  • 切除前腺术切除前腺的全部或部分外科手术
    Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.
  • 切除部分或者全部前腺的手术。
    surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland.
  • 我可以乘这次车去格拉斯哥吗?
    Can I take this train to Glasgow?
  • 这种奖项铺天盖地的局面导致了一系问题。
    The glut is causing problems.
  • 罗马天主教会将下行为称为无赦之罪:谋杀、纵欲、贪婪、贪食、骄傲、嫉妒与懒惰。
    The Roman Catholic Church calls the following deadly sins: murder, lust, covetousness, gluttony, pride, envy and idleness.
  • 叶序学支配叶子顺序排的原则
    The principles governing leaf arrangement.
  • 每隔一定距离系住的一条下垂织物,形成一系优美的半圆环。
    fabric draped and bound at intervals to form graceful loops.
  • 渐进,进展,进度一系逐级的、连续的阶段;一个系统的进程
    A series of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression.
  • 有层次序记号的指示器。
    an indicator having a graduated sequence of marks.
  • 按修均数安排的行为。
    the act of arranging in a graduated series.
  • 产生相似音质的一系风琴管。
    a graduated set of organ pipes of like tone quality.
  • 这样的治疗法一对胚胎中或成人体内的缺陷性基因序进行切实可行的修正或替换——是遗传医学的圣杯。
    Such therapy -- the actual correction or replacement of defective gene sequences in the embryo or the adult -- is the holy grail of genetic medicine.
  • 该专辑在许多评论家所的年度最佳歌曲清单里都榜上有名。格雷还获"格莱美最佳新人奖"提名,该奖项往往被当红青少年歌手独占。
    Her album graced a number of critics' best- of lists for the year,and she was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Artist category,which was otherwise mostly dominated by the teen sensations of the moment.
  • 雅各在《圣经·旧约》中是以撒之子,亚伯拉罕之孙。他的12个儿子后来成为以色12个部落的祖先
    In the Old Testament, the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham. His12 sons became the progenitors of the12 tribes of Israel.
  • 开始时是以几何图形排的水果片,随后便是从自家花园里摘来的鲜花——有时候只是一朵,开在一半的葡萄柚当中。
    First it was fruit slices placed in geometric pattern; then came flowers from our garden ? ? sometimes just one blossom sprouting from a grapefruit half.
  • 座表纸是用一系小方格绘制而成的。
    Graph paper is drawn with a series of small square.
  • 含按奥氏体矩阵排的石墨的铸铁。
    cast iron consisting of graphite in a matrix of austenite.
  • 为了社会的最高利益;大安的斯群岛。
    for the greater good of the community; the greater Antilles.
  • 我要让我的眼睛饱享维勒内兹那炽烈的色彩,研究埃尔·格科的神秘,从科罗那里领略大自然的新视觉。
    I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of Veronese, study the mysteries of E1 Greco, catch a new vision of Nature from Corot.
  • 格列高利圣歌
    A Gregorian chant.
  • 调格高利圣歌中背诵性的曲调
    A recitational melody in a Gregorian chant.
  • 九月格高利历中一年的第九个月
    The ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
  • 属于或关于罗马教皇格高利十三世或他1982年提出的历法的。
    of or relating to Pope Gregory XIII or the calendar he introduced in 1582.
  • 风刮得列历害了。
    The wind grew fiercer.
  • 芬先生,考虑考虑吧。
    Think it over, Mr Griffin.
  • 赵:喔,葛芬先生,一个国营企业经营曾脂的进口业务,你必然会意料到我们对于行市总得要做些调查工作,而后才去询价。
    Oh, Mr Griffin, as a state enterprise handling the import of tallow, I'm sure you expect us to do some investigation into prices before making an enquiry.
  • 受烤炙烙或印在一个表面上的一系印记
    A series of marks grilled or embossed on a surface.
  • 滚花金属物体表面或边缘上的一系小峰或凹槽,如指旋螺钉,使更容易握紧
    One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.
  • 向诺加好言相求真是荒唐得无以复加。里根对自己所做显然毫无城府——有时他说他在与诺加协商,有时又说并无其事——布什虽感痛苦也好忍耐,对他仍是忠心耿耿。
    The pleading with Noriega is beyond absurd. Reagan apparently has no clue as to what he is doing-sometimes he says he is negotiating with Noriega, other times he says it is just a rumor-and Bush grits his teeth and loyally supports him.
  • 他们将这家杂货店全部货物了一份清单。
    They checked out all the goods in the grocery store.
  • 1987年,联合国教科文组织郑重把敦煌莫高窟入世界遗产名录。这座"沙漠上的美术馆"不再只是中国的国宝,它已经成为全人类共同拥有的珍贵财富。
    In 1987, UNESCO had Mogao Grotto of Dunhuang solemnly listed as one of the world's legacies, making the "Art Gallery in the Desert" not only a national treasure of China but also an invaluable trove of the mankind.
  • 入口处有几士兵守卫。
    the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen.