  • 第四种方法则是靠高,叫反渗透法。
    while a fourth method, which relies on high pressure, is called reverse osmosis.
  • 等渗的等渗的或显示相等的渗
    Of or exhibiting equal osmotic pressure.
  • 高渗的两种溶液有高渗
    Having the higher osmotic pressure of two solutions.
  • 低渗透的两种液体低渗
    Having the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids.
  • 与血液具有相等渗的溶液。
    a solution having the same osmotic pressure as blood.
  • 用来指溶液;具有相同或者相等的渗透力。
    used of solutions; having the same or equal osmotic pressure.
  • 指溶液;具有比对照溶液高的渗透力。
    of a solution; having a higher osmotic pressure than a comparison solution.
  • 指溶液;具有比对照溶液低的渗透力。
    of a solution; having a lower osmotic pressure than a comparison solution.
  • 渗透调节对于有机生命体中持续的最佳渗透力的维持
    Maintenance of an optimal, constant osmotic pressure in the body of a living organism.
  • “我根儿就不知道她在室外。”
    “I didn't even know she was outdoors.”
  • 被剥夺公民权宣布非法的行为或过程或被剥公民权的状态
    The act or process of outlawing or the state of having been outlawed.
  • 纺织行业全年缩淘汰落后棉纺锭512万锭,分流下岗职工66万人。
    Over 5.12 million outmoded spindles of textile sector were reduced and eliminated, with some 660,000 employees laid off.
  • 希望各级党委和组织部门在这个问题上来个大转变,坚决解放思想,克服重重障碍,打破老框框,勇于改革不合时宜的组织制度、人事制度,大力培养、发现和破格使用优秀人才,坚决同一切制和摧残人才的现象作斗争。
    We hope that Party committees and organizational departments at all levels will make major changes in this area, resolutely emancipate their minds, overcome all obstacles, break with old conventions and have the courage to reform outmoded organizational and personnel systems. We also hope that they will try hard to discover, train and employ excellent, qualified persons by bypassing the conventional rules and that they will firmly oppose any move to keep such people down or to waste their talent.
  • 在数量上我们完全被敌人倒。
    We were completely outnumbered by the enemy.
  • 男性单身族在研究的开始就处于抑状态,如果他们继续过单身生活则会更加抑。
    Single men as a group were depressed at outset of the study and became more de. Pressed if they stayed single.
  • 那匹马绝无获胜可能, 我要是你可不把钱在它身上.
    That horse is a complete outsider; I wouldn't waste your money on it.
  • 推,挤从外部对某物施加力或力量
    To exert outward pressure or force against something.
  • 那些女人在吵架,拼命吼叫,想倒对方。
    The women were quarreling and trying to outyell each other.
  • 他们的抗议被服了。
    Their protests were overborne.
  • 树上果实累累,得树枝都弯了。
    The trees are overburdened with fruit.
  • 征服以较大的力量制服;征服,
    To overpower by superior force; overcome.
  • 上方有总长1000公里的高线。
    Overhead stretch high-tension lines, 1000 kilometres in all.
  • 屋瓦是一个一个地重叠放置的。
    Tiles are laid to overlap each other.
  • 如果假日里干的事太多,可以试试下面一些办法,也许能减轻额外力。
    If you're facing holiday overload, use these tips to manage the extra stress.
  • 迫使,如用倒一切的影响或说服力
    To force, as by overpowering influence or persuasion.
  • 非常需要独居;绝望的诱惑会倒一切;倒性的大多数。
    an overpowering need for solitude; the temptation to despair may become overwhelming; an overwhelming majority.
  • 对…力过大或使承受过大
    To cause or subject to overpressure.
  • 庞大的体形与塔一样的高度说明蜥晰脚类恐龙需要特别高的血,消耗大量氧气的特大型心脏,这些都与一般的爬虫类不同。
    The great size and especially the towering height of the sauropod dinosaurs may have required extra-high- pressure, oversized hearts that consumed much more oxygen than is observed in reptiles.
  • 当然,银行贷款要严格遵循贷款原则,不支持积产品生产和重复建设,避免产生新一轮的通货膨胀。
    While issuing loans, the banks will follow the set principles and will not support the production of overstocked goods and duplicated construction, so as to prevent a new round of inflation.
  • 数月来,春天一直在和冬季玩耍着你来我往的游戏。冬季的乌头和雪花、藏红花混长在一块,可看起来好像正在为水仙花所倒。
    Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. The winter aconites have got mixed with the snowdrops and crocuses and look like being overtaken by the daffodils.
  • 使(气旋等)锢囚迫使(空气)从地球表面上升,如在冷锋过并削弱暖锋时
    To force(air) upward from Earth's surface, as when a cold front overtakes and undercuts a warm front.
  • 过重的负担或力;对…加以过重负担
    To subject to an excessive burden or strain; overtax.