  • 虽然这四个人早已是朋友,但勾心斗角一定会出现,而谁会在暗斗中占上风则已经成了华盛顿的一项游戏。
    Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting.
  • pc机用户应避免挑选单词、短语或者容易出的数字,如生日、孩子的名字或姓名中的大写字母等;
    PC users should avoid picking words, phrases, or numbers that anyone can guess easily, such as a birth date, a child's name, or initials;
  • 测的例子或行为
    An act or instance of guessing.
  • 固然那时她戴着面纱,但换了在两年以前,尽管她戴着面纱,我都能一眼认出她来,就是也把她出来了。
    She was wearing a veil, it is true; but two years earlier, however many veils she had been wearing, I would not have needed to see her to recognize her: I would have known her instinctively.
  • 她的智慧比我们想的要高。
    She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.
  • 同时,由于缺乏官方数据、种族问题情势日趋紧张、相互竞争的种/民族利益集团间相互疑,人们对异族婚姻在未来美国社会中的影响还没有形成一致看法。
    Meanwhile, in the absence of official numbers, with the heightened tension surrounding racial issues, and with the mutual suspicion that exists among competing racial and ethnic interest groups, there's little agreement on what intermarriage will mean for U.S. society in the future.
  • 凭灵感的测(靠直觉而不靠逻辑,但往往正确)
    An inspired guess, ie made by intuition rather than logic, but usu correct
  • 想他希望我认真地听而不是插嘴胡说。
    I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth.
  • 但我怀疑是否有人已测到java或类似java的语言将带来的真正冲击。
    But I doubt that anyone has yet guessed at the real impact that Java or a Java-like language will have.
  • 我记得我总是非常疑他的行动。
    I remember I was always very jealous of his acting.
  • 山姆对他的妻子很忌,因为她很漂亮。
    Sam is very jealous of his wife, as she is very pretty.
  • 当他们欢庆胜利并且怀着疑妒忌之心讨论继承宙斯王位的人选时,海上女神特提斯看到奥林波斯山将爆发一场内战,便急匆匆把百臂巨人布里亚柔斯找来。
    While they were celebrating their victory, and jealously discussing who was to be his successor, Thetis the Nereid, foreseeing a civil war on Olympus, hurried in search of the hundred-handed Briareus.
  • 嫉妒和疑在侵蚀我们的友谊。
    Jealousy and suspicion are eroding our friendship. (喻)
  • 他因恐惧和忌而心理失常。
    He's twisted up with fear and jealousy.
  • 疑会对我们之间的友谊有害。
    Jealousy is bad to the friendship between us.
  • 我注意到他们在乡村买了所房子。我想他们是要与别人比阔气哩。
    I see that they have bought a house in the country. I suppose they're trying to keep up with the Joneses.
  • 乔伊丝受到疑,因为她室友的手镯不见了。
    Joyce has been under a cloud since her roommate's bracelet disappeared.
  • 继续讲话;继续猜
    Keep on talking; keep guessing.
  • 大家可能想有一个名为“type”的关键字。
    You might expect there to be a keyword called “type,” and that certainly would have made sense.
  • 想厨房里有老鼠。
    I guess there are mice in the kitchen.
  • 不知道事实就作臆想测的一些人。
    someone who makes conjectures without knowing the facts.
  • 想凯瑟琳实现了她的计划,因为下一句说的是另一件事,她伤心起来了。
    I suppose Catherine fulfilled her project, for the next sentence took up another subject: she waxed lachrymose.
  • 提出这一建议时,拉里尽量小心地不朝他父亲看,以免母亲出这点子是他们父子俩一起想出来的。
    Larry was careful not to look his father’s way when he suggested this, in case his mother would guess that the two of them had thought it up together.
  • 疑管道里什么地方漏了。
    He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe.
  • 科学家测在金星上没有生命。
    The scientists guess that Venus is lifeless.
  • 在通用电器公司,作为在位很久的总裁杰克·韦尔奇的继位者,杰弗里·伊梅尔特的上台不仅平息了"韦尔奇的位子由谁来坐"这个长达数月的测,也使公司进入了一段相对时间比较长的权力交接的过渡期。
    At General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt's recent succession of longtime chair Jack Welch brought to a close many months of speculation about Welch's successor, and resulted in a relatively long transition period.
  • 比赛由双方队长对掷出的硬币先,胜者有权选发球权,负者有权选场地。
    Before the game, team captains toss a coin. The winner has the right to serve first. The loser has the right to choose ends.
  • 我靠这些可怜的薪水能勉强糊口。
    I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary.
  • 龙卷风放过了他的房屋,他感到自己很幸运;幸运的中了。
    considered himself lucky that the tornado missed his house; a lucky guess.
  • 刚才我看见谁了?玛西娅
    Guess who I've just seen? Marcia! You know Jim's ex-wife!
  • 不要仅仅因为她不符合你狭隘的美丽定义就把她排除在外。
    Someone simply because she doesn't fit within your narrow margins of beauty.
  • 怎么着?约翰结婚了。
    Guess what? john's get marry.