  • 警队的服务对象普遍认为警队的服务水平良好或常好(占72%),只有少数被访者认为服务颇差或常差(占5%)。
    The customers generally rated the service they received as quite good or very good (72 per cent), with only a few rating the service as quite poor or very poor (5 per cent).
  • 傻子,弱智者愚蠢,常不聪明的人
    A silly, rather unintelligent person.
  • 学位教师与学位教师的比例大约是7:3。
    The ratio of graduate to non-graduate teachers is about 7:3.
  • 这是一些通过理智的讨论就可以常有效地解决的实在问题。
    these are real problems that can be dealt with most effectively by rational discussion.
  • 神学的唯理主义形式,在理智而启示基础上信仰上帝。
    the form of theological rationalism that believes in God on the basis of reason without reference to revelation.
  • 哲学上的“唯理论”和“经验论”都不懂得认识的历史性或辩证性,虽然各有片面的真理(对于唯物的唯理论和经验论而言,指唯心的唯理论和经验论),但在认识论的全体上则都是错误的。
    In philosophy, neither "rationalism" nor "empiricism" understands the historical or the dialectical nature of knowledge, and although each of these schools contains one aspect of the truth (here I am referring to materialist, not to idealist, rationalism and empiricism), both are wrong on the theory of knowledge as a whole.
  • 古老的德国品种,强健的黑色或灰色硬毛猎犬,口部不尖,体型从很小到常大;用作捕鼠犬、看门狗或警犬。
    old German breed of sturdy black or grayish wire-haired terriers having a blunt muzzle ranging in size from fairly small to very large; used as ratters and guard dogs or police dogs.
  • 足够大似乎可以使某物破裂;常强烈或喧闹的。
    seemingly loud enough to break something; violently rattling or clattering.
  • 讲一个常好听的故事
    Spin a rattling good yarn, ie tell a very good story
  • 她很有天赋;他打得常好;常令人愉快的晚上(real有时正式地代替really使用,例如i'mrealsorryaboutit(我真的很抱歉);rattling是正式用法,例如arattlinggoodyarn(常好的故事))。
    she was very gifted; he played very well; a really enjoyable evening; (`real' is sometimes used informally for `really' as in I'm real sorry about it; `rattling' is informal as in a rattling good yarn).
  • 海伦常喜欢那张照片,但是我觉得它并不怎么样。
    Helen liked the picture very much, but I don't think it's anything to rave about.
  • 1.年龄是的,对许多美国人来说,年龄是个常敏感的问题,特别是对年过30的女人来说更是如此。
    1.Age Yes,age is a very sensitive subject to many Americans,especially to women over age 30.
  • “对,你爸爸。”爸爸微笑着说,“你爸爸和我都认识的一个银行经理,他对你爸爸常崇拜。
    "Yeah, your dad," repeated my dad with a smile. "Your dad and I have the same banker, and he raves about your father.
  • (日本)切得常薄的生鱼片。
    (Japanese) very thinly sliced raw fish.
  • 阿佳莎的母亲冲进了地下室,抱起孩子。孩子在她的怀里常虚弱,但安然无恙。
    Agatha’s mother rushed into the vault and took the child, who was very weak, but safe, into her arms.
  • 石英由硅石组成的一种常坚硬的矿物质,sio2,广布世界各地,存在于许多不同种类的岩石中,包括沙岩和花岗岩。石英种类包括玛瑙、玉髓、黑矽石、燧石、蛋白石及水晶
    A very hard mineral composed of silica, SiO2, found worldwide in many different types of rocks, including sandstone and granite. Varieties of quartz include agate, chalcedony, chert, flint, opal, and rock crystal.
  • 情爱这种爱没有紧张感:它平静怡然而疯狂过激。
    AGAPE This is love without tension: it is calm and not frantic.
  • 和澳洲一种类似于毛发的灌木,兰色放射形类似于雏菊的花冠。
    hairy South African or Australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.
  • 雷蒙:千万别再那麽说,我叔叔常敏感。
    Raymond: Don't ever say that again. My uncle is very selfconscious.
  • 雷蒙:千万别再那么说,我叔叔常敏感。
    Raymond: Don't ever say that again. My uncle is very self conscious.
  • 雷蒙德·格伦丹宁在对足球比赛进行实况报道时,具有能记住每一位选手姓名的凡才能。
    Raymond Glendenning had the remarkable ability of remembering every player's name while giving a running commentary on a football match.
  • 海岸靠近现代突尼斯的一个古老的城邦;由腓尼基人建立;罗马人将其破坏并重建;阿拉伯人于697年将其夷为平地。
    an ancient city state on the north African coast near modern Tunis; founded by Phoenicians; destroyed and rebuilt by Romans; razed by Arabs in 697.
  • 按定义,通过因特网卖出的产品的边际利润常保
    Almost by definition, margins on products sold via the Internet are slim to razor-thin.
  • 这个年轻人常机灵。我相信他在公司会升到很高职位的。
    This young man is as sharp as a razor. I am sure he will reach a high position in the company.
  • 玩得、笑得非常痛快
    Have a real fine time, a real good laugh
  • 我真的非常后悔。
    I really regret it.
  • 诚非所料。
    It is really unexpected.
  • 过后,韦尔奇会对管理人员的提议写一个常确切的书面摘要。当韦尔奇后来对提议作出决定时——仍以书面形式——他会参考前面的书面摘要。
    Afterward Welch will dispatch a highly specific written summary of commitments the manager made, and when Welch follows up later - also in writing-- will refer to the previous summary.
  • 《谜3》追溯到存在主义的领域:正如克雷楚所说:"我们存在的中心问题并'存在或不存在',而是'为什么?"。
    ENIGMA 3 ascended to the existential realm: as Cretu noted,"the central question of our being is not'to be or not to be,'but'WHY?'."
  • 贵公司的样品已收到。希望明天能寄给我们各20令(每令为480-500张),我们将常感谢。
    Your sample is duly to hand, and we shall be glad if you will send us tomorrow 20 ream each.
  • 他给我写了一封常冷淡的信,连信上问候我的话看来都好像是后来加上去的。
    He wrote me a cold letter; even the inquiry about my health looked as if it had been added on as an afterthought.
  • 只要存在法牟取暴利的人,我们就应该永不停止反对他们的斗争。
    So long as there exist people who are illegally reaping big profits, we should never stop waging a war against them.