work with a particular type of paper.
  • 为什么不去问问玛丽毛病出在哪儿?她对复印机很在行,也许即刻就解决问题。
    Why don't you ask Mary about the fault? She really knows her onions about the photocopier and can probably solve the problem in seconds.
  • 那个照相复制本非常蹩脚,不过你应该够看懂的。
    It is a very poor photocopy but you should be able to make something of it.
  • 您不借回家,但可以复印您要的那一篇文章.
    You can't take them home, but you can photocopy a particular article you want.
  • 您不借回家,但可以复印您要的那一篇文章。
    You can not take them home, but you can photocopy a particular article you want.
  • 重点开展智建筑关键技术研究开发和示范工程;变频调速节技术开发与示范应用;新型建筑材料开发应用;场馆局部控温技术开发应用;太阳光电光热技术开发应用;场馆灯光一致性技术开发应用;超深基础支护技术、大跨度钢结构施工技术、施工降水保护(利用)技术、建筑废渣利用综合技术开发等。
    This project includes as follows: focal emphasis of study and development of key technologies of intelligent building and demonstration project, the development of frequency control and energy saving technologies and demonstration application, development and application of new building materials and local temperature control technology in the ground and gym and solar energy photoelectric and photo-thermal technologies and the consistency of light of the lamps in the stadium, and more support technology of ultra- depth base, and large span steel structure construction technology, watering construction protection (utilization) technology and comprehensive technology of utilization of waste residue of building materials etc.
  • 戴安娜有着一副上镜的姣好容貌,她那让人产生共鸣的手势和毫不设防的表情,让她看上去远比王室其他成员平易近人。
    Diana, with her photogenic good looks, her sympathetic gestures and an air of vulnerability, seemed much more relaxed than the other royals, and much more accessible.
  • 成为摄影师与其说是有意为之,不如说是纯属偶然
    He became a photographer more by accident than by design.
  • 通过化学手段使够看得见;对照相软片。
    make visible by means of chemical solutions; of photographic film.
  • 我决定学摄影以便更欣赏自然的美。
    I've decided to learn photography in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.
  • 人和动物依靠光合作用来获得食物和量。
    Men and animals depend on photosynthesis in plants to supply their food and energy.
  • 植物的这种力叫做光合作用(来自希腊词“光”和“放在一起”)。
    This power of plants is named photosynthesis (from the Greek words for light and putting together).
  • 光合作用带的与够获得足够阳光以发生光合作用的广大区域有关的
    Of or relating to the part of the oceanic zone into which enough sunlight enters for photosynthesis to take place.
  • 无阳光的阳光不照射到的水体区域,在此区域无法进行光合作用的或与此区域有关的
    Of or relating to the region of a body of water that is not reached by sunlight and in which photosynthesis is unable to occur.
  • 我们知道了这一点就可以看出人们利用的大部分量都来自太阳,是靠植物光合作用制造的物质而取得的。
    When we think it out we can see that most of the energy man uses comes from the sun by way of the materials which plants build up in photosynthesis.
  • 光合作用在绿色植物或其它有机物中,以光作为量来源,用二氧化碳和水合成碳氢化合物的过程。大部分形式的光合作用都释放氧气作为副产品
    The process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water using light as an energy source. Most forms of photosynthesis release oxygen as a byproduct.
  • 碳水化合物,糖类包含糖、淀粉、植物纤维素和树脂,并作为动物饮食的主要量来源的一组有机化合物。这些化合物由进行光合作用的绿色植物产生,仅含碳、氢和氧原子,通常它们的比例是1:2:1
    Any of a group of organic compounds that includes sugars, starches, celluloses, and gums and serves as a major energy source in the diet of animals. These compounds are produced by photosynthetic plants and contain only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in the ratio1: 2: 1.