  • 中止,中断中断的行为或实例;不
    The act or an instance of breaking off; discontinuance.
  • 地壳位于莫霍洛维奇契不续面之上的地球外层
    The exterior portion of the earth that lies above the Mohorovi錳 discontinuity.
  • 闪电放电大气中突然而又不贯的自然放电现象
    An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere.
  • 串不幸事件使他气馁。
    An unlucky train of events discouraged him.
  • 过去一年,委员会推行了一串宣传及社区参与活动,特别着重劝谕吸烟者不要在公众场所和工作间吸烟。
    During the year, the council conducted publicity and community involvement campaigns with particular emphasis on discouraging smoking in public and in workplaces.
  • 但是,如果完全没有参与任何讨论和交流,我们就尝试克服困难的机会都不给自己。
    But without discourse, without sharing, we do not even give ourselves the simple chance of being able to try to work things out.
  • “先生,”我叫道,“坐在这四堵墙壁中间,我已经一气儿忍受而且原谅了你这篇说教的四百九十个题目。
    `Sir,' I exclaimed, `sitting here within these four walls, at one stretch, I have endured and forgiven the four hundred and ninety heads of your discourse.
  • 续纸分开成单张纸的一种设备。
    A device to separate continuous-form paper into discrete sheets.
  • 在印刷技术中,用裁纸器将续形式的纸分割成单张纸。
    In printing, to separate continuous-form paper into discrete sheets using a burster.
  • 量子物理量中可独立存在的最小的量,尤指电磁辐射中不续的量
    The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.
  • 一种独立且可以标识的程序单元,可以单独编译,可与其它程序单元组合并装入计算机内存之中。如,汇编程序、编译程序、接编辑程序或执行例行程序的输入或输出。
    A program unit that is discrete and identifiable with respect to compiling, combining with other units, and loading, e.g., the input to, or output from, an assembler, compiler, linkage editor, or executive routine.
  • 当不使用时,断开正接使用的装置,并使它恢复到准备状态。同release。
    To disengage the apparatus used in a connection and to restore it to its ready condition when not in use.
  • 那事就想到也会令人感到恶心。
    The very thought of it is disgusting.
  • 这次选举,陈水扁得了将近40%的选票,宋楚瑜得票约37%,战只得了23%。
    The candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chen Shui-bian, obtained nearly 40% of the votes; James Soong secured only about 37%;while the KMT candidate Lien Chan got a dismal 23%.
  • 这种情况确实使他们无法认真关注过去一年中本来场次就很少的音乐演出。这一年是暗淡的一年,既没有出现新的、有创造力的天才,甚至差强人意、稍微有点独创性的音乐次品都没有。
    It does, after all, keep them from focusing on the scant musical offerings of the past year a dismal period in terms of new creative genius, or even mildly original schlock.
  • 这次选举,陈水扁得了将近40%的选票,宋楚瑜得票约37%,战只得了23%。
    The candidate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chen Shui-bian, obtained nearly 40% of the votes; independent candidate James Soong secured about 37%; while the KMT candidate Lien Chan got a dismal 23%.
  • 说着他拽了一把老约翰的翘枝,树枝当然就猛力地把魔鬼拖了进去,劈头盖脑地抽打起来,只见魔鬼两脚乱蹬,只听见他又气又恼又痛苦的嚎叫声。
    Saying this, he grabbed the branches of Old John's forsythia bush. The bush, of course, yanked the Devil inside and began to thrash him with all its branches. For a moment all you could see were the Devil's feet kicking above the leaves and all you could hear was his roar of anger and dismay and pain.
  • 串的意外事件把店里弄得乱七八糟。
    A series of accidents disordered the shop.
  • 一旦雇员认识到能接到机构内所有分散的数据库,他们就试图这么做,而且是成批地这么做。
    Once the employees realized they were able to connect to all of an organization's disparate databases, they tried to do just that -- in droves.
  • 阳光计算机公司推出的吉尼(音译)软件就是一种将这些毫无联系的装置接在一起工作的网络管理系统,朗讯技术公司提供了管理智能网络的无线系统。
    Sun Computer's Jini software is a network management system that allows these disparate devices to work together, and Lucent Technologies offers wireless systems for managing these intelligent networks.
  • 这就是轻型目录访问协议(即ldap)。这是一种网协议,它让最终用户更容易在汹涌的分布计算的水域中导航多个分开的目录。
    It's the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol -- or LDAP -- a networking protocol that allows end users to more easily navigate the choppy, disparate directories of the rough distributed computing waters.
  • 同时,任何想把企业网与外部的业务伙伴或客户(它们必定是用不同的系统和协议)相的企图,意味着该单位必须吸纳因将不同网络接起来所需的、且不可预测的成本。
    Also, any attempts to link enterprise networks with external business partners or customers -- with inevitably different systems and protocols -- meant the organization had to absorb the unpredictable costs involved with integrating disparate networks.
  • 速遣费已按每一续日300美元的规定费率付清。
    Dispatch money have is pay according to the stipulate rate of us $300 per running day.
  • 快车路比旧的公路安全多了,因为快车路去掉了许多危险的交叉点和接点。
    The motorway is much safer than the old road in that it dispenses with dangerous intersections and junctions.
  • 弹丝一条小长丝结构,通过吸收水分促使孢子分裂。可以是接到孢子上的一个丝圈,如长在杉叶藻内的,也可以是各孢子间的一条长丝,如在苔藓内的
    A tiny elongated structure that forces the dispersal of spores by the absorption of moisture. It is either a band attached to the spore, as in horsetails, or a filament occurring among the spores, as in liverworts.
  • 在这个转变过程中,应用程序和数据源在物理上分散在硬件群体上,这就产生了一种需求,即把过去是集中的、但现在是分散的部件接起来。
    During that transformation, applications and data sources were physically dispersed across the hardware base, creating a need to link once centralized but now dispersed components.
  • (物理学)在续介质中的一种扰动,它本身及其能量从一质点向另一质点向前传递。
    (physics) a progressive disturbance propagated without displacement of the medium itself.
  • 成功总带有一些好朋友也为之感到不愉快的东西。
    There's always something about success that displease even your best friend.
  • 但对方并不知道我就是那本书的作者,有几个顾客嫌我包的书不好,表示很生气的样子,小伙计正想告诉他我是谁时,我忙使了个眼色制止了他,弄得那位青年莫名其妙地打量了我很久,然后悻悻然地离去。
    They often had no idea that I was the author of the book. Some didn't like the way I did the wrapping and looked somewhat displeased. The young clerk was about to tell a customer who I was when I immediately stopped him by tipping him a wink. The young man was confused and, after looking me up and down for a while, walked off in sulky silence.
  • 如果黑洞引力过大,它可能恒星都会吞掉,并破坏其它许多星体的轨道。
    If a black hole gets powerful enough it may actually pull a star into it and disrupt the orbit of many other stars.
  • 万一接中断时,不依赖于同步的问题也是很重要,间歇性的网络问题可以严重地破坏链路加密,而包加密装置可以容忍暂时的信号丢失。
    Freedom from synchronization issues also is important in case of dropped connections. While intermittent network problems can seriously disrupt link encryption, packet-encryption devices can tolerate temporary signal loss.
  • 贴生的结但不成一体的。用于指不同的部分或器官
    Joined but not united. Used of dissimilar parts or organs.