  • 法纪严明,法盲不
    rules and regulations are spelled out clearly and not many can claim to be unaware of them;
  • 当90年代初出现企业资源计划(erp)系统时,很信息系统的专业人士对此一无所知。
    When enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems appeared on the scene in the early '9Os, many IS professionals were caught unaware.
  • 新西兰奥克兰的绿道医院日前曝出"心脏"丑闻,该医院目前正在向当年失去孩子的家庭归还这些在医院中保留了半个世纪的心脏。
    Green Lane Hospital is offering hearts taken from babies and children back to families unaware that they have been stored for up to 50 years.
  • 同时,中国政府清醒地看到,由于中国是一个人口众的发展中国家,经济基础较薄弱,人均收入在世界各国中仍处于比较落后的位置,城市与农村之间、地区之间发展水平还很不平衡,儿童工作还存在着许困难,不少方面的情况还需要继续改善。
    Of course, the Chinese Government is sober about the fact that since China is a developing country with a large population and since its economic foundation is still comparatively weak, its per capita income is in a rather rear position in the world per capita income listings and its development level is unbalanced between city and countryside and between different areas, there is much difficulty in the work for children and therefore much room for improvement.
  • 这差不到头儿了(已几乎忍无可忍)。
    That's just about the limit! ie That makes the situation almost unbearable.
  • 令人难以置信年后在同一地区重又发生此类事件。
    It's unbelievable that the event repeated itself years later in the same place.
  • 她竟有那么孩子,叫人不敢相信!
    It's unbelievable how many children she has!
  • 我方最只能赔偿2%,如无法解决,愿诉诸仲裁。
    Allowance our best 2% try utmost if unsettled we unbind arbitration.
  • 广泛性,方面性在范围或领域中普遍包括,尤指见解很广的或不受限制的样性
    Universal inclusiveness in scope or range, especially great or unbounded versatility of the mind.
  • 保尔·拉法格的下面一段话可以说明马克思是么喜爱莎士比亚:“他详尽地研究过莎士比亚,无限爱慕莎士比亚,熟悉莎士比亚戏剧中即使是最微个足道的人物。
    Paul Lafargue tells how much Marx was fond of Shakespeare: He had made an exhaustible study of Shakespeare, for whom he had an unbounded admiration, and whose most insignificant characters, even, were familiar to him.
  • 那位船长虽然数时间与我疏远,但有时也会和蔼一些,对我说说他到过的好地方。
    The captain, though he kept me at the stick's end the most part of the time, would sometimes unbuckle a bit and tell me of the fine countries he had visited.
  •  中国动员社会采取种方式关心和帮助残疾儿童的成长,大力弘扬残疾儿童自强不息的精神,倡导团结、友爱、互助的社会风尚。
    The Chinese Government has done a great deal of work to mobilize various circles in society to care for, in various manners, the development of disabled children, to greatly encourage the spirit of unceasing self-improvement among disabled children and to advocate the social virtues of unity, friendship and mutual aid.
  •  战场上也充满很不确定性。
    At the same time, battle conditions are filled with uncertainty.
  • 我们次讲过,我国政府在一九九七年恢复行使对香港的主权后,香港现行的社会、经济制度不变,法律基本不变,生活方式不变,香港自由港的地位和国际贸易、金融中心的地位也不变,香港可以继续同其他国家和地区保持和发展经济关系。
    We have stated on many occasions that after China resumes the exercise of its sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997, Hong Kong's current social and economic systems will remain unchanged, its legal system will remain basically unchanged, its way of life and its status as a free port and an international trade and financial centre will remain unchanged and it can continue to maintain or establish economic relations with other countries and regions.
  • 看来,氧基能导致次灌注的伤害和其他问题。
    Unchecked, oxygen radicals may cause reperfusion injuries and other problems.
  • 如果听任这种瘟疫传布,将诱使许意志不坚定的人道德败坏,精神堕落。
    If we allow this plague to spread unchecked, it will affect many weak-willed persons and bring about their moral and mental degradation.
  • 经过了年的家族争斗这后,叔父们同意不究旧账,以便他们的子女能够通婚。
    After years of family fighting, the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so that their children could marry.
  • 他父亲非常有钱;将许渴望寄托在有钱叔叔的身上。
    her father is extremely rich; many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles.
  • 我妻子有好姑妈、阿姨、叔父、舅舅和几十个堂、表兄弟姐妹——她的家庭繁衍了大量的子孙后代!
    My wife has several aunts and uncles and dozens of cousins-her family breed like rabbits!
  • 经过年家族争斗之后,长辈们同意消除宿怨,以便孩子们可以通婚。
    After years of family fighting , the uncles agreed to wipe off old scores so their children could marry.
  • 六月里么罕有的一天-j.r.洛厄尔;杰出的技能;难得的幽默感;她的仁慈达到了罕有的程度。
    what is so rare as a day in June-J.R.Lowell; a rare skill; an uncommon sense of humor; she was kind to an uncommon degree.
  • 我又一次陷于两头都够不上的中间境遇,作为6个孩子中的老四,很事情对于我来说不是因为年龄太小,就是太大而不合适。
    Once again, I was caught in the middle of circumstances. The fourth born of six children, it was not uncommon that I was either too young or too old for something.
  • 20世纪90年代中以前,两口子如果在汉城的街头公开拉着手走路,还总经常受到指责,现在,韩国文化已在性问题上开放了许
    Until the mid-1990s,it was not uncommon for a couple walking the streets of Seoul to be berated for holding hands in public. Now Korean culture at large has become much more open about sex.
  • 我相信事实上大数女人都宁愿男人郁郁寡欢不言不语,而不喜欢男人就像竹筒倒豆子,什么都说。
    I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be glumly uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.
  • 那些游客大没把坏天气放在心上。
    Most tourists were unconcerned at the poor weather.
  • 加入世贸组织将使中国能够在世贸组织成员提供的边、稳定、无条件的最惠国待遇原则下进行国际贸易和经济合作,为中国国民经济和对外经贸关系的发展营造有利的国际环境;
    Joining the WTO will enable China to conduct international trade and economic cooperation under the multilateral, stable and unconditional MFN principle provided by WTO members, thus cultivating a favorable international environment for the development of China's national economy and foreign economic and trade relations.
  • 这种雇佣革命的思想,是无条件努力的积极活动分子所以不很的原因。
    It explains why there are not very many activists who work unconditionally for the revolution.
  • 李先生就比较有“胆识”得,为了扩权,为了连任,他几次修宪无不有“毁宪乱政”的痕迹。
    But Lee Teng-hui was much bolder. To give himself still greater power and justify his bid for another term as president, he had the Constitution revised several times, which betrayed his unconstitutional intentions.
  • 年内,约有600万立方米由项工程计划挖出的未受污染淤泥,卸置在海床卸泥场及空置的采海砂坑;
    During the year, about 6 million cubic metres of uncontaminated mud generated from various projects were disposed of in open sea floor disposal grounds and in exhausted marine sand borrow pits;
  • 还有,许用方言拼音的用了几十年的熟悉的人名,换上了汉语拼音之后,都变成了陌生的名字。
    Cherished family names, too, had been changed into unrecognisable (to the unconvinced) hanyu pinyin.
  • 即使知道礼人不怪,有些人却碍于不知道该以什么方式来“示礼”而情愿无礼。
    Many understand well that one can't be too courteous but still choose to remain uncouth just because they find it hard to display courtesy.
  • 后来遗址被清理出来,慢慢地发现了更的东西。
    The site was cleared and slowly more and more was uncovered.