  • 我军冒着枪林弹雨继续向前进。
    Our army is still pushing towards the next town, under heavy gunfire.
  • 机心枪机内可通过主发条运作动击铁向前的机伴
    A piece in a gunlock that forces the hammer forward by action of the mainspring.
  • 古比先生和约伯林先生……发现克罗克还睡得很香……不但听不见外界的任何声响,即使轻轻他一下,他都毫无感觉。
    Mr Guppy and Mr Jobing …find Krook still sleeping like one o’clock…quite insensible to any external sounds or even to gentle shaking.
  • 积极动体育产品的升级换代,在运动服装、健身器械、体育图书、报刊、音像制品方面,形成若干个国际性的知名品牌。
    The sports commodities shall be constantly upgraded and vigorously promoted. A string of international brands shall be developed in sports clothing, gymnasium equipment, sports books, newspapers, and audio and video products.
  • 引体向上在双杠的一端做的一种练习;两手握杠,曲臂,下额与杠平,然后直臂
    A gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered by bending the elbows until the chin reaches the level of the bars and then is raised by straightening the arms.
  • 拖延迟工作(尤其是出于懒惰或习惯性的粗心疏忽)的人。
    someone who postpones work (especially out of laziness or habitual carelessness).
  • 迟拖延做某事,尤指出于习惯性的粗心或懒散
    To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.
  • 改革,应该包括政治体制的改革,而且应该把它作为改革向前进的一个标志。
    Political restructuring should be included in the reform -- indeed, it should be regarded as the hallmark of progress in the reform as a whole.
  • 数字视盘(dvd)电影应该是能防止盗版翻录的,但非法拷贝的产出速度为何比万圣节连续剧出的速度还要快?
    Movies on DVD were supposed to be copy-proof. So why are illegal copies getting stamped out faster than Halloween sequels?
  • 校长坐在桌旁反复敲明天的发言稿,直到午夜。
    The president sat at his desk till midnight hammering out his speech for the next day.
  • 他使劲拉走那笨重的手车。
    He lugged a heavy handcart along.
  • 很多领导同志和我们一道小车。
    Many leading comrades pushed handcarts together with us.
  • 运送洗衣店的货物的手车。
    a handcart for moving a load of laundry.
  • 有两个轮子、底部有暗架、顶部有手柄的手车;用于移动柳条箱或其他重的物品。
    a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects.
  • waitt测其中有25次为诺亚洪水的规模,而其他一些调研人员则认为只有少数达到了这一级别。
    Waif estimates that about 25 of them were on a Noachian scale, though some other investigators think only a handful were in that class.
  • 请向我们荐一些最可靠的中国手工艺品出口商,可以吗?
    Would you please introduce us to some of the most reliable exporters of Chinese handicrafts?
  •  ——从1991年开始,投资10亿元,在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河中部流域河谷地带进行综合开发工程,把这一地区逐步建成西藏的商品粮基地、副食品基地,轻纺手工业和食品加工基地以及科技示范广基地。
    A project started in 1991 with a total investment of 1 billion yuan for the comprehensive development of the drainage area of the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa and Nyang Qu rivers. The project is designed to turn the area into bases for producing commodity grain, non-staple food, light industrial goods, textiles, handicrafts and processed food as well as for popularizing scientific and technological research achievements.
  • ——从1991年开始,投资10亿元,在雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河和年楚河中部流域河谷地带进行综合开发工程,把这一地区逐步建成西藏的商品粮基地、副食品基地,轻纺手工业和食品加工基地以及科技示范广基地。
    -- A project started in 1991 with a total investment of 1 billion yuan for the comprehensive development of the river valley area of the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo, Lhasa and Nyang Qu rivers. The project is designed to turn the area into bases for producing commodity grain, non-staple food, light industrial goods, textiles, handicrafts and processed food as well as for popularizing scientific and technological research achievements.
  • 从笔迹中断特征的专家。
    a specialist in inferring character from handwriting.
  • 美国人会就近把责任出去——父母、政府、配偶、邻居。
    Americans shift the blame on to any handy object-their parents, the government, their spouses, the neighbours.
  • 我们的计划必须向后迟一些时间。
    Our plans must hang fire for a time.
  • 他还匆忙地在哈勒姆组织了一次活动宣布,因克林顿时代广的"勤劳所得的税收优惠"政策,约500万上班族每年各有高达5000美元的收入不用申报上税。
    And he hastily arranged a Harlem event to broadcast word that roughly 5 million working people have as much as $5,000 a year in unclaimed money coming to them thanks to the Clinton-era expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
  • 协调和动政府有关部门为妇女儿童办实事。
    and harmonize and propel these departments to do practical things for women and children.
  • 能够把明亮的光进到高空中,或者用于进救生绳、捕鲸枪。
    propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon.
  • 请允许我冒昧地向你荐我大学同学詹姆斯·哈里斯。
    May I take the liberty to recommend to you one of my classmates at college, Mr. James Harris.
  • 恶劣的天气使收割迟了。
    The harvest was set back by bad weather.
  • 在收获环节,广机械化收割;
    Harvesting should be further mechanized.
  • 连绵阴雨把小麦收割时间迟了3个星期。
    The continuous rain set back the harvesting of wheat by 3 weeks.
  • 加强对粮食播种、收获、储运、加工等各个环节的管理,广运用节能机械,节约粮食:在生产环节,通过对种子精选、加工和包衣处理,提高种子质量,减少用种量;
    The management of all grain production links -- sowing, harvesting, storage, transportation and processing -- will be improved and energy-saving machinery widely applied along with methods to prevent wastage. The quality of seeds will be improved and the quantity of seeds used will be reduced through selection, processing and coating.
  • 在美国佛罗里达州的海淮上,小海龟从巢穴中的蛋里孵化出来后,沿海滩爬入水中,并且常年随洋流游动,被含有丰富食物的温暖海水动前进。
    After hatching from eggs laid in nests along beaches in Florida, baby loggerhead turtles swim out into this current and flow with it for years, nudged along by warm waters rich in food.
  • 猛推或用力向上举
    To haul or hoist energetically.
  • 另一个确保食物安全的方法,是广以“食物安全重点控制”系统为基础的食物安全计划。
    Another means of achieving food safety is through the promotion of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)-based food safety plan.