  • 第八节协议许可证中对限制竞行为的控制
  • 贵国目前的跨国公司结构精简,工作效率高,且具竞力。
    The American multinational today is lean, efficient and competitive.
  • 心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。
    A competitive person love to win and hate to lose.
  • 政府工作人员;通常以竞性的考试为基础。
    government workers; usually hired on the basis of competitive examinations.
  • 那是为增强我们的竞能力而作的有计划的努力。
    It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability.
  • 学生们必须记住,入学通常有竞性。
    Students must bear in mind that entry is normally competitive.
  • 那你认为什么样的价格才算有竞力?
    Then what do you think would be a competitive price?
  • 为了保持竞力,我们须要不断提高生产力和生产效率。
    To remain competitive, we must constantly improve productivity and efficiency.
  • 当作武器或在竞性的田赛中使用的枪。
    a spear thrown as a weapon or in competitive field events.
  • 使特区更具竞力,是我的首要工作之一。
    Among my highest priorities is to make the SAR more competitive.
  • 但当你考虑到质量时,你会发现它们是很具有竞性的。
    But they are highly competitive when you take quality into consideration.
  • 产业竞中取得优势的关键在于人。
    People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry.
  • 这也是香港的另一重要竞优势。
    That again has been one of Hong Kong's great competitive advantages.
  • 这个队需要一些新鲜血液以增强其竞能力。
    The team needs some young blood to make it more competitive.
  • 那些老人完全不适于这竞的世界。
    Those old people are simply not suited to the competitive world.
  • 我们势必要打一场硬仗,但我们是可以有竞力的。
    We'll have to fight an uphill battle, but we are competitive.
  • 质量不高,就没有竞能力。
    Without high quality, they cannot be competitive on the world market.
  • 此乃是在广告竞中无法立足的平庸之作。
    A too ordinary advertisement which would not stand out in competitive advertising.
  • 以经得起竞的模仿的方式。
    in a competitively imitative manner.
  • 此货的定价有(无)竞力。
    The goods are(not) competitively priced.
  • 公司目标:进一步地将公司推入更大的零售市场--包括闯入一贯由wal-mart和j.c.penney操纵的市场--推出的拳头产品是更富竞性价位的老海军服饰(oldnavyproducts),将销售扩充到海外市场。
    Corporate goals: Pushing further into the lower-end retail market--traditional territory of Wal-Mart and J. C. Penney--with competitively priced Old Navy products; continued expansion overseas.
  • 不过,我很高兴知道,透过香港旅游协会的协助,香港旅游业人士与日本的旅行团代理商一直紧密合作,为香港旅游重新设计包装,并确保香港旅游业收取低廉的费用,保持我们的竞力,以刺激市场,吸引越来越多的日本旅客在一九九八年来港观光。
    I am pleased to note that through the Hong Kong Tourist Association, our industry is working very closely with your tour operators to re-package Hong Kong and make sure that we are competitively priced in order to stimulate the market and attract increasing numbers of Japanese visitors back to Hong Kong in 1998.
  • 美国竞力咨讯会最近指出,700个联邦试验所之中有些未能发生作用,应予关闭。
    As the Council on Competitiveness recently noted, some of the700 Federal Laboratories are not pulling their weight and need to be shut down.
  • 这有助提高香港的竞力。
    This will help our competitiveness.
  • 我们能否进一步增强我们的竞力?
    Can we further enhance our competitiveness?
  • 力弱的工业会因而无所遁形。
    There will emerge some industries with reduced competitiveness.
  • 而这个平衡点将是影响各个国家和经济体的竞力的一个重要因素。
    And that point of balance will be one important factor influencing the competitiveness of nations and the competitiveness of economies.
  • 此外,竞力亦来自人们的素质和创意。
    Competitiveness is also about the quality and creativity of the people.
  • 多种亚洲货币贬值,或多或少都影响到中国的竞力,贸易盈馀也会下降。
    With the devaluation in many Asian currencies, China's competitiveness will suffer somewhat.
  • 目前的经济调整虽然是痛苦,但是必要的,因为这有助恢复香港的竞力。
    This adjustment, although painful, is necessary as we fight to regain our competitiveness.
  • 这无疑会提高其商品在中国市场的竞能力。
    This has definitely enhanced the competitiveness of their products on the Chinese market.
  • 力也取决於人们的质素和创意。
    We are also aware competitiveness is also about the quality and creativity of the people.