  • 真丝薄绸一种精致的、类似麦斯林沙的薄织物,最初由伊拉克的摩尔地区制造
    A fine sheer fabric resembling muslin, originally made in Mosul, Iraq.
  • 巴西榈巴西羽叶棕榈(巴拉奥比尼亚棕奥比尼亚棕属)有硬壳果实,其种子能产生可食用菜油
    A Brazilian feather-leaved palm(Orbignya barbosiana) having hard-shelled fruits whose seeds yield an edible vegetable oil.
  • 贝基:我有格兰威士忌酒,还有女士们喝的雪利酒。
    I have scotch whisky, as well as sherry for ladies.
  • 格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。
    Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland.
  • 我完全不了解格兰。
    I know absolutely nothing Scotland.
  • 格兰最大的城市;格兰中西部的一个港口城市;世界上最大的船舶制造中心之一。
    largest city in Scotland; a port in west central Scotland; one of the great shipbuilding centers of the world.
  • 克莱德班克镇格兰中西部克莱德河北岸的一个市镇。有许多大型海轮,包括玛丽女王号,此船建于此镇船厂。人口52,385
    A burgh of west-central Scotland on the north bank of the Clyde River. Many large ocean liners, including the Queen Mary, were built in its shipyards. Population,52, 385.
  • 低帮无舌运动鞋有流饰带的一种低帮运动鞋
    A low-cut sports shoe with fringed laces.
  • 现在如果你从密拉城区仰望峡坡,你仍然可以看见一些平行线,那是被风浪雕刻出的古海岸线。
    If you gaze up the valley slopes from downtown Missoula, you can still see parallel lines marking ancient shorelines carved by windblown waves.
  • 政治工作的研究有第一等的成绩,其经验之丰富,新创设之多而且好,全世界除了联就要算我们了,但缺点在于综合性和系统性的不足。
    First-rate results have been achieved in the study of our political work, which, in the wealth of experience and in the number and quality of its innovations, ranks second only to that of the Soviet Union;here too the shortcoming is insufficient synthesis and systematization.
  • 从几内亚独立的那天起,联大使就出面了,而我们说忽视了他们长达两个月之久,美国大使在八个月之后才露面。
    When Guinea became independent, the Soviet ambassador showed up that very day we didn't recognize them for two months, the American ambassador didn't show up for nearly eight months.
  • 虽然在这次奥运会上联只有一块金牌的进帐,但赫尔辛基奥运会仍明显预示出:在以后的40年中奖牌的争夺将在两个超级大国——美国和联之间进行。
    The soviet Union had only one gold medal to its credit, but the Helsinki Games is an unabashed preview of what was to come for the next 40 years-a medals showdown between the two superpowers, the United States and the USSR.
  • 被证实的谎言;公认精明的联领导人。
    a proven liar; a Soviet leader of proven shrewdness.
  • 由于关切联抱怨美国在外交方面做得不够,白宫星期六宣布布什将于星期日首途赫尔辛基与戈尔巴乔夫商讨波斯湾情势及其他事务。
    Concerned by Soviet complaints that the U.S. has given diplomacy short shrift, the White House announced on Saturday that Bush will head to Helsinki this Sunday to discuss the gulf Situation, among other things, with President Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • 格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。
    The Scots were held in abhorrence all over Europe.
  • 格兰人在整个欧洲被人厌恶。
    The Scots are held in abhorrence all over Europe.
  • 从沿海的阿伯丁,有一条古堡之路,一直蜿蜒到格兰扁山区深处。沿途很多昔日的要塞,都是格兰历史上不断反抗邻近的英格兰统治的见证。
    From coastal Aberdeen in towards the interior of the Grampian Mountains there runs the Castle Trail, a road that touches on many fortresses, which are witnesses of continual revolts against the dominion of neighboring England in Scottish history.
  • 西害羞地伸出她的手。
    Susie held her hand out shyly.
  • 茜害羞地伸出了手,手中是一个创可贴。
    Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Ban-Aid.
  • 联西伯利亚地区的本塞舌尔居民。
    a native or inhabitant of Siberia.
  • 联东北部的一个半岛;位于白令海和鄂霍次克海之间。
    a peninsula in eastern Siberia; between Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
  • 埃文基民族居住在联的东西伯利亚的大片地区和中国内蒙古北部的一个民族
    A member of a people inhabiting a large area of eastern Siberia in the Soviet Union and northern Nei Monggol(Inner Mongolia) in China.
  • 赤塔联西伯利亚地区东南部城区,位于伊尔库次克以东。始建于1653年,人口336,000
    A city of southeast Siberian U.S.S.R. east of Irkutsk. It was founded in1653. Population,336, 000.
  • 新西伯利亚联西伯利亚中南部城市。位于奥布河上,鄂木斯克东部。横越西伯利亚的铁路上的重要交通枢纽,在库兹涅斯克盆地发展之后它繁荣起来。人口1,393,000
    A city of south-central Siberian U.S.S.R. on the Ob River east of Omsk. An important transportation hub on the Trans-Siberian Railroad, it prospered after the development of the Kuznetsk Basin. Population,1, 393, 000.
  • 鄂木斯克独联体联西伯利亚西部的一个城市,在鄂木河和额尔济斯河的交汇处。它是横贯西伯利亚大铁路上的一个枢纽城市,还是一主要的河港和运输枢纽,于1716年建立。人口1,108,000
    A city of western Siberian U.S.S.R. at the confluence of the Irtysh and Om rivers. On the Trans-Siberian Railroad, it is a major river port and transportation hub. The city was founded in1716. Population,1, 108, 000.
  • 雅纳河一条流经联西伯利亚中部和北部的河流,长约1,207公里(750英里),向北流入拉普帕夫海
    A river, about1, 207 km(750 mi) long, of central and northern Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing northward to the Laptev Sea.
  • 勃拉茨克联西伯利亚部分南部一城市,位于伊尔库次克西北偏北安加拉河上。建有水电站。人口240,000
    A city of southern Siberian U.S.S.R. on the Angara River north-northwest of Irkutsk. It has hydroelectric power installations. Population,240, 000.
  • 奥卡河源于联西伯利亚中南部的山脉的河,大体向北,流程965公里(600英里),注入安加拉河
    A river rising in the Sayan Mountains of south-central Siberian U.S.S.R. and flowing about965 km(600 mi) generally north to the Angara River.
  • 雅库茨克联东西伯利亚一城市,位于勒拿河河畔。1632年被建成为一堡垒,它是一港口和加工业中心。人口180,000
    A city of eastern Siberian U.S.S.R. on the Lena River. Founded as a fort in1632, it is a port and processing center. Population,180, 000.
  • 叶尼塞河联西伯利亚中部一河流,流程约4,023公里(2,500英里),向西而且大致向北流经一长海湾叶尼塞湾流入喀拉海
    A river of central Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing about4, 023 km(2, 500 mi) westward and generally north to the Kara Sea through Yenisei Bay, a long estuary.
  • 鄂毕河原联西西伯利亚的一条河流,流长约3700公里(2300英里),向北流至大西洋的一个海湾鄂毕湾
    A river, about3, 700 km(2, 300 mi) long, of western Siberian U.S.S.R. flowing generally northward to the Gulf of Ob, an arm of the Arctic Ocean.
  • 贝加尔湖联西伯利亚东南部的一个湖。是亚欧大陆上最大的淡水湖及世界上最深的湖,最深处达1,742。2米(5,712英尺)
    A lake of southeast Siberian U.S.S.R. It is the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia and the world's deepest lake, with a maximum depth of1, 742.2 m(5, 712 ft).