  • 房地产开发商收购了老邮局和与其相毗的两宗房地产。
    The developer acquired the old post office and two adjoining properties.
  • 用户们称,这些开发工具把互操作转变成标准的数据编程。
    These developmental tools transform interconnect operations into standard data programming, users say.
  • 一系列相续的事件动作或发展。
    a connected series of events or actions or developments.
  • 魔鬼;撒且。与the
    The Devil; Satan. Used with the.
  • 魔鬼;撒旦。通常与the
    The Devil; Satan. Often used with the.
  • 千百万观众非常著迷地收看这部电视续剧。
    Millions of fans follow the TV soap operas devotedly.
  • 斜线号一种斜线符号,尤用于对选择加以区分,如和/或者,表示每…这一词,如英里/小时,和在诗尾表示续打印行,如老国王考勒/是一个快乐的老人
    A diagonal mark(/) used especially to separate alternatives, as in and/or, to represent the word per, as in miles/hour, and to indicate the ends of verse lines printed continuously, as in Old King Cole/Was a merry old soul.
  • 在电子学中,使用约定符号表示一个电子设备各部件间接情况的原理图。
    In electronics, a schematic diagram using conventional symbols to show the connections between components in an electronic device.
  • 戴安娜在五年内续获得五次女子跳高冠军称号。
    Diana won five championships in women's high jump successively in the five years.
  • 查尔斯王子的祖母王后陛下都注意到了黛安娜的美丽、端庄和迷人。
    Even the Queen Mother. Prince Charles's grandmother, noticed Diana's beauty, grace, and charm.
  • 他嗔怪队里没要他, 日生著闷气.
    He's been sulking for days about being left out of the team.
  • 地下连续墙法
    underground diaphragm wall method
  • 改动后的政策保证了胜利;追随着改动后的方针,我们马上发现我们自己在文明上有所倒退;他用模糊的眼神看着,呼吸的方式都改变了——查尔斯·狄更斯。
    the altered policy promised success; following an altered course we soon found ourselves back in civilization; he looked...with couded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing- Charles Dickens.
  • 例如,口授的续语音识别直到最近才变得实用。
    Only recently, for example, has continuous speech recognition for dictation become available.
  • 冗长而乏味的电视续剧
    A TV diet of soap opera
  • 渐成说一种以为个体是由一个没有组织的卵子经过续变异生长而成,而非一个整体简单扩张形成的理论
    The theory that an individual is developed by successive differentiation of an unstructured egg rather than by a simple enlarging of a preformed entity.
  • 把一棵树连根挖出
    Dig a tree up by the roots
  • “是的,我身子骨不坏,”他说,“日子难过的时候我是碎铁也能消化的。
    "Yes, I ain't no invalid," he said. "When it comes down to hard- pan, I can digest scrap-iron.
  • 经过多年一蹶不振的演艺生涯,自己是否选择了一个合适的、"高尚的"职业都不敢肯定的休·格兰特,凭借影片《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》一炮走红。
    Having spent years in the acting doldrums, unsure even as to whether he had chosen an appropriate,"dignified"career, he scored a massive smash with Four Weddings And A Funeral.
  • 勤奋地;以细心而续不断的方式。
    with diligence; in a diligent manner.
  • 耐药量续或大量吞服药物后不发生任何副作用的能力;长时间服药后对药品反应的减弱
    The capacity to absorb a drug continuously or in large doses without adverse effect; diminution in the response to a drug after prolonged use.
  • “主教大人省里应给的那笔城区车马费和教区巡视费都没有要来。
    "Monseigneur has not even claimed the allowance which the department owes him for the expense of his carriage in town, and for his journeys about the diocese.
  • 这两个词与贬义词或可褒可贬的词用时,表示不赞成或不满意
    With a negative or variable quality they express disapproval
  • 和平解除伊拉克政权武装的努力已接二三遭遇失败,因为与我们打交道的不是一个爱好和平的人。
    Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq regime have failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men.
  • 我女儿的恋爱似乎遭挫折,不过那就是一个人过于直率造成的。
    My daughter seems to have a succession of disastrous love affairs, but that's what happens when you wear your heart on your sleeve.
  • 带有续的凹槽;以前的通过在凹槽内旋转唱针再现音乐的装置。
    a disc with continuous grooves; formerly used to reproduce music by rotating as a phonograph needle tracked in the grooves.
  • 续不断的水流或放电过程。
    any uninterrupted stream or discharge.
  • 不相连的一块;片段
    A disconnected piece; a fragment.
  • 由小的、不贯的部分组成。
    consisting of small disconnected parts.
  • 一套混乱的说明书;关于世界末日的混乱幻想;故事的不贯片段;零散的思想。
    a confused set of instructions; a confused dream about the end of the world; disconnected fragments of a story; scattered thoughts.
  • 把对网络中未接的或不存在的电话号码(或终端地址)所进行的呼叫(或报文)转交给操作员(或专门指定的终端)的路由选择方法。
    The routing of a call or message that is placed for a disconnected or nonexistent telephone number or terminal address to an operator position or to an especially designated terminal.
  • ngio工作时把处理器与i/o分开,这意味着每次有新的数据处理要求时,处理器不会停止它正在做的事,而是由与服务器内存相的i/o引擎与外设联络。
    NGIO works by disconnecting the processor from the I/O, meaning the processor wouldn't stop what it's doing each time there's a new request for data processing.Instead, an I/O engine connected to the server's memory would talk to peripherals.