  • 所有这事实证明了假设的正确性。
    All these facts have proved the accuracy of hypothesis.
  • 人说这是[罗斯福总统的]新政和[约翰逊总统的]大社会以来最大胆的计划。也有人说这是一个漫天大谎,说克林顿就是在数字上动手脚。
    Some say it's the boldest plan since the New Deal or the Great Society. Others say it's a colossal scam and Clinton is just cooking the books.
  • 翻译工作者为追求生动而牺牲准确性。
    Some translators sacrifice accuracy to vividness.
  • 我们知道汤姆很调皮,但他的情况并不像人们说的那么厉害,他也有一非常好的优点。
    We know Tom is a scamp; but the devil is not so black as he is painted, and Tom has some very good points.
  • 乌拉尔语系的一个分支属于斯堪的纳维亚、匈牙利、俄罗斯和西伯利亚的土产语言(在塞尔维克扩张到那地区以前)。
    a family of Uralic languages indigenous to Scandinavia and Hungary and Russia and westrn Siberia (prior to the Slavic expansion into those regions).
  • 日本,纽西兰,加拿大和斯堪地那维亚诸国,是我们学习的对象。在这国家,礼貌和相互尊敬已经完全成为一种生活方式。
    The obvious role models for us to emulate are Japan, New Zealand, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, where courtesy and mutual respect for each other is truly a way of life.
  • 杜卡基斯先生有一次曾坦白地说他喜欢一本关于瑞典土地使用计划的书。像这样一位候选人,在到处皆是德国及斯堪的那维亚人的州里,是容易被接受的。这人很多仍崇信社会民主政治中的一个观念-公理是有计划、有秩序的。
    A candidate like Mr. Dukakis, who once confessed to enjoying a book on Swedish land use planning, went down well in a state full of Germans and Scandinavians, many of whom still adhere to the notion of planned, orderly justice that is embodied in social democracy.
  • 系统的核心大多是一个叫“扫描器”的病毒。
    At the heart of most of these systems is a virus “scanner”.
  • 外设,如摄像机或扫描仪,应该有自己的接口。
    Something like a video camera or a scanner should have its own port.
  • 电器工程师正在努力研制一种新型的光电扫描器。
    These electric engineers are working on a new type of photo electric scanner.
  • 能自动扫描一信号或环境的装置。
    a device that scans automatically for some signal or condition.
  • 好处越来越多;积累这物质的最终效果。
    the benefits are cumulative; the eventual accumulative effect of these substances.
  • 组织受到破坏,结了疤
    The tissue has been destroyed and a scar has formed
  • 组织受到破坏,结了疤.
    The tissues have been destroyed and a scar has formed.
  • 在那日子里,食品匮乏,我们不得不与饥饿作斗争。
    In those days, food was scarce, and we had to fight with hunger.
  • 优先分配一种将有限的物资,如食物,分配给那能从中获取最大收益的人的制度
    A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.
  • 当工作难找的时候,正要参加劳动大军的年轻人常常被有经验的工人排挤掉,这工人能向公司提供更多的服务。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to be elbowed aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer companies.
  • 工作紧俏时,加入劳动大军的年轻人往往就得给那能给公司带来更多效益的有经验的工人腾位置。
    When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work force tend to get shouldered aside in favour of experienced workers with more to offer the firm.
  • 新兵几无法训练。
    Those recruits are scarcely drillable.
  • 地方不仅缺水,水质也因污染和环境退化而恶化。
    In some places water scarcity is accompanied by deteriorated water quality due to pollution and environmental degradation.
  • 我必须将那抽屉整理一下,几年来里面塞满了零星的东西。
    I must clear out those drawers; they're full of odds and sods accumulated over the years.
  • 中国人可能会把绿头巾和绿帽子与配偶的背叛联系起来。
    Some Chinese tend to associate green hats or green scarves with the loss of their spouse'love.
  • 我现在除了织毛线物外,已做不了什么事情,所以我就织了许多帽子、外套和围巾。
    There is little l can do except knit, and that is why l knit so many caps and sweaters and scarves.
  • 花中大都是红色和鲜红色的。
    Red and scarlet predominate in these flowers.
  • 原来,随着伊朗政府对社会风俗的宗教限制逐渐放松,一伊朗妇女穿起了长裤和只长及膝盖的紧身袍子,而且还可以将秀发从那五颜六色的头巾下面解放出一部分了。
    In a sign of a gradual relaxation of Iran's social restrictions, some Iranian women wear long trousers and knee-length tight robes, and allow part of their hair to spill out from under colorful scarves.
  • 把这部分地消灭敌人的成绩积累起来,成为大的战略胜利,达到最后驱敌出国,保卫祖国,建设新中国的政治目的。
    We must accumulate the results of these partial destructions of the enemy into major strategic victories and so achieve the final political aim of expelling the enemy, protecting the motherland and building a new China.
  • 一种户外游戏;兔子顺着一条长路跑并分散一纸片(或味道)并且猎犬尽力。
    an outdoor game; the hares start off on a long run scattering bits of paper (the scent) and the hounds try to catch them before they reach a designated spot.
  • 猎犬失去了狐狸的臭迹.
    The hounds lost the scent of the fox.
  • 威尔逊医生以为他在治疗癌症方面找到线索,但其他人则认为他是在沿着错误的线索开展工作。
    Dr Wilson thinks he’s on the scent of a cure for cancer, but others think he’s following a false scent.
  • 花散发出使人陶醉[怡人]的香味。
    The flowers gave off an intoxicating scent[a pleasant smell].
  • 就像辐射效应会逐渐积累,转基因食品可能会有一负面效应,但是这刚开始可能微乎其微,要到一个世纪之后才会显露出来,"阿尔法争辩道。
    Just like radiation effects accumulate,G.M.foods may have some bad but initially micro effects which won't show up until a century later," argued α.
  • 日程表一事件的计划表
    A schedule of events.