  • 作为科幻小说的一种类型一而不是只对未来做刻板如实的预言一德莱克斯勒有关纳米技术的作品对激发青少年对宇宙的兴趣方面可与电影“球大战”相媲美,有异曲同工之妙。这种强烈的热情有时会使青少年选择以航空或天体物理学为自己的终身职业。
    As a subgenre of science fiction-rather than a literal prediction of the future-books about Drexlerian nanotechnology may serve the same function as Star Trek does in stimulating a teenager's interest in space, a passion that sometimes leads to a career in aeronautics or astrophysics.
  • 前著名影、反越战斗士、有氧运动表率简·方达最近为她的热情和金钱找到了一个新的用武之地——打破人们对不同性别孩子的成见。
    Jane Fonda, former film star, anti war militant and aerobics guru, has found a new outlet for her passions and her cash breaking down the stereotypes that divide boys and girls.
  • 比如说,如果你和某位朋友每个期都要去做一次健美操,那么就安排同一天去。
    For instance, if you both go for a weekly aerobics, go on the same day.
  • 政府已为管理期天货物销售提出一项新法律。
    The government has proposed a new law to regulate the sale of goods on Sunday.
  • 狮子()座北半球的一个座,位于巨蟹座和处女座附近,包括两颗明亮的:轩辕十四和天津四
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.
  • 卡琳那个期彩排的时候一直醉得不省人事
    Carlin was so out of it at rehearsal that week
  • 卡琳那个期彩排的时候一直醉得不省人事。
    Carlin has been so out of it at rehearsal that week.
  • 我小心地下楼,到了后厨房,那儿有一火苗,拨拢在一起,使我点着了蜡烛。
    I descended cautiously to the lower regions, and landed in the back kitchen, where a gleam of fire, raked compactly together, enabled me to rekindle my candle.
  • 他酒戒了两三个期,可是现在故态复萌。
    He kept off drink for a few weeks, but now he has relapsed.
  • 爱丁顿,阿瑟·斯坦利1882-1944英国数学家、天文学家和物理学家,相对论的早期拥护者,在体演化、结构和运动方面有很深研究
    British mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was an early exponent of the theory of relativity and conducted research on the evolution, structure, and motion of stars.
  • 跟踪和数据中继卫星
    tracking and data relay satellite
  • 死神往往是解除痛苦的救
    Death is often a welcome release from pain.
  • 王平:从积极意义上讲,明广告有它存在的合理性。
    Wang Ping: Positively speaking, star advertisement has its ratio-nality of existence.
  • 期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。
    It has many advertisements and many different sections.
  • 杰夫:像乔丹那样的明,一年的广告收入不小于9位数。
    Jeff: A star like Jordan, one year's income from the advertise-ment is no less than 9 figures.
  • 文斯已下令期三召开会议,讨论是撤回广告、重新策划广告还是坚持下去。
    Vince has called a meeting for Wednesday to discuss whether to pull the ads and remake the ad campaign entirely or to stick with it.
  • 我想我们可以在这儿计划呆到期三。
    I think we can plan on remaining here until Wednesday.
  • 被告还押候审一星期.
    The accused was remanded in custody for a week.
  • 那个被告被关1期以待取得更多的证据。
    The accused person was remanded for a week while more evidence was obtained.
  • 14至20岁的青少年经裁定触犯可判监禁的罪名后,得被还押不超过3期,以便审定他们是否适宜进入教导所;如属男性,或进入劳教中心。
    Young persons aged between 14 and 20, who are convicted of an offence punishable by imprisonment, may be remanded in custody for a period not exceeding three weeks for assessment of their suitability for admission to a training centre or, for males, a detention centre.
  • 提醒他这会期五开。
    Remind him that the meeting is on friday.
  • sunpictures可谓是座电影史的殿堂,它还不断提醒人们,空调和地毯根本无法与新鲜的空气和草坪相比--即使有时候一些蜥蜴会和明们抢镜头。
    Sun Pictures is a shrine to movie history and a reminder that air conditioning and carpet are no match for grass and fresh air - even when the lizards steal the scene.
  • 在国外的新加坡义工,花三个期或更多时间努力向他人证明,新加坡人也能够关怀他人,并不只是如一般人所说,有效率、勤劳但缺乏优雅行为,却可能因为我们在三分钟里的言谈举止,完全被否定。这一点,我们需要时常提醒自己。
    Statistically, I may be far from reality, but it helps by putting things in perspective. We could take as a reminder that three seconds of what we say and how we behave can wipe out what the volunteer has taken three weeks or more to communicate - that Singaporeans can be something else other than efficient, hardworking but ungracious.
  • 如果一颗有如此大的质量、甚至更大质量的恒发生超新爆炸,它会在燃烧后留下质量相当大的一些恒残留物。
    If a star that massive or larger undergoes a supernova explosion, it may leave behind a fairly massive burned out stellar remnant.
  • 遥感卫星地面站
    remote sensing satellite ground station
  • 际旅行是一种遥远的可能。
    I-travel is a remote possibility.
  • 房租下期就该付了。
    The rent falls due next week.
  • 接下来,这个小组希望在2006年发射一颗名为astro(自主空间运输机器人操作)的小卫,在运行轨道的指定地点与nextsat会合,验证这两颗卫可以对接。
    Then,by2006,this team hopes to launch a smaller satellite,called ASTRO(short for Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operation),to rendezvous with NextSat in orbit and prove that the two satellites can dock.
  • 没有这种手段,想寻觅其它行上的智力生命,将如同在没有事先约定地点的情况下,而且想以荒唐地逛大街的办法以期偶然碰巧在伦敦遇见一位友人一样。
    Without something of this kind, searching for intelligence on other planets would be like trying to meet a friend in London without a pre-arranged rendezvous and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter.
  • 在她12岁时引起了经纪人reneangelil的兴趣。他坚信席琳会变为一颗闪亮的明
    When she was 12, she was found by Rene Angelil and he believed that Celine would become a bright star.
  • 我想再续借一个期。
    I'd like to renew it for one more week.
  • 我想把这本书再续借一个期。
    I'd like to renew the book for another week.