  • 我们的旅馆是一流的,来自于许国家的一些重要人物、政府官员和商人把它作为最理想的首选之地。
    Our hotel is a first-rate hotel and chosen as the favorite place to stay in by VIPs, official guests and businessmen from many countries.
  • 狂犬病一种大数温血动物所患的急性,可传染的通常致命的病毒性疾病。尤指狼、猫或狗的。这种疾病破坏中央神经系统并通过被传染动物的咬伤的伤口传播
    An acute, infectious, often fatal viral disease of most warm-blooded animals, especially wolves, cats, and dogs, that attacks the central nervous system and is transmitted by the bite of infected animals.
  • 总之,这个姑娘似乎是一个失足成为妓女的童贞女,又仿佛是一个很容易成为最情、最纯洁的贞节女子的妓女。
    In other words, one could detect in this girl a virgin who had been turned into a courtesan by the merest accident of chance, and a courtesan whom the merest accident of chance could have turned into the most loving, the most pure of virgins.
  • 侨居在外的美国人出生在美国本土,而在波黎各岛或美属维尔京群岛生活或工作的人
    A native of the continental United States living or working in Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  • 我很想知道当冒险进入一个虚拟的现实时走远才算不过分。
    I must wonder how far is too far when venturing into a virtual reality.
  • 对很企业来说,其解决办法呈现出虚拟专用网(vpn)的形式。
    For many organizations, the solution comes in the form of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
  • 那些养猪的和制丸药的当然属于生产者,但是青少年和成年人的教师、作曲家、音乐家、医师、法官和行政官也是生产者,他们的生产性比前一类要高得
    Certainly those who fatten pigs or prepare pills are productive, but the instructors of youths and of adults, virtuosos, musicians,physicians, judges, and administrators, are productive in a much higher degree.
  • 贞节的妇女大像隐藏着的宝藏,只有在未被追求之时才算是安全。
    Most virtuous women are like hided treasure, safe only because they are not sought after.
  • 数病毒只能在极小的范围内传播。
    Most new viruses never spread beyond a few machines.
  • 他的薪水比起全国平均水平高出很.
    His salary visavis the national average is extremely high.
  • 如今,大数的飞机飞得很高,远在云层之上,不受天气影响,但是飞机的工作人员仍然非常关心目的地的着陆条件,也就是,云层底下的清晰度。
    Nowadays most aircraft fly high, well above the clouds and weather, but their crews are still vitally interested in landing conditions at their destination, i.e. the cloud base and visibility there.
  • 到本世纪末,尽管我们人均国民生产总值八百到一千美元不算,但是年国民生产总值将超过一万亿美元。
    In the eight years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, living standards have risen visibly. In the year 2000 the total GNP will exceed US$1 trillion, and per capita GNP, though still low, will reach $800 to $1,000.
  • 我以前有过很幻觉,过后也都忘了;
    The memory of this vision ?for, truly, vision it was?
  • 幻想中的纳米产品要求新的制造系统。
    Many visionary nanoscale products will require new manufacturing systems.
  • 有许客户参观了我们公司。
    There were many customers visited our company.
  • 我们叁观一个有许古物的博物馆。
    We visited museums filled with antiquitys.
  • 有多少访问学者来了?
    How many visiting scholars have come?
  • 吸引了很人的地方。
    a place that attracts many visitors.
  • 我对这些景物的布局十分好奇,中国工匠创造力真强,能在微小的园林中创造出千百个甚至更的风景画。
    I'm really curious about how they were arranged. Chinese workmen were so creative that they made thousands or even more vistas in those tiny gardens.
  • 更喜人的是,其中很工具箱是visualbasic附加模块。
    Better yet, many of these toolkits are Visual Basic add-ons.
  • 你好,我想找一种种维生素。
    Hi. I was looking for a good multi-vitamin.
  • 维生素b复合体中的一种维生素,在脂肪、碳水化合物和某一氨基酸的氧化过程中起重要作用;很食物中都存在。
    a vitamin of the vitamin B complex that performs an important role in the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates and certain amino acids; occurs in many foods.
  • 生物素无色结晶维生素,c10h16n2o3s,属复合维生素b,为种酶系统活动必不可少的物质,并在肝、蛋黄、牛奶和酵母中发现大量该物质
    A colorless crystalline vitamin, C10H16N2O3S, of the vitamin B complex, essential for the activity of many enzyme systems and found in large quantities in liver, egg yolk, milk, and yeast.
  • 这麽年过去了这张照片仍然没失去它的鲜明
    The picture has not lost its vividness after all these years
  • 这麽年过去了这张照片仍然没失去它的鲜明。
    The picture have not lose its vividness after all these years.
  • 胎生的通过在母体中发育产生后代的。绝大数哺乳动物和其它一些动物为胎生
    Giving birth to living offspring that develop within the mother's body. Most mammals and some other animals are viviparous.
  • 对词汇难的问题,我想我的第二个办法是一个好得的办法。
    My second answer to this question of difficult vocabulary is, I think, a much better one.
  • 秋季,乡村音乐协会授予希尔"最佳女歌手"的荣誉,而更倾向流行音乐的"美国音乐奖"又给了这位女歌手胜过任何其他艺人的诸提名。
    That fall,the Country Music Association rewarded Hill with Best Female Vocalist honors,while the American Music Awards,a show more centered on pop music,accorded the singer a greater number of nominations than any other artist.
  • 波士顿人爱到缅因州去度暑假。
    Many people in Boston like to go Down East for their summer vocation.
  • 他喝了这么的伏特加,而且酒又喝得那么杂,专家们认为没有两天的时间他是醒不过来的。
    He had consumed so much Vodka, and had mixed his drinks to such an extent that it was considered by experts that it would be two days before be "surfaced".
  • 中国人:对大数人来说我看是图个方便,但也有些人只是为了赶时髦。
    Chinese:Well,for most people,it's a matter of convenience I should say,but there are also some who just want to be in the vogue.
  • 复杂变的国内经济环境
    Complicated and volatile economic environment both at home and abroad