  • 尽管如此,科学家们仍然找不出任何足够足的证据,来证明墓志铭中所说的"耶酥"就是拿撒勒人耶稣。
    It's impossible, however, to prove absolutely that the Jesus named on the box was Jesus of Nazareth.
  • 她的坐姿端庄义满活力。她的头发有些散乱,带着小卷披下来,衣着极简单,也没有戴首饰。
    Her pose is compact yet dynamic... Her hair is partly undone and falls in little curls. Her dress is very simple and she wears no jewellery.
  • “诗人的心中满欢乐/为有这样的朋友与之相伴”(威廉·华兹华斯)
    "A poet could not but be gay, /In such a jocund company"(William Wordsworth).
  • 如果不想在起床后面对的第一件事就是吃饭,而在午餐前,10点或11点钟时又饥饿难耐,最好早点起床,让身体机能有苏醒的时间,做一做伸展运动,出去散散步或小跑;把平时留到晚上才做的一些杂务事提到早间处理掉,这样会感到精神更加饱满,有所成就,也会有胃口吃旱饭,为新一天的开始做好分的准备。
    If you can't face eating first thing but then find that you're famished by 10 or 11 o' clock, try getting up earlier to give your body time to wake up. Do some stretching exercises, go for a walk or jog, get some of the household chores you normally leave until the evening, out of the way. You'll feel fresher and feel you've achieved something. You will also have an appetite for breakfast and be better prepared to start the day.
  • 我心中充满了欢乐。
    I overflowed with joy.
  • 我的心充满欢乐。
    My heart fills with joy.
  • 我内心充满喜悦。
    My heart swam with joy.
  • 在厦门正月里最地道的问候语不是新年好,而是“新正恭喜”,它包含了新的一年里更新、振作、好运和满喜气的意思。
    In Xiamen, the conventional greeting is not "Happy New Year (Xin Nian Hao)," but "Good Luck for the New First Month (Xin Zheng Gong Xi)." Packed with favorable expressions to help create a joyful festive atmosphere, this single greeting combines many well wishes for the new year, including blessings for "a better new year," "happy spirits," and "good luck."
  • 香港回归中国头四年的情况显示,回归已经顺利完成,香港原有的法律制度、法治精神、人权和司法独立得到分保障和落实。
    The first four years after the resumption demonstrated that Hong Kong's reunification with China was achieved smoothly, and that the legal system, the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the Judiciary have been fully maintained and protected.
  • 香港回归中国首两年的情况显示,回归已经顺利完成,香港原有的法律制度、法治精神、人权和司法独立得到分保障和落实。
    The first two years after the resumption demonstrated that Hong Kong's reunification with China was achieved smoothly, and that the legal system, the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the Judiciary have been fully maintained and protected.
  • 柯里,约翰·斯托特1897-1946美国画家,以其对美国乡土风情的满活力的描述而著称,如堪萨斯河上的飓风(1929年)
    American painter noted for his vigorous depictions of the rural American scene, such as Tornado over Kansas(1929).
  • 那青年能言善辩,分反映他思想敏锐。
    he argued with great acuteness; I admired the keenness of his mind.
  • (这是邓小平同志在中共中央工作会议闭幕会上的讲话。这次中央工作会议为随即召开的中共十一届三中全会作了分准备。邓小平同志的这个讲话实际上是三中全会的主题报告。)
    (Speech at the closing session of the Central Working Conference which made preparations for the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party that immediately followed. In essence, this speech served as the keynote address for the Third Plenary Session.)
  • 尽管乔治上了年纪,但他仍然精力沛。
    Despite his great age, George is still alive and kicking.
  • 精力充沛的人
    a man of kinetic energy [force]
  • 在适当场合即使侵权人不知、或无分理由应知自己从事之活动系侵权,成员仍可以授权司法当局责令其返还所得利润或令其支付法定赔偿额,或二者并处。
    In appropriate cases, Members may authorize the judicial authorities to order recovery of profits and/or payment of pre-established damages even where the infringer did not knowingly, or with reasonable grounds to know, engage in infringing activity.
  • 1.对已知或有分理由应知自己从事之活动系侵权的侵权人,司法当局应有权责令其向权利人支付足以弥补因侵犯知识产权而给权利持有人造成之损失的损害赔偿费。
    1. The judicial authorities shall have the authority to order the infringer to pay the right holder damages adequate to compensate for the injury the right holder has suffered because of an infringement of that person’s intellectual property right by an infringer who knowingly, or with reasonable grounds to know, engaged in infringing activity.
  • 回到韩国郑流露出分自信。
    Back in Korea, Chung exudes confidence.
  • 完全根据自己的策略而决定将别人贴上什么标签,媒体都能分配合地采取必须的画面和报道视角。
    The US assigns labels on others according to its own strategies, and the media can lend support to such efforts with the necessary images and news angles.
  • 我们要广开言路,广开才路,坚持不抓辫子、不扣帽子、不打棍子的“三不主义”,让各方面的意见、要求、批评和建议分反映出来,以利于政府集中正确的意见,及时发现和纠正工作中的缺点、错误,把我们的各项事业推向前进。
    We must give scope to the free airing of views and make full use of all talents.We must uphold the principle of the "three don'ts": don't pick on others for their faults, don't put labels on people, and don't use a big stick.And we must encourage the full expression of opinions, demands, criticisms and suggestions from all quarters, so that the government can benefit from them, promptly discover and correct its own shortcomings and mistakes and push forward all phases of our work.
  • 不断提高工人、农民、知识分子和其他劳动群众以及全体人民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,不断提高他们的劳动技能和创造才能,分发挥他们的积极性主动性创造性,始终是我们党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务。
    To raise the ideological and ethical standards and scientific and cultural levels of the workers , peasants , intellectuals and other laboring people and the entire population and improve their labor skills and creativity and give full scope to their enthusiasm , initiative and creative power - these should remain the tasks of primary importance that our Party should perform in representing China's advanced productive forces.
  • 缺乏表现地;不足地。
    lacking expression or fullness.
  • 满了悲伤;被失败感所压抑。
    laden with grief; oppressed by a sense of failure.
  • 睡过头不是迟到的足理由。
    Oversleeping is a lame excuse for being late.
  • 睡过了头不能成为迟到的足理由。
    Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late.
  • 如果其子女把所得到的财产投资于生产,或者收回贷款的债主又把这笔钱借给另一个土地所有者去生产,或者收回贷款的债主又把这笔钱借给另一个土地所有者去改良土地,或借给制造商去扩其业务,这笔钱就仍然是资本,因为用在了生产方面。
    If the children invest their fortunes in a productive employment, or the mortgagee on being paid off lends the amount to another landholder to improve his land, or to a manufacturer to extend his business, it is still capital, because productively employed.
  • 在度假时,为了分享受每一天,我每天总是起得很早。
    I always get up with the lark when I'm on holiday to make the most of every single day.
  • 常绿的全年或多年都满生机
    Lasting or active through the year or through many years.
  • 新任务使他潜在的才智分发挥出来。
    The now responsibilities drew out his latent talents.
  • 产生或者覆盖着因为疲劳或者疾病而引起的满泡沫的汗或者唾液。
    producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease.
  • 年内,香港海关公价值43万元由贩毒所得的资产,以及调查了1836宗有关洗黑钱活动的个案,价值280万元与毒品有关的资产遭冻结。
    During the year, the department confiscated assets worth $430,000derived from drug trafficking and conducted 1 836 investigations into money laundering. Drug-related assets worth $2.8 million were restrained.
  • 年内,警方共检控了782宗洗黑钱个案,并公790万元犯罪收益,另有4,060万元财物被冻结等候法庭处理。
    During the year 782 money laundering cases were prosecuted and $7.9million, being the proceeds of various crimes, was confiscated. A further$40.6 million was under restraint pending court proceedings.