  • 只有向顽固采取这种强硬态度和在斗争时采取有理、有利、有节的方针,才能使顽固有所畏而不敢压迫我们,才能缩小顽固防共、限共、反共的范围,才能强迫顽固承认我们的合法地位,也才能使顽固不敢轻易分裂。
    This kind of strong attitude towards the die-hards and the policy of struggling against them on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint are the only way to make the die-hards somewhat afraid of repressing us, to reduce the scope of their activities in containing, restricting and combating the Communist Party, to force them to recognize our legal status, and to make them think twice before causing a split.
  • 在另一次巧妙策划的战略中,英国了一位与蒙哥马利长相十分相似的低级上尉,作了一趟地中海战场之行。
    In yet another strategic sleight of hand, the British sent a lowly captain, who bore a strong resemblance to Montgomery, on a tour of the Mediterranean theatre of war.
  • 布尔什维克俄国社会民主工人党占多数的左翼成员,该党于1903年接受了列宁建党理论
    A member of the left-wing majority group of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that adopted Lenin's theses on party organization in1903.
  • 在一九九七年,民安队继续调队内40名队员和8名常额职员合力管理新秀越南难民离港中心的日常事务(该中心专供容纳已获外国收容的越南难民)。
    During 1997, it continued to manage the New Horizons Vietnamese Refugee Departure Centre (for Vietnamese refugees accepted for resettlement overseas). The CAS deployed 40 members and eight permanent staff to manage the centre on a daily basis.
  • 领事由政府委居住在外国,代表其国家政府的商业利益并帮助那里的本国公民的一种官员
    An official appointed by a government to reside in a foreign country and represent his or her government's commercial interests and assist its citizens there.
  • 类此,那些江湖的人,当他们预先答应了很重大的事迹而很可耻地失败了的时候,依然(假如他们有完全的勇气的话)会把这种失败轻轻放过,并且转而之他,再不一顾。
    So these men, when they have promised great matters, and failed most shamefully, (yet if they have the perfection of boldness ) they will but slight it over, and make a turn, and no more ado.
  • 监督住宅用途或商业用途的地域分区的委员会。
    a commission delegated to supervise the zoning of areas for residential or commercial use.
  • “三要三不要”中讲团结,反对分裂,与延安整风时反对宗主义是一个精神。
    The admonition contained in the "three dos and three don'ts" to promote unity and oppose splits is in the same spirit as the call for combating sectarianism during the Yan'an rectification movement.
  • 这种平等的权利包括入学、升学、毕业分配、授予学位、出留学等各个方面,以及妇女从事科学技术研究和文学艺术创作等。
    These cover school admittance, advancement to higher levels of schooling, job assignment after graduation, conferment of academic degrees and being dispatched for study abroad, plus women's rights to engage in scientific and technological research and literary and artistic creation.
  • 不过,各个抗日党和抗日人民,至今尚少注意这一方面。
    So far, however, the political parties and the masses who are resisting Japan have given this possibility little attention.
  • 坚决地抵抗敌人;面对坚定的反对;坚定的不动摇的信念。
    stood resolute against the enemy; faced with a resolute opposition; a resolute and unshakeable faith.
  • (3)我们对顽固作坚决的斗争,并能一步一步地取得胜利。
    and (3) that we are resolute in our struggle against the die-hards and steadily win victories.
  • 对于顽固的军事进攻,必须坚决、彻底、干净、全部地消灭之。
    The military attacks of the die-hards must be smashed-resolutely, thoroughly, wholly and completely.
  • 高尚的,正的有好性格或声誉的;可尊敬的
    Of good character and reputation; respectable.
  • 爱玛劝她与马丁一家人断绝来往。马丁家是正的农夫,虽有一定财产,但不属上流社会。
    She encouraged her to give up her acquaintance with the Martin family, respectable farmers of some substance though of no fashion.
  • 在英国,有欧文主义者反对宪章,在法国,有傅立叶主义者反对改革
    The Owenites in England, and the Fourierists in France, respectively, oppose the Chartists and the Reformistes.
  • 委托管理人被指来接收并计算到期钱款的负责监管悬而未决的诉讼中他人的财产和资金
    A person appointed by a court administrator to take into custody the property or funds of others, pending litigation.
  • 生中产生或者使用了生的方法。
    resulting from or employing derivation.
  • 由法院指对已故人员所留房地产进行管理的女人。
    Woman appointed by a court to administer the estate of a person who have die.
  • 保护法庭委一名财产管理人管理委托人的事务。
    The court of protection appointed a receiver to administer the client's affairs.
  • 如果党的领导干部自己不严格要求自己,不遵守党纪国法,违反党的原则,闹性,搞特殊化,走后门,铺张浪费,损公利私,不与群众同甘苦,不实行吃苦在先、享受在后,不服从组织决定,不接受群众监督,甚至对批评自己的人实行打击报复,怎么能指望他们改造社会风气呢!
    If leading cadres in the Party do not set strict standards for themselves and observe Party discipline and the laws of the state, how can they be expected to help reform the standards of social conduct?How can they do so if, in violation of Party principles, they engage in factionalism, use their positions to obtain personal privileges, seize advantages through connections or influence, indulge in extravagance and waste, and seek personal gain at the expense of the public interest?How can they do so if they fail to share the joys and sorrows of the masses, refuse to be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, disobey the decisions of the Party organization and reject supervision by the masses or even retaliate against those who criticize them?
  • 苏联为了报复4年前美国的抵制,故意不代表队去美国参赛,借口说活杉矶奥运会组委会行为不当。
    The Soviet Union, in retaliation for the American boycott four years ago, elected not to send a team to the United States, citing concerns over the performance of the L.A. Olympic Organizing Committee.
  • 〔1〕一九三九年六月十二日,根据蒋介石的秘密命令,国民党第二十七集团军兵包围新四军驻湖南平江嘉义镇的通讯处,惨杀新四军参议涂正坤、八路军少校副官罗梓铭等六人。
    On June 12, 1939, acting on a secret order from Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang's 27th Group Army dispatched troops to surround the New Fourth Army Liaison Office at Pingkiang, Hunan Province, and in cold blood murdered Comrade Tu Cheng-kun, staff officer of the New Fourth Army, Comrade Lo Tzu-ming, major and adjutant of the Eighth Route Army, and four other comrades.
  • 反共顽固有一套统一论,要我们统一于分裂,统一于倒退。
    the anti-Communist die-hards have their idea of unification, they want to unify us into splitting and retrogression.
  • 有时,他们以更大的规模贷款给政府,或贷款给衣租食税的贵族。这种贷款是用交出某些地区归放债人所有或让他们指税吏收税来作担保的。这样他们就可以从税收中得到偿还。
    or, on a larger scale, they lend to the government, or to those to whom it has granted a portion of the revenue, and are indemnified by assignments on the revenue collectors, or by having certain districts put into their possession, that they may pay themselves from the revenues;
  • 他去年加入了那个党
    He gave in his adhesion to the Party last year.
  • 索齐尼的信徒;反对救世主神学、三位一体和原罪感的基督信徒;影响了一神论神学的发展。
    an adherent of the teachings of Socinus; a Christian who rejects the divinity of Christ and the Trinity and original sin; influenced the development of Unitarian theology.
  • 基督教唯一神教的教徒
    An adherent of Unitarian Universalism.
  • 对某一党别简单的依附。
    a narrow-minded adherence to a particular sect or party or denomination.
  • ,(死板的)形式主义对官方规定、形式和过程的死板地坚持
    Rigid adherence to official regulations, forms, and procedures.
  • 哈菲兹波斯诗人,其诗多为押韵华美的两行诗体,其中许多描写爱情,美酒和大自然,苏菲穆斯林因循传统地对它们作了寓言式阐释
    Persian poet whose sensuous rhyming couplets, many of which concern love, wine, and nature, are traditionally interpreted allegorically by Sufic Moslems.
  • 他加入了那个党派。
    He gave in his adherence to the Party.