  • 骨折尤指在骨头或骨上的破碎、破裂或裂缝,
    A break, rupture, or crack, especially in bone or cartilage.
  • 软硬酸碱理论
    theory of hard and soft acids and bases
  • 沼泽,湿地底面为酸性和湿的地带,主要由灌木、草类及一些树的水藓泥沼和泥煤构成
    An area having a wet, spongy, acidic substrate composed chiefly of sphagnum moss and peat in which characteristic shrubs and herbs and sometimes trees usually grow.
  • 泥罨剂,泥敷剂摊开在布上的面包、米饭、医用粘土或其他粘性物质的湿团块,常用于加热、变湿、刺激身体的痛处或发炎处
    A soft, moist mass of bread, meal, clay, or other adhesive substance, usually heated, spread on cloth, and applied to warm, moisten, or stimulate an aching or inflamed part of the body.
  • 利率提高了,藉以支撑疲的美元。
    Interest rate is raised to brace up the sagging dollar.
  • 北美长有红色柔如羽毛的外部鳃的水栖蝾螈。
    aquatic North American salamander with red feathery external gills.
  • 其实,视窗是苹果10年前早已用在麦金塔上的技术,如今反成了微的王牌。
    The Windows system has been applied to Macintosh a decade ago but now, Windows has become the ace in Microsoft's hole.
  • 油膏,润滑油用以减轻痛苦或恢复健康的药膏;
    A salve for soothing or healing; an ointment.
  • 油膏,膏一种作为化装品、润肤用品或药剂的涂抹在皮肤上的一种高粘度或半固态物质;药膏
    A highly viscous or semisolid substance used on the skin as a cosmetic, an emollient, or a medicament; a salve.
  • 欧亚的一种浓密的落叶灌木,花金黄色,果实紫色略带红色、用于制治疗膏。
    deciduous bushy Eurasian shrub with golden yellow flowers and reddish-purple fruits from which a soothing salve is made in Spain.
  • 稍有心脏状掘沙的双壳类体动物。
    somewhat heart-shaped sand-burrowing bivalve mollusks.
  • 木质脆的黄色木材,叶和树皮均有香味;檫木油的来源;广泛分布于北美东部。
    yellowwood tree with brittle wood and aromatic leaves and bark; source of sassafras oil; widely distributed in eastern North America.
  • 任何细颗粒的淤泥土壤,饱和时柔而黏稠。
    any of various fine-grained silty soils that become waxy and very sticky mud when saturated with water.
  • 放入水中或其他液体中使物体变和饱和的过程。
    the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid).
  • 一般规则是每打半页左右就存盘。别把你的文件只保存在一张盘上。
    The general rule is to hit save every half page or so Never have the only copy of your work saved on a single floppy disk.
  • 瓣鳃纲体动物任一种属于瓣鳃纲的双壳类体动物,包括蛤、蚝、扇贝、牡蛎
    Any of the bivalve mollusks of the class Lamellibranchia, including the clams, scallops, and oysters.
  • 长围巾用如毛皮或羽毛等柔材料制成的长而蓬松的围巾
    A long fluffy scarf made of soft material, such as fur or feathers.
  • 件工程中,系统或程序的基本部分。例如,操作系统中的调度程序或管理程序。
    In software engineering, a basic part of a system or program. For example, the scheduler or supervisor of an operating system.
  • 磨甲板沙石打磨木质甲板用的沙石
    A piece of soft sandstone used for scouring the wooden decks of a ship.
  • 磨石一种用来磨面和打磨炉堂或门阶的石或用陶土及石粉制成的混合物
    A soft stone or composition of pipe clay and pulverized stone used for scouring and whitening hearths or doorsteps.
  • 水在沙中冲出一条通道。
    Water had scoured out a passage I n the soft sand.
  • mswindows是一个基于图形的件系统,它可以运行在ms-dos环境下,它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接口界面,包括弹出式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Microsoft Windows is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • 一种质砂岩,用于洗磨船的甲板。
    a soft sandstone used for scrubbing the decks of a ship.
  • 此理财件的功能之一就是自动转帐。
    One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts automatically.
  • 他在熔的火漆上盖章。
    He impressed his seal on the melted wax.
  • 我在熔的火漆上盖了章。
    I impressed my seal on the melted wax.
  • 计算机盘装在密封的盒里寄出。
    The computer disk is sent in a sealed container.
  • 产于南半球的海狗;而密的下层绒毛是海豹皮的原料。
    eared seal of the S hemisphere; the thick soft underfur is the source of sealskin.
  • 香黑煎肉用胡椒或其他香料涂抹(鱼或肉)然后在热平底煎锅上煎炸,制出外黑内的肉
    To coat(fish or meat, for example) with pepper and other spices and then sear in a hot skillet, thereby producing meat that is black on the outside but tender on the inside.
  • 白垩一种松的方解石粉块,caco3,含有不等量的硅石、石英、长石或其它矿物杂质,通常为灰白色或黄白色,从贝类化石中制得
    A soft, compact calcite, CaCO3, with varying amounts of silica, quartz, feldspar, or other mineral impurities, generally gray-white or yellow-white and derived chiefly from fossil seashells.
  • 各种海滨的体动物,尖头的管状贝壳在每端都有开口,足尖如铲形适于挖掘。
    any of various seashore mollusks having a tapering tubular shell open at each end and a foot pointed like a spade for burrowing.
  • 1979年,他们将微迁至西雅图。
    They moved Microsoft to Seattle in 1979;