  • 珍妮:我们有萝卜吗?我们可以把萝卜和鳗鱼起炖。
    Jane: Have we got any radishes? We can stew them with the eels.
  • 在这点上,我们的意见致。
    We agree on this count.
  • 有,芹菜、黄瓜、洋葱及小萝卜都是今天的特色菜您喜欢哪种?
    Yes, celery, cucumber, onions and radishes are an our today's menu. What's your favorite?
  • 来源于辣根、萝卜、洋葱和芥菜的类化合物,是这些植物及其配制的食物的辣味源。
    a family of compounds derived from horseradish and radishes and onions and mustards; source of the hotness of those plants and preparations.
  • 他们的利益完全致。
    Their interests coincide.
  • 两位领导的意见取得致。
    The views of the two leaders agree.
  • 种黄色的放射性矿物;种由铀、镭、钒混合而成的矿石。
    a yellow radioactive mineral; an ore of uranium and radium and vanadium.
  • 关於多建些学校事,你同意我的意见吗?
    Do you agree with me about the need for more schools?
  • 在这领域中,从般理论的观点来看,镭的重要性是具有决定性的。
    In this field the importance of radium from the viewpoint of general theories has been decisive.
  • 几个证人的陈述并不致。
    The witnesses' statements just don't agree with each other.
  • 钒钾铀矿种铀和镭混合的黄色矿床,k(uo2)2(vo4)2?h2o
    A yellow ore of uranium and radium with composition K(UO2)2(VO4)2?H2O.
  • 新钍钍的两种放射性生成物之,即新钍1号,它是镭的同位素,或新钍2号,它是锕的同位素
    Either of two decay products of thorium, mesothorium I, an isotope of radium, or mesothorium II, an isotope of actinium.
  • 将镭从纯盐状态分离出来,将其定为种新元素的化学工作主要是由我完成的,但它与我们共同的工作密切相关。
    The chemical work aimed at isolating radium in the state of the pure salt, and at characterizing it as a new element.
  • 在开始讨论这次演讲的话题之前,我还想回忆下,镭和钋发现是皮埃尔·居里与我合作完成的。
    Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.
  • 由镭裂变生成的放射性气体元素,惰性气体中最重的种,天然生成(尤其在花岗岩上),被认为对健康有害。
    a radioactive gaseous element formed by the disintegration of radium; the heaviest of the inert gasses; occurs naturally (especially in areas over granite) and is considered a hazard to health.
  • 种含有氧化铀和少量镭、钍、钋、铅、氦的矿物;块状的晶质铀矿称为沥青铀矿,是主要的铀矿石。
    a mineral consisting of uranium oxide and trace amounts of radium and thorium and polonium and lead and helium; uraninite in massive form is called pitchblende which is the chief uranium ore.
  • 我们还假定这些元素进行原子变化。支持这假设的最直接证据是,实验结果显示化学元素氦的形成是由化学元素铀开始的。
    We also assume that these elements undergo atomic transformations, and the most direct proof in favour of this theory is provided by the exprimental fact of the formation of the chemically-defined element helium starting from the chemically-defined element radium.
  • 因此,我的任务就是将镭作为种新的化学元素特别地介绍给你们,而不去描述许多其他的放射现象,这些现象在亨利·贝克勒尔、皮埃尔·居里和卢瑟福的诺贝尔演讲中已经有所描述。
    It is therefore my task to present to you radium in particular as a new chemical element, and to leave aside the description of the many radioactive phenomena which have already been described in the Nobel Lectures of H.Becquerel, P.Curie and E.Rutherford.
  • 以3为基数的记数法中的个数位。
    A digit in the notation system with3 as radix.
  • 战争的领导者,如果他们是些没有战争经验的人,对于个具体的战争(例如我们过去十年的土地革命战争)的深刻的指导规律,在开始阶段是不了解的。
    If those who lead a war lack experience of war, then at the initial stage they will not understand the profound laws pertaining to the directing of a specific war (such as our Agrarian Revolutionary War of the past decade).
  • 使用二进制数字和基数2记数的种位置法。
    a positional system of numeration that uses binary digits and a radix of 2.
  • 使用十进制数字和基数10记数的种位置法。
    a positional system of numeration that uses decimal digits and a radix of 10.
  • 使用十六进制数字和基数16记数的种位置法。
    a positional system of numeration that uses hexadecimal digits and a radix of 16.
  • 使用八进制数字和基数8记数的种位置法。
    a positional system of numeration that uses octal digits and a radix of 8.
  • 小数点位置由基数指数表示出来的种计算根的方法;0.0012的浮点表示法是0.12-2,这里-2是指数。
    a radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is indicated by an exponent of the radix; the floating-point representation of 0.0012 is 0.l2-2 where -2 is the exponent.
  • 在对应于给定的基数幂次的组数字中的个数字的位置(简称数位)。
    A digit position within a set of digits corresponding to a given power of the radix.
  • 小数点位置按习俗固定下来的种计算根的方法。
    a radix numeration system in which the location of the decimal point is fixed by convention.
  • 表示比数基小的非负整数的符号。在十进制记数法中,每位数是0到9的个数字。
    A symbol that represents one of the nonnegative integers smaller than the radix.In decimal notation, one of the characters from0 to9.
  • 数制中的指定的数值,按其指数幂乘方再乘以尾数即可得到所要表示的实际数。注:在本含义中,建议不再使用radix(基)这个术语,因它用于“基数制”的概念之中。
    In a numeration system, the number that is raised to the power denoted by the exponent and then multiplied the mantissa to determine the number represented. Note: The term radix is deprecated in this sense because of its use in the term radix numeration system.
  • 个特定的正整数,用它乘以个数位的权,得到下个高位的权。例如,在十进制记数系统中,每个数位的基是10;在二五混合进制编码中,在每个5以内的位上其基为2。
    The positive integer by which the weight of the digit place is multiplied to obtain the weight of the digit place with the next higher weight, for example, in the decimal numeration system the radix of each digit place is 10, in a biquinary code the radix of each fives position is 2.
  • 种以2为基数的记数制,其中的“1”和“0”按照它们在二进制数中的相对位置而具有相应的加权值。
    A number system to the base(radix)2, in which the ones and zeroes have a weighted value in accordance with their relative position in the binary word.
  • 种固定基数的数制,采用了16个数字,即0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e和f,字符a,b,c,d,e和f分别代表数字10,11,12,13,14和15,采用的基数为16,最低整数权为1。
    The fixed radix numeration system that uses the sixteen digits 0,1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F, where the characters A,B,C,D,E and F correspond to the numbers 10,11,12,13,14 and 15, and the radix sixteen and in which the lowest integral weight is 1.