  • 这一年这个场从1970年种的树上收了70万斤桃子.
    This year the farm gathered 350000 kg, of peaches from trees planted in 1970.
  • 1991年,西藏业总产值达到20.46亿元,比1952年增长3.4倍,粮食产量达到5.8亿公斤,平均亩产达到224公斤,分别比1952年增长2.7倍和1.8倍。
    In 1991, the total output value of agriculture reached 2.046 billion yuan in Tibet, 4.4 times higher than in 1952. Grain output came to 580 million kg and the average per-mu yield was 224 kg, showing rises of 3.7 times and 2.8 times respectively over 1952.
  • 绑架者的藏身处是一座山上的旧场。
    The kidnappers' lair was an old farm in the hills.
  • “这些是你替我工作的酬劳,”那个民边说边把铜板给了阿金。
    " This is to thank you for your help, " the farmer said and gave the coppers to Ah Kin.
  • 全国托儿所、幼儿园有45万所,入园入托率城市达70%,村达32%。
    There are 450,000 nurseries and kinder-gardens nationwide. The entrance rate to these reaches 70 percent in towns and 32 percent in the countryside.
  • 医生取出急救药箱,给那个老民一些止痛药片。
    The doctor got out his first-aid kit and gave the old peasant some pills to stop his pain.
  • 前委是十一月六日重新组织的,依中央的指定,以毛泽东、朱德、地方党部书记(谭震林)、一工人同志(宋乔生)、一民同志(毛科文)五人组成,毛泽东为书记。
    The Front Committee was reorganized on November 6, with the following five members designated by the Central Committee: Mao Tse-tung, Chu Teh, the secretary of the local Party headquarters (Tan Chen-lin), a worker comrade (Sung Chiao-sheng) and a peasant comrade (Mao Ko-wen), with Mao Tse-tung as secretary.
  • 库尔德人居住在库尔德斯坦跨国地区的一个游牧和业民族的成员
    A member of a pastoral and agricultural people inhabiting the transnational region of Kurdistan.
  • 到2001年,业机械总动力880.85万千瓦,用化肥施用量(折纯)83.29万吨,村用电量25.45亿千瓦时;
    By 2001, the total power output of farm machinery came to 8,808,500 kw, the net quantity of chemical fertilizers used for farming was 832,900 tons, and rural power consumption totaled 2.545 billion kwh.
  • 法国国家农业研究院
    Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomigue, INRA
  • 上面所述那些所谓“过分”的举动,都是民在乡村中由大的革命热潮鼓动出来的力量所造成的。
    All the actions mentioned here which have been labelled as "going too far" flow from the power of the peasants, which has been called forth by the mighty revolutionary upsurge in the countryside.
  • 1995年,中国有关部门发布了有机(天然)食品标志管理办法,完全不使用化肥和药的有机(天然)食品已在中国问世。
    In 1995 a government department published the Procedures on the Administration of Organic (Natural) Food Labelling. Organic (natural) food unpolluted by chemical fertilizers and farm chemicals has now appeared in China.
  • 第四,我们摘掉了知识分子“臭老九”的帽子,摘掉了全国绝大多数地主、富、资本家的帽子。
    Fourth, we have removed the label "stinking Number Nine" from the intellectuals as well as the labels "landlord", "rich peasant" and "capitalist" from the overwhelming majority of persons formerly in those categories.
  • 压榨农民的国家
    A country that exploited peasant labor.
  • 日工拉丁美洲或美国西南部的不熟练的劳动力或场工人
    An unskilled laborer or farm worker of Latin America or the southwest United States.
  • 民们直到日落方结束在田间的劳动
    Just before sunset the peasants quit laboring in the field
  • 操劳的民;操劳于摘棉花的奴隶们那弯曲的背;在黑暗的深处操劳着的采煤工。
    drudging peasants; the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton; toiling coal miners in the black deeps.
  • 我国民阶级和其他劳动群众,同工人阶级紧密团结,是推动我国社会生产力发展的重要力量。
    The peasant class and other laboring people , closely united with the working class, constitute a major force that pushes the country's productive forces forward.
  • 西藏劳动人民再不受奴主的沉重差税和高利贷剥削,劳动果实全部留归自己,生产积极性空前高涨。
    The Tibetan laboring people no longer suffer from the heavy corvee taxes and usurious exploitation by the serf-owners. The fruits of their labor all belong to themselves, and the enthusiasm of the Tibetan people for production became unprecedentedly high.
  • 不断提高工人、民、知识分子和其他劳动群众以及全体人民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,不断提高他们的劳动技能和创造才能,充分发挥他们的积极性主动性创造性,始终是我们党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务。
    To raise the ideological and ethical standards and scientific and cultural levels of the workers , peasants , intellectuals and other laboring people and the entire population and improve their labor skills and creativity and give full scope to their enthusiasm , initiative and creative power - these should remain the tasks of primary importance that our Party should perform in representing China's advanced productive forces.
  • 民仅仅是为了微不足道的收入而辛苦地劳作。
    The peasant laboured for a mere pittance.
  • 场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
    The farmer paid 3 labourers to gather the crop.
  • 任何组织和个人不得强制业劳动者和业生产经营组织参加业保险。
    No organization or individual may force any agricultural labourer or agricultural production and operation organization to take out agricultural insurance.
  • 在地主本人不耕种土地的地方,有时候在地主和劳动者之间,有一个中间媒介,即业经营者,他付给劳动者口粮,提供生产工具,付给土地所有者地租以后获得全部产品;在另一些情况下,则由地主、受雇的代理人和劳动者共同分享土地产品。制造业的情形如何呢?
    Where the proprietor himself does not cultivate, there is sometimes,between him and the labourer, an intermediate agency, that of the farmer, who advances the subsistence of the labourers, supplies the instruments of production, and receives, after paying a rent to the landowner, all the produce: in other cases, the landlord,his paid agents, and the labourers, are the only sharers.
  • 业生产时间和劳动时间
    agricultural producing period and labouring period
  • 地里、工厂里,你都会看到领导人和民、工人一起劳动。
    In the fields and factories you will find the leaders labouring alongside the peasants and workers.
  • 皮尔斯堡美国佛罗里达州中东部的一座城市,位于印第安河环礁湖边,在棕榈滩西北偏北。是一个牧牛和作区的集散中心。人口36,830
    A city of east-central Florida on the Indian River lagoon north-northwest of Palm Beach. It is a distribution center in a cattle and farming region. Population,36, 830.
  • 但是,这种“灭绝”对于封建奴制的总代表达赖集团来说却是致命的,是他们的文化统治权的灭绝。
    However, such "extinction" was fatal to the Dalai Lama clique, the chief representatives of feudal serfdom, for it meant the extinction of their cultural rule.
  • 农民耕田。
    Farmers till the land.
  • 民主改革废除了生产资料的奴主所有制,参加叛乱的奴主占有的耕地无偿分给了无地的奴和奴隶。
    The Democratic Reform abolished the ownership of the means of production by serf-owners. The farmland originally occupied by those serf-owners involved in the armed rebellion was distributed free to landless serfs and slaves.
  • 阿富汗位于亚洲中部偏西南的内陆国家。绝大多数地区干旱且多山,业为其主要产业;大多数矿产资源未被开发。自古以来阿富汗多次为外敌入侵,喀布尔为其首都及最大的城市。人口13,051,358
    A landlocked country of southwest-central Asia. Mostly arid and mountainous, the country depends on agriculture; its mineral wealth is largely undeveloped. Since ancient times Afghanistan has been crisscrossed by invasion routes. Kabul is the capital and the largest city. Population,13, 051, 358.
  • 地主鱼肉农民。
    The landlord preyed upon the peasants.