  • 中国的选举不受金钱的左右,由选民自由地讨论、协商,推举出他们信任的候选人,然后进行无记投票,实行差额选举。
    Elections in China are not controlled by money, and candidates trusted by the people are elected after free consultation and discussion and by secret ballot. Multicandidate elections are practised in China.
  • 氏走近栅栏,殷勤地问道:“小姐,您们叫我有何贵干?”
    The stranger approached the balustrade.“What can I do for you, mesdemoiselles?” he asked eagerly.
  • 难或麻烦的根源(尤对某知人物、组织等而言)
    Put a ban on the import of alcohol
  • 在他还是个无小卒时,他比现在要友好和讨人喜欢得多。
    Before he became the top banana he was a much friendlier and most likable person.
  • 两名匪徒当场毙命。
    Two of the bandits were killed on the spot.
  • 在1930年代,许多著的乐队乘着汽车从一个城市到另一个城市巡回演出。
    During the 1930s, famous bands traveled in buses from town to town.
  • 安妮:“曼谷”这个字有什么说法吗?
    Annie: Are there any stories about the name of Bangkok?
  • 欧洲某个非政府组织的一代表向我们汇报,该组织成功地在孟加拉关闭一家雇用孩童劳工的工厂。
    A representativeof an European non-governmental organisation told us that it had succeeded in closing down a factory in Bangladesh which employed child labour.
  • 欧洲某个非政府组织的一代表向我们汇报,该组织成功地在孟加拉关闭一家雇用孩童劳工的工厂。
    A representative of an European non-governmental organisation told us that it had succeeded in closing down a factory in Bangladesh which employed child labour.
  • 近两年来,先后向俄罗斯、德国、法国、英国、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、泰国、科威特等国派出军事留学人员200余,同时接收了来自亚、非、拉美和欧洲等地区有关国家的近千军事人员。
    In the past two years, more than 200 Chinese military personnel have been sent to study in Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Kuwait, while nearly 1,000 military personnel from Asian ,Africa, Latin America and Europe countries have come to study in China.
  • 近两年来,先后向俄罗斯、德国、法国、英国、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、泰国、科威特等国派出军事留学人员200余,同时接收了来自亚、非、拉美和欧洲等地区有关国家的近千军事留学及各类培训人员。
    In the past two years, more than 200 Chinese military personnel have been sent to study in Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand and Kuwait, while nearly 1,000 military personnel from Africa, Latin America and Europe and other Asian countries have come to study in China.
  • 列入黑单以进行铲除或联合抵制。
    put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted.
  • 没过几天我回来了(因为我并不认为我的被撵是永远的),发现他们已经给他取了,叫“希刺克厉夫”。那原是他们一个夭折了的儿子的字,从此这就算他的,也算他的姓。
    On coming back a few days afterwards (for I did not consider my banishment perpetual) I found they had christened him `Heathcliff': it was the name of a son who died in childhood, and it has served him ever since, both for Christian and surname.
  • 他将该款以另一义存於银行。
    He banked the money under another name.
  • 他作为一国际银行家和经济调停人在各地周游。
    He went wandering as an international banker and economic troubleshooter.
  • 他的父亲在金融界里大鼎鼎。
    His father is a big noise in the banking world.
  • 但两家都倒闭了。他因此穷得一文不
    Both went bankrupt, and he was flat broke.
  • 由于oriental一词既可以做词,即东方人,也可以做形容词,即东方的,新法律则只禁止oriental一词用于指人的时候。
    The new law only bans the use of the word "Oriental" when the reference is to human beings.
  • 她受洗礼时被命为玛利。
    She was baptized Mary.
  • 在洗礼时给一个受洗时的字。
    giving a Christian name at baptism.
  • 在洗礼中取名字
    To give a name to at baptism.
  • 一个由成年人(义上的双亲)在浸礼中抚养的孩子。
    an infant who is sponsored by an adult (the godparent) at baptism.
  • 这个孩子取玛丽亚。
    The baby was baptized Maria.
  • 由于在巴巴多斯岛被发现而得
    named for a country house in Barbados where it was discovered.
  • 巴巴拉又与泰德.安德鲁丝结婚。朱丽叶后更为朱丽叶.安德鲁丝。
    Barbara married Ted Andrews and Julia changed her name for Julie Andrews.
  • 就在去年,杰娜·布什和芭芭拉·布什在德克萨斯州的奥斯汀因为未满法定年龄喝酒而遭到起诉,事情曝光后,姐妹俩的字登上了全世界报刊杂志的新闻头条。
    Jenna and Barbara Bush made worldwide headlines last year after they were charged with misdemeanor underage drinking violations in two separate incidents in Austin, Texas.
  • 一种戊巴比妥酸盐(商品nembutal)用作镇静药和催眠和反间歇性痉挛。
    a barbiturate (trade name Nembutal) used as a sedative and hypnotic and anti-spasmodic.
  • 有迅速疗效的巴比妥酸盐是一种吸温的粉(贸易字pentothal);当被作为一种全身麻醉剂注入时会产生轻松的感觉。
    a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong fast-acting barbiturate; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic.
  • 在巴塞罗那(1992)和亚特兰大(1996年)奥运会上,中国金牌总数均列第四位。
    China was fourth in the number of gold medals won at the Olympic Games in Barcelona (1992) and Atlanta (1996).
  • 联合队男子排球队是最后一次在巴塞罗那亮相,他们也只获得一个不起眼的第七
    The men's squad of the Unified Team,which made its last appearance in Barcelona,also ended with a modest 7th place.
  • 联合队男子排球队是最后一次在巴塞罗那亮相,他们也只获得一个不起眼的第七
    The men's squad of the Unified Team, which made its last appearance in Barcelona, also ended with a modest 7 th place.
  • 中国队最后在小组列第四,成就了它在奥运会历史上的最好成绩,同时证明它比上届巴赛罗那奥运会的第十二,即倒数第一的次提高了一大截。
    China finished fourth in the pool, guaranteeing its best Olympic finish ever and a stark improvement over a 12th and last-place finish at Barcelona.