  • 同函附上订单,请立即安排,尤其应注意颇有名气的铃木服装公司供货。
    Enclosed please find order for immediate attention, especially that of messrs. suzuki& co., the well know firm of drapery.
  • 在电子学中,用来修饰或说明一种放大器或电路,这种放大器或电路在一个定的频率范围内,具有均匀的频率响应特性。
    In electronics, pertaining to an amplifier or circuit having a frequency respo nse characteristics that is uniform, within defined limits, across a given frequency range.
  • 这个问题值得引起广大的注意和讨论,我所说的只是一个概论,希望诸位研究讨论,以指正和补充。
    The problem of protracted war deserves wide attention and discussion; What I have given is only an outline, which I hope you will examine and discuss, amend and amplify.
  • 所有乘客提供去阿姆斯特丹的票
    Ticket all passengers through to Amsterdam.
  • 我的滑稽的图画把孩子们逗乐了。
    My funny drawings amused the children.
  • 我们讲了一个很逗的故事。
    He tell us an amusing story.
  • 我们讲了一个很逗的故事。
    He told us an amusing story.
  • 医生给他全身麻醉.
    The doctor gave him a general anaesthetic.
  • 你施麻醉後, 你就什麽也感觉不到了.
    You'll be under (an) anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing.
  • 麻醉师病人施麻醉剂。
    The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic.
  • 仍按前面相同的比喻,pci-x是一条64车道的高速公路,其最高限速为每小时133英里,与pci相比,在定的时间内,能运送大约10倍的流量。
    Using the same analogy as before, a PCI-X bus would be a 64-lane highway, with a speed limit of 133 mph, capable of carrying roughly 10 times the traffic in a given time frame compared with PCI.
  • 我设法你这个结论,虽然它听起来有点无聊,但是当你读了它以后,再仔细思考一下,闭上你的眼睛并设法想象,可能你就会理解这个概念了。
    I’ll try to give you analogy of this although it sounds a little silly on paper, but after you read it, think about it again, close your eyes and try to visualize it and maybe you’ll understand this concept.
  • 你能我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?
    Can you analyze the structure of the sentence for me?
  • 在分时系统中,分析同命令一起输入的操作数并根据这个信息命令处理程序建立一个参数表。
    In systems with time sharing, to analyze the operands entered with a command and build up a parameter list for thecommand processor from the information.
  • 这尿样必须交反兴奋剂中心来分析检测,我们稍后会通知你检测结果的。
    It has to be delivered to the anti-doping center to be analyzed. We'll inform you of the result late.
  • 两位学者分析了美国的600名未婚妈妈,发现其中生男孩嫁孩子父亲的几率是生女孩的42倍。
    For this study, they analyzed data from a national study of 600 children born to single mothers and found a woman was 42 times more likely to marry the father of her son than she was to marry the father if the child was a girl.
  • 监管工作人员对罪犯的改造表现要进行记载,定期分析、汇总,对改造表现突出的及时予表扬、记功,并在生活和监内活动等方面予较优惠的待遇;
    They keep records of the prisoners' progress in reform, regularly analyzing and summarizing their records. They commend and record the merits of those who have made outstanding progress in reform-through-labour and grant them favoured treatment in their living conditions and activities within the prison ,etc.
  • 我们对于这一点看得越清楚,未开化国家通过交通工具的进步越与文明国家相接触,则文明国家越会认识到:对于未开他的、内部陷于无政府混乱状态的以及受恶政府压制的那些国家的启发和教导,是一种使命,这种使命提供文明国家的利益是均等的,同时也是各文明国家大家都应负的一项责任,但这种责任只有在团结一致的情况下才能完成。
    The farther we advance in this perception, and the more the uncivilised countries come into contact with the civilised ones by the progress made in the means of transport, so much more will the civilised countries comprehend that the civilisation of barbarous nations, of those distracted by internal anarchy, or which are oppressed by bad government, is a task which offers to all equal advantages -- a duty incumbent on them all alike, but one which can only be accomplished by unity.
  • 从坟墓里盗尸卖搞解剖的人的人。
    someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection.
  • 承袭的祖先传合法继承人的;由继承传下来的
    Descending from an ancestor to a legal heir; passing down by inheritance.
  • 有的说自己自己提供食物是一件很愉快的事,就像他们的祖先当初在农场生活时一样。
    Some say it is satisfying to provide their own food like their ancestors who lived on farms.
  • 他否认把他们的报告泄漏了安得森。
    He denied that he had leaked their reports to Anderson.
  • 我得安德森先生打个电话,看他今晚是否有空。
    I must ring up Mr. Anderson and find out if he's free this evening.
  • 安德森回忆说:"我当时说:'我们应该合作'。八个月后当我写完剧本就他打电话时,他刚拍完《双目紧闭》。
    Recalls Anderson, "I said, 'We should work together,' and I called him when I'd finished the script eight months later, and he was just finishing Eyes.
  • 管理风格:“自从我认识迪克以后,我认为他有能力开发、学习和适应风云变幻的环境。”bestbuy的总裁和coo布来德布利.安得森如是说,“他已经转变了他的运营风格,不再是七十年代的那种极权作风了。现在,他会你充分的自由去做你自己必须要做的事情。”
    Management Style: "Dick has been able to develop, learn, and adapt to changing environments over the years I've known him," says Best Buy president and COO Bradbury Anderson. "He's adjusted his operating style from a hands-on, domineering style in the '70s to one now where he gives you the freedom to do what you need to do."
  • 安德鲁给他一本书。
    Andrew gave him a book.
  • 安德鲁开开窍才是。
    Andrew ought to be bored for the hollow horn.
  • 你送安德鲁的那辆自行车是最受欢迎不过的礼物;他高兴极了。
    You couldn't have give Andrew a more welcome present than that bicycle; he's as pleased as a dog with two tails.
  • 昨天丁勤时市长因为他在民主党内的主要政敌市议会会长斯泰因寄同性恋活动分子一封未署名的粉红色小册子,而大为光火。
    Mayor Dinkins saw red yesterday over an unsigned pink pamphlet mailed to gay activists by his main Democratic rival, City Council President Andrew Stein.
  • 我给您一份麻醉药。
    I'll give you an anesthetic.
  • 我保证您感觉不到疼,我您一份麻醉药。
    No,I assure you that you will feel no pain at all,I'll give you an anesthetic.
  • 歌德曾经说过:如果你想拥有父辈们托付你的那些事物,你应当再去重新争取一次。
    In the words of Goethe: That which thy fathers bequeathed thee, earn it anew if you would possess it.