  • 一大人在入境大厅迎接运动员归来。
    A large crowd gathered in the arrival lobby to greet the returning athletes.
  • 居的鸟类;人是居动物。
    gregarious bird species; man is a gregarious animal.
  • 东半球土产的居鸟。
    gregarious birds native to the Old World.
  • 比丝鼠大的成的穴居啮齿动物。
    gregarious burrowing rodent larger than the chinchillas.
  • 北美洲居的迁移鸽子,现已灭绝。
    gregarious North American migratory pigeon now extinct.
  • 北美和南美形似猪的夜间活动的居野生动物。
    nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North and South America.
  • 几种居蛾子的幼虫,在它们吃的叶子上吐丝结网。
    several gregarious moth larvae that spin webs over foliage on which they feed.
  • 社交场合;享受一场愉快的交谈;友善的交谈;美国人好社交且喜居。
    a sociable occasion; enjoyed a sociable chat; a sociable conversation; Americans are sociable and gregarious.
  • 南美洲象鹤的大型草原栖息的居鸟,羽毛黑亮,叫声洪亮高远;容易饲养。
    large gregarious forest-dwelling cranelike bird of South America having glossy black plumage and a loud prolonged cry; easily domesticated.
  • 红鹤,火烈鸟一种热带地区的红鹤科的居大涉禽中,具有淡红色或淡粉色的羽毛,长腿、长而灵活的颈和顶端朝下的喙
    Any of several large, gregarious wading birds of the family Phoenicopteridae of tropical regions, having reddish or pinkish plumage, long legs, a long flexible neck, and a bill turned downward at the tip.
  • 格雷戈里·保罗在1989年发表的一篇文章里,比较了当时已知的中生代的撞击与火山活动,用发光法测定了翼龙、恐龙和鸟类种,试图找出一个固定的模式。
    Gregory Paul, in a 1989 article, compared known impacts and super eruptions of the Mesozoic with radiations of the major pterosaur, dinosaur, and bird groups to see if a pattern could be identified.
  • 目前这傻瓜对我们还有好处,且让他们活下去吧!
    Meantime the fools bring grist to my will, so let them live out their day.
  • 至于众团体,除了原有工作基础的村庄还可保持其原有组织形式外,一般应力求单纯,组织统一的抗日救国会。
    As to mass organizations, with the exception of villages where there is sound groundwork and whose original organizational forms can be preserved, the rest should be made into pure and uniform associations for resisting Japan and saving the nation.
  • 人[一片树林, 一片房子]
    a group of people [trees, houses]
  • 人们三五成地站着。
    People were standing about in small groups.
  • 他看见一学生下汽车。
    He saw a party of schoolchildren getting off the bus.
  • 女孩子在学校旁边等着。
    A group of girls was waiting by the school.
  • 正式体与非正式
    formal and informal group
  • 无组织体与有组织
    unorganized and organized group
  • managementgroupaddress--管理地址。
    Management Group Address裈he management group address.
  • 一个体中不同的经常是从属的小体。
    a distinct and often subordinate group within a group.
  • 移民,移栖,洄游鱼一起迁移的几个
    A group migrating together.
  • 一群动物
    A group of animals.
  • 一群弓箭手
    A group of archers.
  • 一群所有人
    A group of proprietors.
  • 一群士兵
    A group of soldiers.
  • 谄媚者,奉承者一谄媚奉承的支持者
    A group of fawning admirers.
  • 供狩猎用的驯兽。
    a group of hunting animals.
  • 一群残忍的罪犯
    A group of murderous thugs.
  • 被分门别类的一事物。
    the grouping of things by classes or categories.
  • 两千多万职工下放,走众路线,讲清楚道理,大家并不埋怨。
    When more than 20 million workers and office staff were transferred to the countryside in those years, they didn't even grumble, because we followed the mass line and clearly explained to them the reasons why the move was necessary.
  • 众对生活方面的议论是相当多的,不要以为都是讲怪话。
    There is a lot of talk among the masses about matters concerning their daily life, and we shouldn't take everything they say simply as grumbling.