  • 驱动程序的这两个部分是通过一个报文传送系统进行通信的,它是一种基于netframe司开发的技术。
    The two segments of the driver communicate via a message-passing system based on technology developed by NetFRAME.
  • 在种族隔离政策下甚至出现了白人共厕所和白人专用饮水机;意在从组织中驱逐黑人的白人化运动。
    under segregation there were even white restrooms and white drinking fountains; a lily-white movement which would expel Negroes from the organization.
  • 美国最高法院宣布阿拉巴马州和地方法令规定的共汽车上的种族隔离是违法的,从而结束了这次持续了381天的抵制。
    The United States Supreme Court would end the boycott, which lasted 381 days, by declaring that Alabma's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses were illegal.
  • *联合国通过武器禁运、执行各项国际约等活动,持久开展反种族隔离运动,帮助结束了南非1948至1994年实行的种族隔离制度。
    * The UN helped end the regime of apartheid (racial segregation) in place in South Africa from 1948 to 1994, through a sustained anti-apartheid campaign ranging from an arms embargo to international conventions.
  • 中国加入了《消除一切形式种族歧视国际约》、《禁止并惩治种族隔离罪行国际约》、《防止和惩治灭绝种族罪行约》等国际约,并认真履行国际约的义务,同国际社会一起,为在世界各国实行民族平等,反对种族隔离、民族压迫和民族歧视进行不懈的努力。
    China has joined international conventions such as The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, and Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and has conscientiously performed the duties prescribed in these conventions and made unremitting efforts together with the international community to realize ethnic equality and oppose racial segregation and ethnic oppression and discrimination in all countries of the world.
  • seige先生是位来自澳洲的商人。他已向江苏工艺品进出口司购买了一大批陶器货物。
    Mr. Seige from Australia has purchased a lot of Crockery from Jiangsu Art & Craft Import & Export Company.
  • 儒伊馆、桑斯馆、巴尔博馆和王后行宫这四座府第几乎紧连在一起,其石板屋顶和细长的角楼都倒映在塞纳河中。
    Four almost contiguous Hotels, Jouy, Sens, Barbeau, the house of the Queen, mirrored their slate peaks, broken with slender turrets, in the Seine.
  • cbq是一种用域联网技术,它能适应所有的网络速度。
    CBQ is a public domain networking technique that can accommodate all netwok speeds.
  • 天文台总部并装设长周期地震仪,监察世界各地的地震,重要的地震消息会透过传媒向市民布。
    Long-period seismographs at the Observatory's headquarters detect tremors world-wide and information on significant tremors is made public through the media.
  • 征收用武力或权势夺取(财产);充
    To seize(property) by force or authority; confiscate.
  • 没收(私人财产)来作为共财物
    To seize(private property) for the public treasury.
  • 法院命令没收司的资金。
    The court ordered the company's fund to is seize.
  • 政府对司超额利润的依法征收。
    a legal seizure by the government of profits beyond a fixed amount.
  • 法院下令没收这批货或该司的资金。
    The court ordered the seizure of the shipment or of the company's fund.
  • 法院下令没收这批货或该司的资金。
    The court ordered the seizure of the shipment or of the company 's fund.
  • 第五条 中华人民共和国民有保护野生动物资源的义务,对侵占或者破坏野生动物资源的行为有权检举和控告。
    Article 5 Citizens of the People's Republic of China shall have the duty to protect wildlife resources and the right to inform the authorities of or file charges against acts of seizure or destruction of wildlife resources.
  • 二零零一年,该署对非法屠房采取444次扫荡行动,并定期及突击抽查肉档,共搜获超过30吨生猪、肉壳及内脏。因藏有来历不明肉类而遭检控的个案有13宗。
    In 2001, it carried out 444 raids on suspected illegal slaughterhouses, and made both regular and surprise checks on meat stalls, resulting in the seizure of more than 30 tonnes of live pigs, pig carcasses and offal, and 13 prosecutions involving the possession of meat coming from unapproved sources.
  • 原先的“零宽容度”政策导致了几个经媒体大事报导的案子——在海扣押昂贵游艇,结果仅发现少量大麻。船主提出抗议。更糟的是,原来在12英里以外仅因拥有毒品而扣押是违法的。
    The original "zero tolerance" policy resulted in a couple of highly publicized cases in which expensive yachts were seized in internaional waters for what turned out to be small amounts of marijuana. The owners squawked. To top it off, it turned out that outside the 12-mile limit, seizure for simple possession was itself against the law.
  • 他们很少待在办室里。
    They seldom remained in their offices.
  • 文化活动的重点场所是天安门广场、东西长安街、南北中轴线、中华世纪坛、北京标志性建筑的广场、奥林匹克园以及其他重点园等,充分发挥世界第一大城市广场、第一长街以及独一无二的城市中轴线在首都整体文化形象塑造中的重要作用,推出一批体现中国特色、北京气派的国际性品牌文化活动,提升北京作为中国文化中心和国际交往中心的文化品位。
    Major locations for cultural activities include Tiananmen Square, Chang’an Boulevard, the Central Axis Avenue, the China Millennium Monument, public squares featuring Beijing’s unique architecture, the Olympic Green and other key parks. The world’s largest public square, longest boulevard and sole central axis avenue, all found in Beijing, will be fully utilized to play their important roles in creating and shaping the overall cultural image of the capital city. A string of cultural activities worthy of international acclaim and featuring Chinese features and Beijing style will be presented to help enhance Beijing’s status as a center of cultural development and international exchange in China.
  • 劳工处的展能就业科协助残疾人士在劳动市场开就业,融入社会。
    The Selective Placement Division of the Labour Department helps people with disabilities integrate into the community through open employment.
  • 反对种族优先的保守派承认,在得州和加州对考生挑选严格,最难考进的立大学中少数民族学生数量已经减少。
    Conservative opponents of preferences admit that minority numbers have decreased at the most selective public universities in Texas and California.
  • 青霉素曾被认是二十世纪四十年代最重大的发现。
    Penicillin was acclaimed as the most important discovery during the 1940's.
  • 正,无私摆脱偏见或自私;正不阿
    Freedom from selfish bias or self-interest; impartiality.
  • 一英寸长的软体动物,偶然从欧洲引入;阻塞共的管道入口,吃淡水贻贝。
    inch-long mollusk imported accidentally from Europe; clogs utility inlet pipes and feeds on edible freshwater mussels.
  • 我们这些居民不想让环城路经这里修建,我们都承认有些自私。
    We residents can all plead guilty to a certain amount of selfishness in not wanting a ring road routed here.
  • 因此,自私自利,消极怠工,贪污腐化,风头主义等等,是最可鄙的;而大无私,积极努力,克己奉,埋头苦干的精神,才是可尊敬的。
    Hence, selfishness, slacking, corruption, seeking the limelight, and so on, are most contemptible, while selflessness, working with all one's energy, whole-hearted devotion to public duty, and quiet hard work will command respect.
  • 这些人不要自私自利,不要个人英雄主义和风头主义,不要懒惰和消极性,不要自高自大的宗派主义,他们是大无私的民族的阶级的英雄,这就是共产党员、党的干部、党的领袖应该有的性格和作风。
    Such cadres and leaders must be free from selfishness, from individualistic heroism, ostentation, sloth, passivity, and sectarian arrogance, and they must be selfless national and class heroes; such are the qualities and the style of work demanded of the members, cadres and leaders of our Party.
  • 他们讨论如何学习这些同志大无私的精神。
    They discussed how to emulate the selfless spirit of these comrades.
  • 格隆瓦尔德(美国时代司总编辑):中国共产党一直教育人民要大无私,为人民服务。
    Henry Grunwald (Editor-in-chief of Time): The Chinese Communist Party has always told people to be selfless and serve the people.
  • 二是大无私,严守法纪,坚持党性,根绝派性;
    second, they must be selfless, abide strictly by the law and discipline, uphold Party spirit and be completely free of factionalism;
  • 凭着健康医护专业人员而忘私、努力不懈的工作精神,医院管理局确实提供了优质的医护服务,切合整个社会的需要。
    Through the selfless and dedicated efforts of health care professionals, the Hospital Authority has indeed provided quality patient care to meet the needs of the community as a whole.