  • 他们钱而成为俱乐部的成员。
    They bought into the club.
  • 钱一定不会白花的。
    Money is bound to tell.
  • 很多人对此可能会觉得可笑,但是我对烟女子总是无限宽容的,甚至也不想为这种宽容态度与人争辩。
    All this will perhaps seem absurd to many people, but I have a boundless forbearance towards courtesans which I shall not even trouble to enlarge upon here.
  • 在玫瑰盛开的时节里,爱情是佐餐的美酒;而当瓣凋落时,爱情就成了充饥的佳肴.----泰戈尔
    In the bounteous time of roses love is wine,--it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed.
  • 从新娘的束上垂下来的丝带打成了一个结。
    Ribbon hung from the bride's bouquet was tied in a bow.
  • 他在店买了一束
    He bought a bouquet at the florist.
  • 一束花
    A bouquet of flower
  • 店店主做了一个吸引人的束。
    the florist made up an attractive bouquet.
  • 那么,是否可以带上一束鲜
    Well then,how about a bouquet of flowers?
  • 孩子献给她一束花。
    The child presented her with a bouquet of flowers.
  • 葡萄酒或啤酒失去发泡或束。
    lose sparkle or bouquet, as of wine or beer.
  • 他拥抱她,接著递给她一束玫瑰
    He hug her and hand her a bouquet of roses.
  • 普通的一盒糖果或束无法表达我的爱意。
    An ordinary box of candy or bouquet of flowers wouldn't do
  • 我住院时,约翰送给我一束可爱的
    John sent me a lovely bouquet of flowers when I was in hospital.
  • 女主人表现了高雅的风度,以精致的束赠送每位客人。
    The hostess did the graceful by presenting every guest with a choice bouquet.
  • 她们代表女学生向女王献
    They presented the Queen with a bouquet on behalf of the women students.
  • 在她演出结束后,人们献给她一束玫瑰
    At the end of her performance she was presented with a bouquet of roses.
  • 随后新娘将她的一束鲜扔向一群单身姑娘。
    Later the bride throws her bouquet of flowers to a group of single girls.
  • 按照传统,谁抢到这束鲜谁将成为下一个新娘。
    Tradtion says that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next to marry.
  • 女人戴在肩上、腰上或手腕上的一小组
    A small bouquet of flowers worn by a woman at the shoulder or waist or on the wrist.
  • 朱丽叶走上前去,爱抚地将束放到棺材上,也埋在了坟墓里。
    Juliet step forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it is closed in the grave.
  • 朱丽叶走上前去,爱抚地将束放到棺材上,也埋在了坟墓里
    Juliet stepped forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it was closed in the grave
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套间一束和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit are left in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套间一束和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is leif in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 管理部门免费送给每个套间一束和一个果篮。
    A bouquet of flower and a basket of fruit is sent in each suite with the compliments of the management.
  • 我从眼角瞥见了那由玫瑰和康乃馨组成的情人节束。那是我丈夫戴维送给我的。
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Valentine's Day bouquet of roses and carnations my husband,David,had given me.
  • "你的话就像这只气球一样--不过是一堆空话,"我说,手指着系在束上的红色心形气球。
    "Your words are just like this balloon--full of hot air," I said,pointing to the red heart-shaped balloon in the bouquet.
  • 这使他们感觉自己很重要,又长了脸面。”ng女士说自己有时也在情人节给先生送上一束别致的鲜
    It makes them feel important and gives them face,” says Ms Ng, who sometimes comes up with a special bouquet for her husband on Valentine's Day.
  • 以后的十多年中我时常感到一种冲动,要出去买一大束装饰客厅。但我从未那样做过,我知道那是不一样的。
    Often in the dozen years since, I felt an urge to go out and buy a big bouquet t o fill the living room, but I never did. I knew it would not be the same.
  • 我打开包装纸,将带来的一束铃兰插进瓶,顺手将包装纸塞进雨衣口袋,尔后从地上爬起来,匆匆而去。
    Unwrapping the tissue paper from the small bouquet I carried, I placed the lily of the valley in the vase, thrust the paper in the pocket of my raincoat, rose from my knees and walked rapidly away.
  • 几分钟以后,我在林荫大道上踯躅的时候,看到在那个咖啡馆的一间大房间的窗口,玛格丽特正靠着窗栏,一瓣一瓣地摘下她那束茶瓣。
    A few minutes later, as I loitered on the boulevard, I saw Marguerite at the window of one of the restaurant's large rooms: leaning on the balcony, she was pulling the petals one by one off the camellias in her bouquet.
  • 园的面积大约是200平方米。
    The garden is a bout 200 square metres in area.