  • 鄰居們廚藝都不錯,令人回味無窮的有那荷蘭血統的亞裔人用粗面粉烘製的香噴噴的大蛋糕、有馬來鄰居親手烘製的開齋節糕點、有淡米爾族鄰居在屠妖節做的精美點心,還有一個葡萄牙血統的亞裔人烘製的漂亮又別緻的生日蛋糕。
    It was richly multi-cultural, our families aligned in our terrace houses in this colourful sequence-Dutch Eurasians with pink Honolulu's and grest semolina cake, Malays with great Hari Raya food platters, Tamils with equally great Deepavali platters, and then, a Portuguese Eurasian family with the most beautifully decorated iced birthday cakes.
  • 麝貓産於洲的麝貓屬食肉哺乳動物,具有灰色或黃色的皮毛、黑色斑點和一條長而成圈狀的尾巴
    Any of several Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Genetta, having grayish or yellowish fur with dark spots and a long, ringed tail.
  • 得爾瑞美國得剋薩斯西南部的一座城市,位於聖安東尼奧西部的格蘭德河上,建於1868年,是這一農業區的商業和航運業中心。人口30,705
    A city of southwest Texas on the Rio Grande west of San Antonio. Founded in1868, it is a market and shipping center in an agricultural region. Population,30, 705.
  • 封建的洲發展成了商業和製造業的洲。
    and feudal Europe ripened into commercial and manufacturing Europe.
  • 他在家庭教師的陪伴下被送往洲大陸深造,經受鍛煉多年。
    He was sent with a bear leader to the continent for years to be ripened.
  • 類似於斜齒鯿的洲淡水魚。
    European freshwater fish resembling the roach.
  • 亞多年生燕麥狀低質草,多見於路邊,草地和幹草場;作為草料引入美國。
    coarse perennial Eurasian oatlike grass found on roadside verges and rough grassland and in hay meadows; introduced in North America for forage.
  • 洲一年生草,在荒地尤其是路邊和灌木樹籬常見的一種雜草。
    European annual grass often found as a weed in waste ground especially along roadsides and hedgerows.
  • 有喇叭狀紫紅色大花和有毒種子的洲一年生植物;良田和路邊的雜草;美洲已經引種。
    European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways; naturalized in America.
  • 落花生一種産於亞或北非的植物(裸露明黨參),其塊根燒烤後可食用
    A Eurasian and northern African plant(Conopodium denudatum) having tuberous roots that are edible when roasted.
  • 胸部和尾部羽毛略帶紅色的亞大陸歌鳥;與東半球的知更鳥近緣。
    European songbird with a reddish breast and tail; related to Old World robins.
  • 洲堅實的四季生竜膽,有叢生的、黃色的花。
    robust European perennial having clusters of yellow flowers.
  • 已經滅絶的身體強壯的人,生活在舊石器時代中期的洲和西亞。
    extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia.
  • 騎摩托車跳搖擺舞著名的洲人葛頓.白求恩;
    And Continental's motorcycle-riding rock and roller, Gordon Bethune.
  • 紅褐色北部的藍緑色普通洲鷂。
    common European blue-and-green roller with a reddish-brown back.
  • 這裏衹要考察一下洲基督教建築藝術—東方偉大營造藝術的妹妹,那便一目瞭然,它像一個廣大的生成層,分成三個既分明又重疊的晶帶:羅曼帶,峨特帶,文藝復興帶——我們寧可稱之為希臘—羅馬帶。
    Not to consider here anything except the Christian architecture of Europe, that younger sister of the great masonries of the Orient, it appears to the eyes as an immense formation divided into three well-defined zones, which are superposed,the one upon the other: the Romanesque zone*, the Gothic zone, the zone of the Renaissance, which we would gladly call the Greco-Roman zone.
  • 華國鋒同志訪問了朝鮮、羅馬訪問了洲四國;
    Comrade Hua Guofeng has visited Korea, Romania, Yugoslavia and four other European countries.
  • 奧匈帝國原洲中部的雙重獨裁帝國,包括奧地利、匈牙利、波希尼亞、及波蘭、羅馬尼亞、南斯拉夫及意大利的一部分。經匈牙利民族主義者在奧地利帝國內部煽動後於1867年建立,延續至1918年
    A former dual monarchy of central Europe consisting of Austria, Hungary, Bohemia, and parts of Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Italy. It was formed in1867 after agitation by Hungarian nationalists within the Austrian empire and lasted until1918.
  • 多瑙河洲中部的一條河流,發源於德國的西南部,全長約2,848公裏(1,770英裏)嚮東南流經奧地利、匈牙利、南斯拉夫和羅馬尼亞,註入黑海。從中世紀起一直是主要的商業路綫
    A river of south-central Europe rising in southwest Germany and flowing about2, 848 km(1, 770 mi) southeast through Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Romania to the Black Sea. It has been a major trade route since the Middle Ages.
  • 多瑙河發源於德國,流經洲中部的9個國傢,在羅馬尼亞匯入大海。
    Crossing 9 nations in the center of Europe from its German source to its Romanian mouth, flows the Danube river.
  • 基什尼奧夫蘇聯洲部分西南部一城市,靠近羅馬尼亞邊境,位於敖德薩西北。它於15世紀早期建立成為一個修道院中心。它是摩爾達維亞首府。人口624,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. near the Romanian border northwest of Odessa. Founded as a monastery center in the early15th century, it is the capital of Moldavia. Population,624, 000.
  • 古羅馬人在整個洲建立了殖民地.
    The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe.
  • 羅馬人希望把洲所有的部落都變成文明社會。
    The Romans hoped to civilize all the tribes of Europe.
  • 坎斯帕尼亞區的說斯幹語並且和古羅馬人不斷發生衝突的遠古民族的人。
    an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans.
  • 路吉,(瑪麗亞)路易戈·卡洛·芝諾比·薩爾瓦托1760-1842意大利作麯傢,作有包括二日(1800年)在內的29部歌劇,為音樂從古典主義過渡浪漫主義作出了貢獻
    Italian composer whose29 operas, including Les Deux Journ閑s(1800), helped form the transition in music from classicism to romanticism.
  • 是莎士比亞的《羅米與朱麗葉》。
    Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet".
  • 在那戲裏他通常演羅密
    He usually plays Romeo in that play.
  • 誰是《羅密與朱麗葉》的作者?
    Who is the author of Romeo and Juliet?
  • 我讀過的兩篇莎士比亞劇是《羅米》與《朱麗葉》。
    The two shakespearean plays I read are romeo and juliet.
  • 男主角是金斯利。他演羅密
    The main actor is Kingsley. He plays the part of Romeo.
  • 在跟那羅密約會後,她的脖子上滿布吻痕。
    Her neck is covered with zits after her date with that Romeo.
  • 據我看來象是一個中國的《羅密和朱麗葉》。
    It sounds like a Chinese story of "Romeo and Juliet", I should say.