  • 这时,就像约好了似的,镇上的乞丐走过我们的桌子,停在一大堆垃圾罐旁捡起来。
    As if on cue, the town derelict went past our table, stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it.
  • 我在厨房里箱倒柜找了20分钟,才拖出一个白色大搪瓷罐。
    I rummaged for 20 minutes in the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a huge white enamel pot.
  • 那奇特的声音绵绵不绝,阿特在家中收集的手工纸中箱倒柜地寻找,最终他找到了一张平平整整、亮光闪闪的金箔纸。
    The strange voice was so insistent that Art actually found himself rummaging through his collection of origami papers at home until he found one flat, shiny piece of gold foil.
  • 附近破烂街道上的一些新了的公寓楼。
    some renovated apartment buildings in the rundown neighborhood.
  • 不要把那张报纸得沙沙响!
    Stop rustling that newspaper!
  • 在风暴中我们的帆船了个底朝天
    Our sailboat turned turtle during the squall.
  • 一阵疾风吹了小帆船。
    A flurry of wind upset the small sailboat.
  • 强风吹了帆船,乘客都落水了。
    The strong wind made the sailboat keel over and the passengers fell into the water.
  • 瓦杰帕伊为了替印度进行核试验辨解,竟然出了60年代中印边界战争的老帐,污蔑中国在那场战争中对其进行了“武装侵略”。
    To defend India's nuclear tests, Vajpayee even brought up old scores dating back to the Sino-lndian border war in the 1960s, accusing China of committing "armed aggression'' against India during the war.
  • 猫把那碟子牛奶打了。
    The cat bas upset the saucer of milk.
  • 那只猫打了它的牛奶碟子。
    The cat has upset its saucer of milk.
  • 过大雪山之后,我们就准备穿过草地。
    After scaling the Great Snow Mountains, we proceeded to cross the grasslands.
  • 正确性在译中是最重要的。
    The accuracy is the most essential in the translation.
  • 有些译工作者为追求生动而牺牲准确性。
    Some translators sacrifice accuracy to vividness.
  • 正确性在译中最为重要。
    A-is most important in translation.
  • 当人到老年时,他们还会由于两个原因而积聚东西,其一为缺乏体力和脑力——这两方面的精力在出无用的东西并把它们扔掉都是重要的;另一个原因是感情问题。不管是power,force还是strength,都离不开食物中的营养所提供的energy。用作技术术语时,strength的意思的“强度”
    As they grow old, people also accumulate belongings for two other reasons, lack of physical and mental energy, both of which are essential in turning out and throwing out and throwing away,and sentiment.
  • 这是树叶和新泥土的气味。
    The scent was of leaves and turned earth.
  • 时光飞逝,美国发生了天覆地的变化。
    The years and changes accumulate.
  • 不要大声嚷嚷,不要在吧台面上敲击钱币,不要叭叭地弹手指,不要像快淹死的人那样挥动手臂,不要绷着脸,不要唉声叹气,不要动眼珠。
    Do not call out tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or sigh or roll your eyes.
  • 着报纸,目光落在一张小男孩的照片上,照片上方冠着一个醒目的大标题:“我有艾滋病。”
    As he was scanning the paper, his eye fell upon a photograph of a little boy under a screaming headline: “I Have AIDS.”
  • 滚一下使能看到整个文本。
    Scroll down to see the entire text.
  • 舷外浮材,舷外浮体一种又长又细的浮标,通过突出的圆材平行地连在航行的小船上,用作防止船的工具
    A long, thin float attached parallel to a seagoing canoe by projecting spars as a means of preventing it from capsizing.
  • 海豹沿着海滩翻跃。
    The seals flipped along the beach.
  • 二零零一至零二学年,约有1480名全日制学生修读该院开办的四项高级文凭课程,包括会计学、公司秘书及行政、电脑学和译及传译。
    In 2001-02, about 1480 full-time students enrolled in its four Higher Diploma programmes in Accounting Studies, Company Secretaryship and Administration, Computing Studies and Translation and Interpretation.
  • 我的秘书当翻译。
    My secretary will act as interpreter.
  • 涌动的人潮挤满了街道;浮想联翩;恋爱的人和疯子一样有滚的思绪——莎士比亚。
    a seething flag-waving crowd filled the streets; a seething mass of maggots; lovers and madmen have such seething brains- Shakespeare.
  • 小堡屹立在钱币兑换所桥头,而桥后,塞纳河河水在水磨桥的轮扇下滚;当时的小堡,已不是叛教者朱利安时代那种罗马式样的炮楼,而是十三世纪封建时代的炮台,石头非常坚硬,就是铁镐刨三个钟头也啃不下拳头大的一块来。
    At the head of the Pont aux Changeurs, behind which one beheld the Seine foaming beneath the wheels of the Pont aux Meuniers, there was the Chalelet, no longer a Roman tower, as under Julian the Apostate, but a feudal tower of the thirteenth century, and of a stone so hard that the pickaxe could not break away so much as the thickness of the fist in a space of three hours;
  • 许多事实都被曲解了,而且作出了看起来真实的伪装;对诗歌歪曲的译。
    many of the facts seemed twisted out of any semblance to reality; a perverted translation of the poem.
  • 夜小礼服、晚餐服男式的礼服外套,通常是黑色,有亚麻的或粗丝绸的领,在正式或半正式场合穿着
    A man's dress jacket, usually black with satin or grosgrain lapels, worn for formal or semiformal occasions.
  • 曼尼坎也觉得诗作的译版本相当容易接受。
    Manicam also finds the poems accessible in their translated versions.
  • 布什总统看到一个人被警察用警棍打得不省人事而一伙警察袖手旁观时,感到“非常不适”。可是当他眼见萨达姆以[直升机]炮艇成批歼灭胆敢响应他的号召起而反抗的库德人,而美国陆军按兵不动时,竟不觉得胃。
    President Bush was "sickened" at the sight of a man being clubbed senseless by police while a gang of cops looked on. Yet his stomach is not turned at the spectacle of an American army standing by and watching Saddam Hussein't gunships rain death on the Kurdish people for daring to answer George Bush's call for an uprising.
  • 印通过使光线穿过胶片投射到感光板,尤指感光照相纸上,从而晒制出(底片上的)图象
    To produce a photographic image from(a negative, for example) by passing light through film onto a photosensitive surface, especially sensitized paper.