  • 今天早晨的气颇有寒意。
    There is quite a chill in the air this morning.
  • 走到户外的冷气里打了个寒颤
    Went out into the cold and got a chill.
  • 她被从敞开的窗子吹进的10月末的气凉透了。
    She was chilled by the late October air coming through the open window.
  • 属于、关于或像想。
    being or relating to or like a chimera.
  • 他的乌托邦不是想的联邦,而是对那些已经存在的联邦事实上的改进-道格拉斯·布什。
    his Utopia is not a chimerical commonwealth but a practical improvement on what already exists- Douglas Bush.
  • 工厂的烟囱向中排烟。
    The factory chimneys poured smoke into the air.
  • 那烟囱正向中排放浓烟。
    The chimney is puffing dense smoke into the air.
  • 送奶人把瓶放进箱格时,瓶子发出咣啷咣啷的碰撞声。
    Empty bottles chinked as the milkman put them into the crate.
  • 据塔斯马尼亚的科学家介绍,数据表明在大气层的消耗臭氧物质中,氯的含量正在下降。这应该归功于自1987年通过《蒙特利尔议定书》以来,人们在冰箱和调设备中对吞噬臭氧的罪魁祸首--氟氯碳化物(cfcs)实行了全面的控制。
    Government scientists in Tasmania said scientific data showed the level of ozone-depleting chlorine in the atmosphere was declining because of the ban on the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in fridges and air conditioners, agreed under the Montreal Protocol in 1987.
  • 例如有机氯,如ddt,尽管在西方工业化国家里早已经被禁止使用,但是由于气的传播,差不多在世界各地都能发现,并且经常残留和聚集在陆地和水生食物链中。
    Organic compounds of chlorine such as DDT, for example, can literally be found all over the world due to atmospheric transport, even though many of these substances have long been banned in western industrialized countries, and they often remain and accumulate in parts of both terrestrial and aquatic food chains.
  • 1992年2月,美国国家航与航天局科学家宣布,北极附近的北半球源于氯氟化碳分解的一氧化氯处在前所未有的水平上,同时宣布这种情况可能引起欧洲、加拿大、俄罗斯和美国北部等许多地区臭氧洞的发展。
    In February 1992, NASA scientists announced that levels of chlorine monoxide resulting from the breakdown of CFC's were at record levels above the Northern Hemisphere near the Arctic and that these conditions could cause an ozone hole to develop over much of Europe, Canada, Russia, and northern portions of the United States by the year 2000.
  • 车尾行李箱里塞满了东西。一点隙都没有了。
    The trunk is chock-full. There is no more room.
  • 货架将如也,消费者的选择将减少,产品的信息将消失。
    Shelves would be empty , consumers would have few choices and products information would disappear.
  • 你的汽车不能启动啦?把阻风门开大一点儿(外拉阻风门钮让更多的气进入发动机)。
    Won't your car start? Try giving it a bit more choke, ie letting more air into the engine by pulling out the choke.
  • 气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。
    Ida was choking with the dry air.
  • 铝、铬或金放在真罐内用钨丝加热就一下子变成了蒸气,使整个真罐充满了金属气体。
    Aluminum, chromium, or gold are put into a vacuum tank and heated by a tungsten wire.
  • 他们这么高兴以致把自己的帽子抛到中。
    They were so glad as to chuck their own hats up in the air.
  • 我想预订一张中华航第20次班机于4月15日飞往芝加哥的机票。
    I'd like to make a reservation on a CI Flight 20 to Chicago on April 15th, please.
  • 气里弥漫着雪茄的烟.
    The air was thick with cigar fumes.
  • 布罗德斯基先生的雪茄把起居室气弄坏了。
    Mr.Brodsky's cigar smelled up the living room.
  • 地板上丢满了烟盒。
    Empty cigarette packet litter the floor.
  • 这架军用飞机着陆前在着陆跑道上盘旋了一阵。
    The military aircraft circled over the landing strip for some time before it landed.
  • 鸟儿在湖面上绕圈子。
    The birds were circling around over the lake.
  • 飞机于降落前在机场上持续盘旋。
    The plane was kept circling over the airport before landing.
  • 数架飞机在上盘旋。
    A number of planes were circling overhead.
  • 鸟儿在空中绕圈子。
    The birds were circling around in the air.
  • 一架侦察机正在敌人阵地上盘旋。
    A reconnaissance plane was circling over the enemy's position.
  • 25架飞机奉命在机场上作定高分层盘旋。
    Twenty-five planes were stacked up, circling round the airport.
  • 当我们在机场上盘旋准备着陆时,发动机突然停了。
    As we were circling the field preparatory to landing, the engine cut out.
  • 打开窗子让气流通。
    Please open a window to allow the air to circulate.
  • 使热气通过对流来循环,就像一个烤箱。
    circulate hot air by convection, as of certain ovens.
  • 科学家最重要的发现之一,是发现释放到自然环境中的毒素不但能够在水和气中广泛地进行循环,而且也会出现在活的生物体里,那里的毒素含量比从水体、气或土壤中测量的毒素含量要高数十倍、数百倍、数千倍,甚至数十万倍。
    One of scientists' most important discoveries was that toxins released into the environment not only circulate widely in air and water, but also may appear in living creatures where concentrations are tens, hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of times higher than those measured in the air, water, or soil.