  • 第二十条专利代理人在从事专利代理业务期和脱离专利代理业务后一年内,不得申请专利。
    Article 20 Patent agents in the course of doing their professional work or within 1 year of their quitting their profession must not apply for patents.
  • 考勤卡由雇员填写或由考勤钟盖章的记录职员每天上下班时的卡
    A card, either filled out by an employee or stamped by a time clock, recording the employee's starting and quitting times each work day.
  • 一个身兼数职者可能由于急于在停止时之前做好10件事而忽略了细节,但是一个较为从容的工作人员将会在交工前确保所有的事实都很适当。
    A multitasker may overlook details in her rush to accomplish 10 things by quitting time, but a less burried worker will make sure all the facts are in place before turning in a project.
  • 参加电视智力竞赛者得反应敏捷,因为他允许有10秒钟的时来回答一个问题。
    The contestants on the television quiz show had to be quick on the draw because they were allowed only ten seconds to answer a question.
  • 如该期届满时,这些表示是否赞成或弃权的国家数目,达到会议本身开会的法定人数所缺少的国家数目,只要同时也取得了规定的多数票,这些决议即可生效。
    If, at the expiration of this period, the number of countries having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of countries which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
  • 在两个派别之实现和平;毫无意义;没有达到定额
    Made peace between the two factions; not making sense; didn't make the quota.
  • 随后,这雄壮的组合声部还不时略微歇,让道给念圣母经时那密集和应的赋格曲,乐声轰鸣,如同星光闪亮。
    Then,again, from time to time, this mass of sublime noises opens and gives passage to the beats of the Ave Maria, which bursts forth and sparkles like an aigrette of stars.
  • 报盘时间
    Time of offering( quotation)
  • 数量之的相对值(通常以商的形式出现)。
    the relative magnitudes of two quantities (usually expressed as a quotient).
  • 我们还可以举出云集在这屋里的很多人的姓氏起首字母,他们在这里相遇连他们自己也感到非常惊讶,不过为了不使读者感到厌烦,恕我不再一一介绍。
    We could go on quoting the initials of many of those who had gathered in that drawing room and who were not a little astonished at the company they kept; but we should, we fear, weary the reader.
  • 朝鲜南北的战役;南韩得到了美国和联合国其他成员的援助;1950年到1953年。
    a war between North and South Korea; South Korea was aided by the US and other UN members; 1950-1953.
  • 在那个收容所里,600个人和四处漫游的涣熊以及夜出没的动物生活在一起。
    In that shelter, 600 people share space with roving raccoons and other nocturnal creatures.
  • 指种族,种族性或源于种族的差异。
    of or characteristic of race or races or arising from differences among groups.
  • 无论是种族之,或是在种族内部,裂痕总是存在的;
    Fault lines will always be there whether between the different races or within a race.
  • 时间流逝
    The race of time.
  • 此外,政府又增加了969个日幼儿园资助名额。
    There was also an addition of 969 aided day nursery places for children.
  • 虽然这5个人种彼此有一定的区别,但常常也很难区分,即很难确切地说出每个人种的特点。
    Although these five races are certainly different from each other, it is often difficult to draw a clear dividing line between them or to say exactly what the features of each race are.
  • 而且,昨天戈尔参议员(他寄希望于三月的南方初选)的一位助手说:戈尔助选团正寻求联邦选举委员会,对两名民主党总统竞选对手所用的避过竞选开支限制的方法做一判决。
    Also yesterday, an aide to Sen. Albert Gore Jr., who is pinning his presidential hopes on the southern primaries in March, said the campaign is seeking a Federal Election Commission ruling on a method two rival Democratic presidential contenders used to skirt campaign spending limits.
  • 总统派出他的高级助手去组织安排对立派别之的和平谈判。
    The president has sent his top aide to master-mind peace negotiations between the opposing factions.
  • 涉及两个或多个种族或存在于两个或多个种族
    involving or existing between two or more races.
  • 本地各种族之互相沟通,这是事实;
    The reality : bonds between different races here exist.
  • 终点直道从最末弯道到终点线之的那段跑道
    The portion of a racetrack from the last turn to the finish line.
  • 据了解,张淑云在院工作期,由于其工作表现不好,受到领导和同事批评,后来发现她经常指使由福利院监护养育长大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照.
    An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret.
  • 主张种族互谅互让的政党
    A party that stands for racial tolerance
  • 他的讲话加剧了种族的紧张关系。
    His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.
  • 据了解,张淑云在院工作期,由于其工作表现不好,受到领导和同事批评,后来发现她经常指使由福利院监护养育长大的艾明偷偷地到一些病房拍照,并在拍照时有意将病童摆弄成某种姿势。艾明还叫另外两个大孩子展×和翟×同他一起拍照。
    An investigation into Zhang Shuyun's history shows that she was criticized by her leaders and colleagues at the Shanghai children's welfare home due to her work quality. Later it was found that she often directed one of the young orphans at the welfare home, Ai Ming, to take photographs for her in secret. Before taking pictures Ai Ming put sick children in special poses and asked two bigger children Zhan and Zhai to help him.
  • 中国人民正在与时赛跑。
    The Chinese people are racing against time.
  • 自由企业;自由港;自由的国家;我有一个小时的自由时;自由意志;没有种族主义;感觉自由的想呆多久就多久。
    free enterprise; a free port; a free country; I have an hour free; free will; free of racism; feel free to stay as long as you wish.
  • -采取措施以确保尊重和保护移徙者、移民工人及其家属的人权,消除许多社会中日益增加的种族主义行为和排外行动,并增进所有社会中人与人之的和谐与容忍。
    To take measures to ensure respect for and protection of the human rights of migrants, migrant workers and their families, to eliminate the increasing acts of racism and xenophobia in many societies and to promote greater harmony and tolerance in all societies.
  • 我们明白他们的呼声,我们应该在我们的余生致力于用我们国家独特而痛苦的经验去证明人类生存的条件应该是:民主、正义、和平、无种族歧视、无性别歧视、人人富裕,各族人民之形成一种健康的环境,一种平等团结的氛围。
    We understand their call, that we devote what remains of our lives to the use of our country's unique and painful experience to demonstrate, in practice, that the normal condition for human existence is democracy, justice, peace, non-racism, non-sexism, prosperity for everybody, a healthy environment and equality and solidarity among the peoples.
  • 昨天夜里隔壁房的那些年轻人大吵大嚷。
    The young men in the next room make such a racket last night.
  • 啊,上半场时到了。
    Ah, half - time.