Chinese English Sentence:
  • 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的性。
    Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity.
  • 热带常绿树种,寿命长,大型展开树冠,羽状常绿叶,花香,木质黄色且坚硬,长豆荚内长有可食的巧克力色的性果肉。
    long-lived tropical evergreen tree with a spreading crown and feathery evergreen foliage and fragrant flowers yielding hard yellowish wood and long pods with edible chocolate-colored acidic pulp.
  • 沼泽,湿地底面为性和湿软的地带,主要由灌木、草类及一些树的水藓泥沼和泥煤构成
    An area having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs and herbs and sometimes trees usually grow.
  • 有绿色或带红色性长叶柄的植物,叶柄成基生丛;茎(只有茎)烹饪后可食;叶有毒。
    plants having long green or reddish acidic leafstalks growing in basal clumps; stems (and only the stems) are edible when cooked; leaves are poisonous.
  • 用作燃料的红褐色粉末,尤用作ph值显示剂(在碱性溶液中呈红色,在性溶液中呈蓝色)。
    a red-brown powder used as a dye, especially as a chemical pH indicator (congo red is red in basic and blue in acidic solutions).
  • 石榴这种树的果实,有坚韧的浅红色果皮,并含有许多种子,每粒种子都包在多汁、微的红色果浆中
    The fruit of this tree, having a tough reddish rind, and containing many seeds, each enclosed in a juicy, mildly acidic, red pulp.
  • 在这里,来自工业排放物的空气性物质缓慢沉积,影响土壤的化学过程和必要的微生物,降低了树木和植被的生命活力,使得地下水、河流和湖泊更加化。
    There, the chronic deposition of airborne acidic sub- stances from industrial effluents affects both chemical processes and essential microorganisms in the soil, lowering the vitality of trees and ground-cover and making groundwater, streams, and lakes more acidic.
  • 直立到平伏的常青的灌木,有悬浮的白色或粉色的花丛;属于欧洲北部的泥炭藓泥煤沼泽和其他的潮湿的性地区。
    erect to procumbent evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of sphagnum peat bogs and other wet acidic areas in northern Europe.
  • 质自胃倒流而刺激食道引起的胸部发热疼痛的感觉;有溃疡或其他失调的症状。
    a painful burning sensation in the chest caused by acidic backflow from the stomach irritating the esophagus; symptomatic of an ulcer or other disorder.
  • 瘦长的常青的灌木,有悬挂的白色或粉色的花丛;分布在北极、加拿大到美国东北部的潮湿的性地区。
    wiry evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of wet acidic areas in Arctic and Canada to northeastern United States.
  • 无滋养的带有棕色性物质的水域,腐殖物高度集中并有小型植物群的。用来描述湖泊或池塘
    Having brownish acidic waters, a high concentration of humic matter, and a small plant population. Used of a lake or pond.
  • 这些沙子一旦经过焚烧,剩余的灰烬就会富含碳盐,是降低土壤性的好东西。
    Or, once in the incinerator the resulting ash will be rich in carbonates, good for making the soil less acidic.
  • 有巨大微箭头形叶子的欧洲模,遍布于北温带地区,做色拉和春季草地。
    European sorrel with large slightly acidic sagittate leaves grown throughout north temperate zone for salad and spring greens.
  • 一种白色的有毒可溶性晶状,苯的衍生物,用于制造和作消毒剂和杀菌剂。
    a toxic white soluble crystalline acidic derivative of benzene; used in manufacturing and as a disinfectant and antiseptic.
  • 一类弱性有机合成物,分子中含有一个或更多羟基。
    any of a class of weakly acidic organic compounds; molecule contains one or more hydroxyl groups.
  • 果汁山楂或其它果(如未成熟的葡萄等)的果汁
    The acidic juice of crab apples or other sour fruit, such as unripe grapes.
  • 碱平衡的溶液或化合物非性也非碱性的或与之有关的
    Of or relating to a solution or compound that is neither acidic nor alkaline.
  • 二氧化硫和氨氧化物引起性降雨,常称为雨。
    Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides also cause acidic precipitation, commonly called acid rain.
  • (通常呈性)尿呈碱性的症状。
    a condition in which the urine (which is normally slightly acidic) is alkaline.
  • 土壤灰化作用土壤的碱被减少而变成性的过程
    The process by which soils are depleted of bases and become acidic.
  • 橘这些树的带有甜汁水的果实
    The fruit of any of these trees, having a sweetish, acidic juice.
  • 裸麦粗面包一种用整个磨过的粗糙大麦制成的黑色味面包
    A dark, sourish bread made from whole, coarsely ground rye.
  • 在伤处喷洒一些性物质将有助于去掉蛰痛。
    Pouring something acidic on the wound will help take the sting out.
  • 各种橙树结的绿色果实。
    the green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees.
  • 溶液和物质发生碱化而减少性。
    turn basic and less acidic, of solutions and substances.
  • 黄色、椭圆形、多汁、果肉的水果。
    yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh.
  • 度很高的橙子,尤其用来做柑桔酱。
    highly acidic orange used especially in marmalade.
  • 随着污染的加剧,土壤的化越来越严重。
    The soil becomes more and more acidic as pollution mounts up.
  • 对这种金属的作用是迅速的。
    Acid acts on this metal quickly.
  • 麦角菌核干燥的麦角菌菌核,通常是从大麦的种子中提取,用作几种颇具医疗价值的生物碱的原料,也是麦角的基本来源
    The dried sclerotia of ergot, usually obtained from rye seed and used as a source of several medicinally important alkaloids and as the basic source of lysergic acid.
  • 柠檬是一种酸的水果.
    A lemon is an acid fruit.
  • 十七烷的一种甘油酯。
    a glyceryl ester of margaric acid.