【諺】大魚吃小魚,小魚吃蝦米。 Great trees keep down the little ones.
這是蝦子蹄筋,是這傢飯店的特色菜。 It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of this restaurant.
我倒希望吃幹燒明蝦。 I'd rather have prawn with pepper sauce.
我倒希望吃幹燒明蝦。 I 'd rather have prawns with pepper sauce.
與蝦虎魚有關的熱帶淺水中少為人知的小魚。 poorly known family of small tropical shallow-water fishes related to gobies.
形似蝦的甲殼動物,其母蝦把卵和幼子放在兩腿間的夾袋裏。 shrimp-like crustaceans whose females carry eggs and young in a pouch between the legs.
對蝦一種類似於蝦但比蝦大的可食甲殼綱動物 Any of various edible crustaceans similar to but larger than the shrimps.
來一份奶油魚湯,兩份奶油雞湯,再來三份對蝦怎麽樣? How about one cream of fish soup, two cream of chicken soups, and three portions of prawns?
這是番茄對蝦,是我店特色菜之一。 Here comes the fried prawn with tomato sauce. It's one of the specialties of the house.
我再給你一調羹青豆蝦仁好嗎? Can I get you another spoonful of fried shrimps with green beans?
由於成千上萬衹海龜因意外地悶死在捕撈蝦、魚的網具中,海龜的實際死亡數要多得多。 The actual death toll is much greater because thousands more turtles are caught in fishing nets and suffocate.
我建議你來個油爆蝦好嗎? May I suggest sauted whole prawns?
在以前的分類中是軟甲亞綱的一個部;現在被糠蝦目和鱗蝦目取代。 in former classifications a division of Malacostraca; superseded by the orders Mysidacea and Euphausiacea.
讓我重複一下您告訴我的內容:歡迎宴會明晚七點在棕櫚海灘廳舉行;5臺共52位的宴席,每臺2000元的標準;需要酒水和水果;每臺有一道特別菜餚“喜相逢一小蝦迎竜蝦”。 So let me repeat what you've told a welcome banquet in the Palm Beach Hall at 00 tomorrow evening; five tables for fifty-two at two-thousand yuan a table; drinks and fruit; a special dish - "Shrimps Invite Lobster" for each table.
竜蝦卵雌竜蝦的未受精的卵,煮熟後呈橙紅色 The unfertilized eggs of a female lobster, which turn a reddish color when cooked.
我要核桃蝦仁。 I'd prefer the fried shrimps with walnuts.