  • 我会把那息传达给他。
    I will convey the information to him.
  • 烦转告下列息给福克斯先生,他将下榻于王子饭店788号房间。
    Convey following msg to Mr. Fox Hotel Prince No. 788
  • 中国从长期的实际经验中深知:罪犯刑满释放后个人权利的恢复与保障是重要的,但如果不创造必要条件,帮助刑满释放人员安家立业,避免重蹈复辙,那么,这种个人权利的恢复与保障仍是极的,不具有真正的积极的社会意义。
    From long experience China is well aware of the fact that when a convict serves his or her sentence and is released, restoring and guaranteeing individual rights is important. However, the necessary conditions must be created; released prisoners must be given assistance in settling down and finding employment so they can avoid making the same mistakes all over again. Otherwise, restoring and guaranteeing a released prisoner's individual rights would be an empty gesture and would not have any really positive effect on society.
  • 我们相信这些分歧是可以除的。
    We are convinced that these differences can be overcome.
  • 现在偏见除了,他们都合作得很好。
    Prejudices have now fallen away, and they all cooperate very well.
  • 但总统府的息认为,萨哈冈将辞去总统第一发言人的职务,由总统公共舆论和形象协调人奥提兹接任。
    Presidential sources said Sahagun would step down as chief presidential spokeswoman, and would be replaced by Francisco Ortiz, who is Fox's public opinion and image coordinator.
  • 为了应付极的经历,孩子往往学会如何控制自己和他人。
    To cope with negative experiences a child learns to manipulate himself and others.
  • 愿这一息给您带去节日的祝福,并衷心祝愿您幸福如意。
    May this message bring you cordial holiday greeting and our sincere good wish for your prosperity happiness.
  • 如果石油污染确实耗掉每年涌进康瓦耳的5000万镑的话,这个国家每个人的钱包都会有所感觉。
    If oil pollution does eat into that &50 million flooding into Cornwall each year, everyone in the country will feel it in his pocket.
  • 看起来是具体的东西像空气一样失在风中——莎士比亚;精神的化身;‘corporate’是古旧用法。
    what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind- Shakespeare; an incarnate spirit; `corporate' is an archaic term.
  • 信令单元错误检测和校正--废弃检测到的出错息并请求重新传输。
    Signal unit error detection and correction - discards detected erroneous message and requests a re-transmission.
  • 大资产阶级在思想上企图“溶解”共产主义,在政治上、组织上企图取共产党,取边区,取党的武装力量。
    Ideologically, the big bourgeoisie is trying to "corrode" communism, whilst politically and organizationally it is trying to liquidate the Communist Party, the Border Region and the Party's armed forces.
  • 船舶非正常排放油类、油性混合物和其他有害物质,或有毒、含腐蚀性货物落水造成污染时,应当立即采取措施,控制和除污染,并向就近的港务监督报告,接受调查处理。
    In case pollution has resulted from an abnormal discharge of oils, oil mixtures or other harmful substances, or from the spilling overboard of noxious or corrosive goods, the vessel concerned shall immediately take measures to control and eliminate such pollution and shall report the matter to the nearest harbour superintendency administration for investigation and settlement.
  • 以上流阶层为费对象的化妆品
    Cosmetics for the upscale market.
  • 他来回走动着,大骂这场延误事故,因为每耽误一分钟都在耗他的钱财。
    He was walking to and fro swearing at the delay which was costing him so much money every minute.
  • 他们懒散地围坐在一起下中国象棋,吸着烟,并相互传播着最新的小道息。
    They sit in cosy huddles playing Chinese games, smoking, and eexchanging the latest gossip.
  • 全国费者信用基金会副会长穆兹钦科说,现在来这里讨教私人财务问题的家庭,比一般有财务困难的家庭年龄较大,经济情况较佳……。
    Today's families coming in for personal financial counselling are old and better off than the usual run of families in financial trouble, said Jay Muzychenko, vice president of the National Foundation for Consumer Credit, ….
  • 祖先生:美中之间的贸易摩擦不会随着中国加入wto而失,正如美国与很多老资格wto贸易伙伴之间的贸易摩擦也并未失一样。
    Mr. Minister Counselor: Trade frictions between the United States and China will not disappear with WTO accession, just as they have not disappeared between the United States and many of our trading partners who are longstanding WTO members.
  • 旨在抵狭窄的专门化教学内容而设计了种种智力测验。
    Intelligence tests were devised to counteract this narrow specialization.
  • 我们应该努力除目前的这股反政府情绪.
    We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling.
  • 这药可消解毒性。
    This drug should counteract the poison.
  • 对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。
    For these individual all punishment are clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime.
  • 对这些人来说,用作在心理上抵罪恶的任何惩罚都显然无效。
    For these individual all punishment is clearly useless as a psychological counteraction of crime.
  • 他休了两天假以抵前星期加的班。
    He took two day off to counterbalance the overtime the week before.
  • 对上述订单,请取
    Please countermand our order for same.
  • 但是,随着国家开放水平的提高,今后对海外投资者逐步实行国民待遇,取税收政策上的特权。
    However, with China's increasing openness, overseas investors will be gradually treated on a par with their counterparts in the Mainland, with their tax concessions revoked.
  • 一个十几亿人口的国家不容易自华盛顿的雷达幕上失。二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。现在,中国经济起飞其本身就有资格被看做一个力量。
    It's not easy for a nation of more than a billion people to fade from Washington's radar screen. Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for 20 years, China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet Union. Now, China's economic boom will make it a power in its own right.
  • 我觉得我没有勇气告诉他这个坏息。
    I don't think I have the courage to tell him the bad news.
  • 信息由特定信使递送的
    A message delivered by special courier.
  • 我公司所订10部柴油发动机,今日由美国银行通过东京分行开出不可撤信用证金额五万美元,请立刻安排船期。
    Day pond ire l.c. for us 50, 000 cove our dr ten diesel motor with bank of america ck branch rush arr. shpt.
  • 他悲恸失声地宣布了父亲去世的息.
    In a voice cracking with emotion, he announced the death of his father.
  • 很有可能你正在办公桌旁边吃三明治边读这篇文章,如果是这样,那么你也许不愿意听到这样一则息:估计本周约有15万人为了一饱眼福和口福而涌入意大利都灵的一个名为"慢餐博览会"的宴会。
    If,as is all too likely,you are reading this over a sandwich at your desk,you may not want to hear that an estimated 150,000 people are this week cramming into a feast for the eyes and stomach called the"Slow Food Fair"at Turin,Italy.