  • 巴黎聖母院特別是這種新品種的特樣品,這座令人敬仰的豐碑,無論是每個側面或是每塊石頭,不僅是我國歷史的一頁,而且是科學史和藝術史的一頁。
    Notre-Dame de Paris is, in particular, a curious specimen of this variety. Each face, each stone of the venerable monument, is a page not only of the history of the country, but of the history of science and art as well.
  • 弗說她感到該城市為她出了氣。
    Kirchofer says she felt vindicated by the city's support.
  • 這個字當驚憤怒--幾乎任何強烈感情的感嘆語。
    This word is used as an exclamation of surprise, anger, virtually any emotion.
  • 你必須盡量不讓自己的驚表露出來。
    You must restrain your surprise from being visible.
  • 我對這些景物的佈局十分好,中國工匠創造力真強,能在微小的園林中創造出千百個甚至更多的風景畫。
    I'm really curious about how they were arranged. Chinese workmen were so creative that they made thousands or even more vistas in those tiny gardens.
  • 毛奇,h.k.b.von
    Helmuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke (1800~1891)
  • 2000年悉尼奧運會上火焰的點燃方式非常特,聖火從水中升起,真是妙極了!
    The way they lit the flame was very special. The Olympic Flame rose from the wa-ter. Wow, it was wonderful.
  • 與凱最著名的沉默音樂相反,瓦格納使舞臺、劇院和整個世界充滿了音樂。
    Where Cage's most famous musical idea was silence, Wagner fills the stage, the opera house, the whole world with music.
  • 在瓦格納歌劇和《李爾王》這組例子中,人們卻完全沉浸在感情的波濤之中,深不可拔,以致於把人和這種不僅來源於莎士比亞和瓦格納的藝術創造,而且來源於生活本身的妙力量融合在一起。
    in the second, one is overwhelmed with emotion to such a degree that one connects to the mysterious power that is the source not just of the artistic creativity of Shakespeare and Wagner but of life itself.
  • 小說;傳小說中傳統的流浪者形象;傳式的英雄。
    picaresque novels; waifs of the picaresque tradition; a picaresque hero.
  • 愛麗絲也沒有感到離,雖然過後,她認為這事應該怪,可當時她的確感到很自然,但是兔於竟然從背心口袋裏襲裏掏出一塊懷錶看看,然後又匆匆忙忙跑了。
    (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondere.d at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually TOOK A WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT- POCKET, and looked at it, and then hurried on.
  • 這時,愛麗絲跳了起來,她突然想到:從來沒有見過穿着有口袋背心的兔子,更沒有見到過兔子還能從口袋裏拿出—塊表來,她好地穿過田野,緊緊地追趕那衹兔子,剛好看見兔子跳進了矮樹下面的一個大洞。
    Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.
  • 醫生讓她通過遊泳鍛煉,可是她對醫生說要當遊泳冠軍,驚得醫生不禁叫了一聲:“哦,上帝,她是想創造跡嗎?
    However, she told her doctor that she wanted to be a swimming champion, which surprised her doctor to utter:"Oh, God! She wants to make a miracle?"
  • 而《考剋斯報告》卻稱,“當美國製造的衛星、相關設備和文件都在中國時,如果中國不利用美國監控的某些疏漏,這是令人怪的”,找不到任何證據說明中國通過商業發射“竊缺美國敏感技術,就采取這種主觀臆斷的方法妄加推測,纔是真正怪事!
    However, the Cox Report claims, "It would be surprising if the PRC has not exploited security lapses while US-built satellites and associated equipment and documents were in the PRC.''This is really surprising to wantonly make such a subjective assumption, especially when it is unable to prove that China has stolen sensitive US technology through commercial launches.
  • 布裏斯,哈麗1901-1990美國勞工領導人。他組織了國際碼頭工人和倉庫工人聯合會(ilwu),並任該組織的主席達40年
    American labor leader. He organized the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union(ILWU) and served as its president for40 years.
  • 查夜人巡視大樓周圍,但他沒有看見什麽特的事情。
    The night watchman looked around the building, but he saw nothing out of the way.
  • 他們對新瀑布感到非常驚
    They were filled with wonder at the new waterfall.
  • 依農民的說法,這種方形西瓜形狀是怪了些,但把它放在冰箱裏儲存起來確實容易多了。
    This square watermelon may look strange, but it will fit into your fridge a lot easier, farmers say.
  • 我們對所見的東西覺得驚
    We wondered at what we saw.
  • 我在黑暗中聽到怪的尖叫聲。
    I heard weird shrieks in the darkness.
  • 他穿著裝異服難看極了。
    He looks like nothing on earth in those weird clothes.
  • 他有一些稀古怪的念頭。
    He has some weird ideas.
  • 怪,為什麽這附件的東西一直遺失?
    It's weird how things keep disappearing around here.
  • 怪!火車蠻空的嘛。
    How weird! The train is not crowded at all.
  • 確實不尋常或者意想不到;稍微有些怪,甚至是有些神秘。
    being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird.
  • 他認為自己不僅有責任帶領我們沿河而下,做他應做的事,因為我們付了他報酬;而且還用一些稀古怪的故事讓我們開心,有一個故事我永遠難忘。
    He thought that it was not only his duty to guide us down those rivers, and do what he was paid for doing, but also to entertain us with stories curious and weird. There is one I shall never forget.
  • 在通用電氣公司宣佈傑剋·韋爾將成為下一任首席執行官後,他就對另一名管理人員說,“我需要一次革命。”
    “I want a revolution.” Jack Welch told another General Electric executive just after the company revealed Welch would be its next CEO.
  • 在威爾和其他很多人的問題上,我們考慮了年齡因素。
    In Welch's case--and a number of others--the deciding issue was age.
  • 總編:大約兩年前,傑剋·韋爾就坐在這個位置上。
    Editor-in-Chief:Just about two years ago, Jack Welch was here on this stage.
  • 當雇員們還在疑惑,這對他們可能意味着什麽時,韋爾已為改革做好了準備。
    As employees puzzled over what this might mean for them,Welch cleared the decks for transformation.
  • 商界中認為,一個公司的競爭優勢來自總部,但韋爾對此卻不寄任何希望。
    In the business world that Welch saw ending, a company's competitive advantage came from headquarters.
  • 湖沼學在本質上是個綜合性科學,其組成部分大大超過了生物學的界限——p·s·韋爾
    limnology is essentially a synthetic science composed of elements...that extend well beyond the limits of biology- P.S.Welch.