  • 尼古拉斯·欧文,这位英国itn电视网的记者实受到过震撼。当时在瑞士美丽的滑雪胜地克洛斯特斯(这里深受查尔斯和他两个儿子的喜爱),一位皇家助理和这位记者进行了接触。
    Nicholas Owen,a correspondent for the British television network ITN,was understandably startled when a royal aide approached him at Klosters,the chic Swiss ski resort favored by Charles and his sons.
  • 美国东部略带黑色的蝇蛇,长六只脚。
    blackish racer of the eastern United States that grows to six feet.
  • 一个年轻的滑雪运动员见观众很多又有飘雪打扰,比赛中的表现令人失望,教练马上把他拽到一边,对他说“看前方”,提醒他要像原来滑的那样滑时注意前方的旗门。
    A young ski racer, bothered by spectators and blowing snow, was having a disappointing competition when his coach pulled him aside. “ Look ahead,” the coach said, reminding the skier to focus on the gates ahead as he skied the ones before.
  • 赛前鞍具装场跑道上的圈地或围地,可在每次比赛前把马集合起来、上鞍以及列队
    An enclosure at a racetrack where the horses are assembled, saddled, and paraded before each race.
  • 醒来后我所记得的是我的外甥女雷切尔紧紧地拥抱我。
    The next thing I knew,my niece,Rachel was hugging me.
  • 时至今日,还死抱种族歧视的观点不放。
    Even today, they still cling to this manifestation of racial discrimination.
  • 中国的民族思想在种族上和西方文化那么不同,在历史上又与西方文化隔离;因此,我们在这种地方,自然会找到一些对人生问题的新的答案,或者,更好些,找到一些对人生问题的新的探讨方法,或者,还要好些,找到一些对人生问题的新的论据。
    Consequently, where there is a national mind so racially different and historically isolated from the Western cultural world, we have the right to expect new answers to the problems of life, or what is better, new methods of approach, or, still better, a new posing of the problems themselves.
  • 他对高速公路赛车了迷。
    He is crazy about speedway racing.
  • "她哭着,跑向姑姑。
    she cried,racing to her aunt.
  • 女王对赛马十分迷。
    The queen is wild about house-racing.
  • 他的讲话散发种族主义的味道。
    his speeches smacked of racism.
  • 他的眼睛直盯前方。
    His eyes stared straight ahead.
  • 我们十分关注和新加坡有紧密贸易关系的澳洲,出现了反移民的种族性政党,将影响到投资者的信心.。
    We are concerned that the emergence of an anti-immigrant racist political party in Australia, which has close links with us, will undermine investor confidence.
  • 工程师只得手去做。
    The engineers went ahead.
  • 哈哈,我猜着了。
    Aha, I've got it.
  • 一整夜我辗转不眠,绞尽脑汁想那年轻人是了什么魔竟自杀身亡。
    All night I have been tossing and turning, racking my brains to think of what could have possessed that poor young man to kill himself.
  • 疼痛折磨着他的全身
    Pain racked his entire body.
  • 繁忙的船只在河上鸣叫来来往往---高速快艇和笨头笨脑喘气的拖驳。
    Busy boasts chug and scurry about the river- racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs.
  • 来,您拿着。
    Ah, here you are.
  • 我们的船搁浅在沙滩上,只能等待下次潮水的到来。
    We ran aground on a sandbank and had to sit it out until the next high tide.
  • 在海上搁浅了的船;搁浅在海滩上、等待潮水托起来的船。
    a ship aground offshore; a boat aground on the beach waiting for the tide to lift it.
  • (相对于海床是固定的或活动的)海面平台,上面分布放射状的油井。
    an offshore platform (floating or fixed to the sea bed) from which many oil wells can be bored radially.
  • 轮叶,机叶一种通常相对薄、硬、平或有时呈曲线状的平面,沿轴呈辅射状旋转,如汽轮机中的叶片或风车上的翼板,这是用来由液体推动或推动液体的
    Any of several usually relatively thin, rigid, flat, or sometimes curved surfaces radially mounted along an axis, as a blade in a turbine or a sail on a windmill, that is turned by or used to turn a fluid.
  • 煤、炭和木材混合在一起燃起的熊熊炉火,使这屋子放光彩。
    It glowed delightfully in the radiance of an immense fire, compounded of coal, peat, and wood;
  • 她洋溢着幸福。
    She was radiant with happiness.
  • 不同种类的辐射能却有某种共同的基本特性。
    Different kinds of radiant energy have certain fundamental characteristics in common.
  • 青年有充盈的生命的底气,她亮丽诱人,这是上帝赐予的神采。
    A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life, has all the favor granted by God.
  • 她一时说不出话来,脸上洋溢喜色,笑把儿子揽入杯中。
    Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.
  • 他脸上洋溢着喜悦。
    His face radiated joy.
  • 她的脸上洋溢快乐。
    Her face radiates joy.
  • 好奇心难以满足的学生为数不多,这些人的特征极为突出,他们洋溢为求知而学习的激情,对任何学科都能提出问题,把每一次经历都看成发展智力的机会。
    Those students whose curiosity cannot be satiated are few, but relatively easy to identify in person. They radiate excitement as they learn for the sake of learning, ask questions on any subject and view each experience as an opportunity for a mental adventure.
  • 有精致的放射状臂肢的海百合,其杆状的身体附在坚硬的表面。
    crinoid with delicate radiating arms and a stalked body attached to a hard surface.