  • 在这次会议上,我们的中央,按照马克思列宁主义的原则,认真地总结经验,开展批评和自我批评,发扬成绩,正错误。
    During the conference, the Central Committee, acting on Marxist-Leninist principles, has carefully reviewed our experience and made criticism and self-criticism, adding to our achievements and correcting our mistakes.
  • 这双胶鞋需要补一下,里面进水了。
    These rubbers need repairing; they're letting in water.
  • 汽车理部在她小汽车上拥有留置权,该权利将延续到付清理费。
    The garage has a lien on her car until she pay the repair bill.
  • 他选了水难救助课。
    he took a course in lifesaving.
  • 这电梯正在修理。
    The lift is being repaired.
  • 潜伏着进行淡化或改事件的影响力。
    an influence that works subtly to lighten or modify something.
  • (语法)不限于所提到的被饰的词或短语的。
    (grammar) not limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase.
  • (语法)严格限制在提到的被饰的词和短语。
    (grammar) strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase.
  • 潜能无限你必的最后一课是潜能无限,即没有任何东西可以限制你成为你想成为的人、做到你想做到的事。
    Limitlessness The final lesson you must learn is limitlessness,it is the sense that there are no boundaries to what you can become or do.
  • 琳达忙于重新装她的房子。
    Linda was occupied with the work of redecorating her house.
  • 第一座墓叫作长陵,是15世纪初建的。
    The first tomb, known as Chang Ling, was built at the beginning of the15th century.
  • 我将修语言学课程。
    I expect to take the linguistics course.
  • (语言学)系统地将词根和饰成分组合成单个的词。
    (linguistics) systematic combining of root and modifying elements into single words.
  • 他们开始建两条公路把这个地区和四川省的主要公路网连接起来。
    They have started building two roads linking this area with the main highway network in Sichuan.
  • 辞学)具有辞或比喻的特征或性质;从字面意义变化而来。
    (rhetoric) characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes; changed from its literal sense.
  • 我也会在家乡田纳西州补一下篱笆--真实的和象征的篱笆。
    I know I'll spend time in Tennessee and mend some fences,literally and figuratively.
  • 总理公署及社会发展部政务次长曾士生1月30日为国大中文系主办的文学与社会研讨会主持开幕,畅谈他读华文文学作品的经验,并希望本地文人和社团,重振过去文艺创作的热诚,使我国华文文艺再次蓬勃发展。
    Mr Chan Soo Sen, Parliamentary Secretary, Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Community Development, officiated at the Seminar on Literature and Society organised by the Chinese Studies Department, NUS on January 30. He called on local literati and Chinese clan associations to work together to further develop Chinese literature in Singapore.
  • 今年春天我要文学及数学。
    I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.
  • 隐居的住在道院里的
    Living in a cloister.
  • 为了方便理工作,你方应在当地储存一些备件。
    In order to make the repair work easy, you shall maintain a stock of spare parts locally.
  • 政府选定在肥沃的农田上建机场的计划遭到了强烈反对,尤其是遭到当地人的强烈反对。
    When the government opted for building the airport on rich farmland, there was much opposition, especially locally.
  • 故障检员查找或排除,如机器运转中的故障的人
    A worker whose job is to locate and eliminate sources of trouble, as in mechanical operations.
  • 内容不能进行改的一种存储设备,除非是一个特殊用户或者在特定条件下方可进行写操作。例如,通过锁定而防止写入内容的存储设备。同fixedstorage,permanentstorage,readonlymemory。
    A storage device whose contents cannot is modified, except by a particular user, or when operating under particular condition, for example, a storage device in which writing is prevented by a lockout.
  • 锁匠正在修锁。
    The locksmith is repairing locks.
  • 为旅游者准备的住处(多指由道院人士办的)。
    a lodging for travelers (especially one kept by a monastic order).
  • 我看到自上次大以来,你的这辆卡车已行驶一千英里了。
    I see you've logged up a thousand miles on this truck since the last service.
  • 修剪她长长的卷发
    Lopped her long curls.
  • 她昨天已把树枝剪过了。
    She has lopped branches off yesterday.
  • 卡车严重损坏,已无复的希望。
    The lorry was damaged beyond hope of repair.
  • 由于这场灾祸,更由于连续各次建把幸存的东西也毁了,所以时至今日也就所剩无几了,这座法兰西最早的王宫也就所剩无几了。堪称是卢浮宫长兄的这座宫殿①,早在美男子菲利浦②时代业已很老了,甚至有人还到里面去寻找罗贝尔国王③所建造的、埃卡迪斯④所描述的那些华丽建筑物的遗迹。
    Thanks to this disaster, and more still to the successive restorations which destroyed what the fire had spared, very little remains of this first residence of the Kings of France, of this original palace of the Louvre, so old even in the time of Philip the Fair, that in it they sought for traces of the magnificent buildings erected by King Robert and described by Helgaldus.
  • 将你说的"狗是忠诚的"这句话正一下,加上"通常"二字。
    Qualify your statement that" dog is loyal" by adding" usually".
  • 祝你修车顺利。
    Good luck with the car.