  • 该署又策划重建5个位于青山、喜灵洲、沙湾、大榄涌和东龙洲的码头。
    It also planned the reconstruction of five existing piers at Castle Peak, Hei Ling Chau, Pak Shan Wan, Tai Lam Chung and Tung Lung Chau.
  • 夜间骑行的人美国南部夜间蒙面骑行的人秘密组织的一员,他们进行暴力活动以达到惩罚或恐怖目的,尤其在南北战争后的重建时期
    One of a secret band of mounted, usually masked white men who engaged in nocturnal terrorism for revenge or intimidation in the southern United States especially during Reconstruction.
  • 从八十年代末开始利用返回型遥感卫星进行了多种空间科学实验,在晶体和蛋质生长、细胞培养、作物育种等方面取得了很好的成果。
    In the late 1980s, recoverable remote-sensing satellites were employed for various kinds of aerospace scientific experiments, and have yielded satisfactory achievements in crystal and protein growth, cell cultivation and crop breeding.
  • 再听我讲几分钟,你就会明事情的关键。
    He stayed with his work after recovery.
  • 那个懦弱的家伙转头逃跑了;一个要树旗的、懦弱的建议;懦弱的骑士——斯宾塞。
    the craven fellow turned and ran; a craven proposal to raise the white flag; this recreant knight- Spenser.
  • 安妮:会旗的样子是不是这样的,长方形,色无边,中央有五个相互套连的圆环,环的颜色是——看!
    Annie: The flag is rectangle. It is white without edges, isn't it?It has five-overlapping rings in the middle. The color of the rings is... Look!
  • 要自己抱有高度的革命热情和对党负责的精神,才会胸怀坦,才会有“脱裤子”的精神,也才会把思想作风整好。
    Only when one has unbounded revolutionary enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility to the Party can one be open-minded and possess the mettle to reveal one's weaknesses and rectify one's way of thinking.
  • 具有艳丽的色至微红色花朵的球茎状植物。
    bulbous plant having showy white to reddish flowers.
  • 一种红色的蛋石,有闪烁的变彩小斑。
    a reddish opal with small patches of brilliant color.
  • 粘液病毒一组含核醣核酸病毒的任一种,包括引起流行性感冒的病毒,通常与某种粘蛋有关,而且会导致血红细胞的凝集
    Any of a group of RNA-containing viruses, including those that cause influenza, typically having an affinity for certain mucins and causing agglutination of red blood cells.
  • 肌红蛋在肌肉纤维中常见的血红蛋的形式,有比血液中的血红素更高的氧亲合性
    The form of hemoglobin found in muscle fibers, having a higher affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin of the blood.
  • 我们齐心协力,但必须坦地承认工业中心的人口失衡,我们必须在全国范围内重新分配,使土地在最适合的人手中发表挥更大作用。
    Hand in hand with that, we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution in an effort to provide better use of the land for those best fitted for the land.
  • 我不明哈里为什么辞去上次的一份工作,不过当我提到自愿裁员,那就触到了他痛处。
    I don't know why Harry left his last job but it touched him on the raw when I mentioned voluntary redundancy.
  • 她拿起几把剪刀和一轴线。
    She take up some scissors and a reel of white string.
  • 尾片在一盘影片末尾的简短的空的电影片断
    A short, blank strip of film at the end of a reel.
  • 一卷磁带开始处的空段。
    The blank section of tape at the beginning of a reel of tape.
  • 衣娘子教阿巧怎样从茧中抽出闪闪发光的丝来,以及怎样给丝染上各种颜色。
    The lady in white taught Aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors.
  • 我第一次结识他缘于后来小布什竞选总统的组织者、时任宫顾问的卡尔罗夫。他给我打来电话,说小布什打算竞选州长,想找我谈谈。
    I first met him when Karl Rove, who would later run Bush's campaign for president and is now a Bush adviser in the White House, called to say that Bush was going to run for governor and wanted to talk with me.
  • “关心”是因特网上的一个讯息,——深情、撒娇、趣事,只是色屏幕上的黑色字眼而已,而不是你想听到的清脆的声音,想看到的温情的微笑,甚至因不赞同而蹙眉的表情。
    "Concern." is the message on the Internet, affectionate, teasing and anecdotal, yet merely black print on white screen. It is not the golden tones, the warm smile or even the disapproving frown one wants to hear and see.
  • 他们不面向生活,而是面向自我,把自己局限在纯艺术的雕虫小技之中……目前流行的纯艺术和仅对艺术家的技巧做出的反响的时髦作法是对艺术魁力极其苍无力的反应,或者根本没有审美体验。
    Instead of pointing outward toward life, they are self-referential, confining themselves to the bric-a-brac of the art as an art. The currently fashionable practice of treating art as art and responding to the technique of the artist is either a very pallid response to the power of art or not an aesthetic experience at all..
  • 这时,它被称为矮星。
    It is then referred to as a White Dwarf.
  • 痴病影响的,或类似于痴病的。
    affected with or resembling cretinism.
  • 试图对现有的机械进行改进,使其更有效率;世界上大多数现存的鲟鱼子酱是苏联和伊朗生产的。
    an attempt to refine the existent machinery to make it more efficient; much of the beluga caviar existing in the world is found in the Soviet Union and Iran.
  • 他是一位糖精炼者。
    he was a sugar refiner.
  • 发出像蛋体一样的颜色或者光。
    reflect light or colors like an opal.
  • 他深思後明他无权做这件事。
    He reflect that he have no right to do this.
  • 热气经色的沙面反射形成了蜃景
    The heat reflected from the white sand forms a mirage
  • 作为家花在地中海地区广泛栽培的植物,叶墨绿色有银色斑点,花下垂、色或粉红色,有反折的花瓣。
    Mediterranean plant widely cultivated as a houseplant for its showy dark green leaves splotched with silver and nodding white or pink to reddish flowers with reflexed petals.
  • 《中国改造罪犯的状况》皮书
    Criminal Reform in China
  • 我们香港人全都知道,贵国不但以兰地酒和时装驰名世界,更在航天、电子、电讯、银行业务,以及其他科技和以知识为本的领域取得骄人成就而蜚声国际。
    You are not just renowned - as we in Hong Kong all know - for your brandy, for your fashion, but also renowned for your remarkable achievements in aerospace, electronics, telecommunications, banking, and other technological and knowledge-based advances.
  • 本年四月以前乘时而起的许多红色政权,如广州、海陆丰、湘赣边界、湘南、醴陵、黄安各地,都先后受到色政权的摧残,就是这个道理。
    This is the reason why many Red regimes emerging at favourable moments before last April in places like Canton, Haifeng and Lufeng, the Hunan-Kiangsi border area, southern Hunan, Liling and Huangan were crushed one after another by the White regime.
  • 在四围色政权中间的红色割据,利用山险是必要的。
    It is essential for an independent Red regime encircled by the White regime to make use of the strategic advantages offered by mountains.