  • “四人帮”胡说“知识越多越反动”,鼓吹“宁要没有文化的劳动者”,把既无知又反动的交卷的小丑捧为“红专”典型,把孜孜不倦,刻苦钻研,为祖国的科学技术事业作出贡献的好同志诬蔑为“专”典型。
    The Gang of Four made the absurd claim that the more a person knew, the more reactionary he would become. They said they preferred labourers without culture and they touted an ignorant reactionary clown who handed in a blank examination paper as the model of a "red expert" . On the other hand, they vilified as "white and expert" those good comrades who studied diligently and contributed to the motherland's science and technology.
  • 他把墙壁涂上一层漆。
    He gave the wall acoatof white paint.
  • 在苏格兰培育的色长毛小猎犬。
    small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland.
  • 霜露珠结冰后在物体表面形成的
    Frozen dew that forms a white coating on a surface.
  • 粗暴些的则在原壁画上抹一层草泥,然后刷重新作画。最潦草的是直接在原作上盖一层粉后便取而代之。
    More considerate people made a mud brick wall along the original cave wall for their own painting, but rude ones simply plastered a layer of cob over the original mural and daubed it white to make their own painting.
  • 作为一种经营方式,这确实有些不同寻常——可口可乐公司可不习惯奉送宝贵的商业秘密。
    As a way of doing business it's rather unusual -- the Coca-Cola Company doesn't make a habit of giving away precious commercial secrets.
  • 生有黄色直立羽冠的色凤头鹦鹉。
    white cockatoo with a yellow erectile crest.
  • 电视机远远比不上现代化的彩色电视机。
    Black- and- white television is knocked into a cocked hat by the modern color one.
  • 那只猫又在我的洋葱苗床里乱抓一通了,因此我拿起泥块朝它乱扔一气。
    That white cat was scratching around in my onion bed again and so I took a cockshot at it with a lump of earth.
  • 从可可豆中榨取的黄色的油。
    a yellow-white fat from cocoa beans.
  • 干椰肉晒干后的色椰子果肉,可从中榨取椰子油
    The dried white flesh of the coconut from which coconut oil is extracted.
  • 椰子果肉中清澈的淡色液体。
    clear to whitish fluid from within a fresh coconut.
  • 请准备一些长城干葡萄酒,青岛啤酒,香槟酒,椰子汗和菠萝汁。
    Please prepare some Great Wall Dry White Wine, Qingdao I lager Beer, Champagne, Coconut Milk and Pineapple Jice.
  • 类似鳕鱼但体型较小的鱼的色瘦肉;通常烘焙、水煮,或做成嫩煎鱼片、油炸鱼片。
    lean white flesh of fish similar to but smaller than cod; usually baked or poached or as fillets sauteed or fried.
  • 海恩尼斯美国马萨诸塞州东南城镇,临近鳕鱼角中南部的楠塔基特湾。为一夏季旅游胜地。约翰·f·肯尼迪任总统时曾在附近修建夏季宫。人口8,000
    A town of southeast Massachusetts on Nantucket Sound in south-central Cape Cod. It is a popular summer resort. The summer White House was located nearby while John F. Kennedy was President. Population,8, 000.
  • 北大西洋的色瘦肉型鱼;同鳕鱼相似。
    lean white flesh of North Atlantic fish; similar to codfish.
  • 基因内区位于对蛋质合成指定的遗传密码不起作用的神经轴突之间的基因体节
    A segment of a gene situated between axons that does not function in coding for protein synthesis.
  • 反密码子在蛋质合成过程中,传送者rna中的相关密码子与某种氨基酸结合,在传送rna过程中出现的三个相邻的核苷酸序列
    A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in transfer RNA designating a specific amino acid that binds to a corresponding codon in messenger RNA during protein synthesis.
  • 和辅酶结合构成活性酶的蛋质。
    a protein that combines with a coenzyme to form an active enzyme.
  • 主酶,脱辅基酶蛋一种酶的蛋质成分,辅酶加入该酶可构成活性酶
    The protein component of an enzyme, to which the coenzyme attaches to form an active enzyme.
  • 花丹科同延;通常归于报春花目。
    coextensive with the family_Plumbaginaceae; usually included in order Primulales.
  • 科尼亚克和阿马尼亚克是两种优质兰地.
    Cognac and Armagnac are fine brandies.
  • 法国兰地酒由葡萄酒蒸馏获得的一种兰地酒,产于科涅克附近
    A brandy distilled from white wine and produced in the vicinity of Cognac.
  • 掺法国兰地、柠檬皮和糖的黑咖啡。
    black coffee with cognac and lemon peel and sugar.
  • 这是令人感兴趣的科涅克兰地,一种最上等的酒。
    It is the most interesting Cognac brandy, a supernaculum.
  • 鹅的肝脏(浸泡在兰地酒中)和块菌制成的一种脑袋。
    a pate made from goose liver (marinated in cognac) and truffles.
  • 法国科涅克地区的一种经蒸馏制成的高质量的葡萄兰地。
    high quality grape brandy distilled in the Cognac district of France.
  • 一只忧郁的鸟儿的刺耳的哭泣;涩口的兰地;刺眼的光弄花了你的眼睛;走廊里满是刺鼻的烟雾。
    the harsh cry of a blue jay; harsh cognac; the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes; harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway.
  • 虽然在强调族群融洽的时刻,这么“昭示天下”式的表达方式也许稍嫌刻意,释出的却是明而且正面的信息:促进彼此的了解,加强社区凝聚力。
    At a time when the importance of racial harmony has been stressed repeatedly, such a publicised visit may seem rather contrived. However, the message behind it is loud and clear: promoting mutual understanding and enhancing social cohesiveness.
  • 一个矮簇生的常绿灌木属,叶苔藓状,花色或粉色,下垂,生长于北温带较冷的地区。
    low tufted evergreen shrubs of colder parts of north temperate regions having mosslike foliage and nodding white or pink flowers.
  • 他转过身来,朝着伊丽莎望了一会儿,等她也看见了他,他才收回自己的目光,冷冷的说:“她还可以,但还没有漂亮到打动我的心,眼前我可没有兴趣去抬举那些受到别人冷眼看待的小姐。
    and turning round, he looked for a moment at Elizabeth, till catching her eye, he withdrew his own and coldly said, "She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men.
  • 然而对商业用户来说,共同浏览和板等协作功能更为重要。
    More important to business users, however, are the collaboration capabilities such as co-browsing and whiteboarding.