  • 异步是指,在通信目标因调度、组件故障或其他原因而不能利用时,该通信可以进入系统。
    Asynchronous in that a communication can enter the system at a time when the target for that communication is unavailable due to scheduling, component failures of other causes.
  • 他们未意识到问题的严重性
    They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.
  • 同时,中国政府清醒地看到,由于中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家,经济基础较薄弱,人均收入在世界各国中处于比较落后的位置,城市与农村之间、地区之间发展水平还很不平衡,儿童工作还存在着许多困难,不少方面的情况还需要继续改善。
    Of course, the Chinese Government is sober about the fact that since China is a developing country with a large population and since its economic foundation is still comparatively weak, its per capita income is in a rather rear position in the world per capita income listings and its development level is unbalanced between city and countryside and between different areas, there is much difficulty in the work for children and therefore much room for improvement.
  • 他受尽酷刑,然坚贞不屈。
    He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.
  • 不确定的未来;不知道来源的手稿;计划然不确定;如果不知道因果关系的话,那么变化会很大;如果没有进一步的证据,那么他的故事就一定会然不为人知。
    an uncertain future; a manuscript of uncertain origin; plans are still uncertain; changes of great if uncertain consquences; without further evidence his story must remain uncertain.
  • 据美联社报导,那个国家然处于捉摸不走的气氛之中。
    As AP reports, the climate of uncertainty persists in the country.
  • 生产它们的原因然没有改变。
    the causes that produced them have remained unchanged.
  • 美国国家安全政策的基本目标在实质上然没有改变。
    The basic goals of U. S. national security policy remain essentially unchanged.
  • 在那一点上这条法律本身就是不清楚的;他们行为的原因至今不清楚。
    the law itself was unclear on that point; the reason for their actions is unclear to this day.
  • 她迟些将加入俱乐部,但目前想保持自由。
    She will join the club later, but at the moment wants to remain uncommitted.
  • 欧洲爆发了战争,但她漠不关心地计划着度假。
    war was breaking out in Europe, but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday.
  • 在第1441号决议通过三个月后的今天,如果伊拉克立即与联合国监视、核查、视察委员会和国际原子能机构进行“直接的、积极的和无条件的合作”,通过核查解除伊拉克武装的时间可能然会很短。
    Today, three months after the adoption of resolution 1441 (2002), the period of disarmament through inspection could still be short, if "immediate, active and unconditional cooperation" with UNMOVIC and the IAEA were to be forthcoming.
  • 但是如果上级组织认为然应当执行原来的决议,下级组织就必须无条件地加以执行。”
    If the higher Party organization still upholds its decision, then the lower Party organization must carry it out unconditionally.''
  • 第六十三条 完全由于不可抗拒的自然灾害,并经及时采取合理措施,然不能避免造成大气污染损失的,免于承担责任。
    Article 63 If atmospheric pollution losses result directly from uncontrollable natural disasters which cannot be averted even after reasonable measures have been promptly taken, the party concerned shall be exempted from any liability.
  • 这则公式并没有支截了当的名称,因为不命名似乎比较灵验,那些一切皆已就绪、正在四下摸索的人可以俯拾皆得。
    It has not been directly named, for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in sight, where THOSE WHO ARE READY, and SEARCHING FOR IT, may pick it up.
  • 这个问题然悬而未决.
    The issue/matter remains undecided.
  • 好几天已过去了,而我然犹豫不决。
    Days elapsed while I remained undecided.
  • 不是毫无疑问的;然没有确定或者不知道。
    not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown.
  • 沙漠中仍有丛林。
    There is still underbrush in the desert.
  • 但在这些努力取得成果、使世界上陷于困境的国家摆脱不发达的泥沼之前,联合国是主要的技术和财政援助来源。
    However, until these efforts bear fruit and enable the world’s struggling countries to lift themselves out of the pit of underdevelopment, the UN remains a major source of technical and financial assistance.
  • 在美国基本研究的强调然不够。
    Basic research is still underemphasize in the United States.
  • 他仍然没有理解。
    He still doesn't understand.
  • 在高倍望远镜下许多星星未被发现。
    with earth-based telescopes many stars remain undiscovered.
  • 基德,威廉1645?-1701英国商船船长,被雇用保护英国在印度洋的船只后(1696年)变为海盗。他的残酷和未被发现的宝藏,虽然无事实根据,具有传奇色彩
    British sea captain who turned to piracy after being hired to protect British ships in the Indian Ocean(1696). His cruelty and undiscovered buried treasure, although unsubstantiated, remain legendary.
  • 他们为我国悠久的传统感到自豪--他们不愿目睹或听任我国一向保证的、今天在国内外作出保证的人权渐趋毁灭。
    They are proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness, or permit, the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
  • 结婚多年之后他实际上旧不习惯家庭生活。
    after years of marriage he remained essentially undomesticated.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承诺,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时抽样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra promise about US ``controlled export items.''For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict surveillance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 对于中国政府出具的《最终用户和最终用途说明》,其它西方国家均予以承认并接受,只有美国持疑虑态度,要求中方对美国出口的所谓“受控商品”做这样那样的额外承诺,如提出对最终用户实施许可前检查及到货后核实的要求,对出口许可证附带各种苛刻条件,如24小时现场监控、随时抽样检验等,这些都是中国难以接受的。
    Other Western countries have accepted ``Elaboration on End Users and Final Use'' made by the Chinese Government. However, only the United States have indicated doubts, demanding China to come up with extra undertakings about US ``controlled export items.'' For example, end users should accept pre-licensing inspection and double check after unloading of imported goods; and various unduly strict conditions are attached to granting of licenses, such as around-the-clock spot surveil"ilance and free random check. All these are difficult for China to accept.
  • 然心有馀悸;我心中潜藏着一种不安之感。
    Some uneasiness still lurked in my mind.
  • 另一方面,世界和亚太地区的发展并不平衡,贫富差距然存在,"数字鸿沟"正在加深。
    On the other hand, development is uneven in the Asia-Pacific and throughout the world. The gap between the rich and the poor still exists. The "digital divide" is widening.
  • 心照不宣的协议条款;没有说出的东西;某种无言的同意;他的行为很清楚但动机不清楚。
    the unexpressed terms of the agreement; things left unsaid; some kind of unspoken agreement; his action is clear but his reason remains unstated.
  • 尽管公众舆论反对,政府在税收上的立场是坚如磐石
    The administration's position on taxes was set in cement despite the unfavorable public response.